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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Wow, SC3's intro was a total letdown after T5's. The whole presentation is kind of meh.
  2. Jer

    Your personal killer apps

    NES - Everyone had one and I'd have gotten one anyway, but the game that compelled me the most was Dragon Warrior. Genesis - Sonic 2. SNES - FF6 (I got it late). PS1 - The promise of FF7. Dreamcast - Soul Calibur. PS2 - I'd have gotten one anyway, but Tekken Tag was the launch game I needed. And the promise of MGS2. X-Box - Panzer Dragoon Saga.
  3. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    SC3 not being online doesn't bother me. Until it's actually possible to make fighters play the way they're supposed to online, not having online is no big loss. I think SC3 will be a worse game but sell better than T5. It's getting more hype, at least. T5 got a ton of hype for the arcade release, but the console release was way too rushed with way too little hype. I'm so not ready for the next gen systems. I don't know if I'd ever be. This gen just seems totally fine to me, and everything I've seen so far from next gen systems could be done on this gen just without as pretty graphics. Yawn. But I might get an X-Box 360 anyway if DoA4 turns out well. It sounds like they're actually trying to make it into a decent fighter.
  4. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah I think all the Namco arcades have been trying to run little 5.1 tournies, but most arcades don't have anywhere near enough players to support one. But I won a bunch of tokens and a t-shirt, so I guess that's cool. What would be really cool is full blown regionals and nationals for DR, but Jason Arney hates the Tekken community now so it seems unlikely.
  5. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah agreed. Toning down SNBF was fine, but randomly toning down other non-broken stuff to make the whole cast weaker was just silly. My favorite bit of stupidity was making Marduk's d+4 minus frames on hit. I mean, huh? Was it broken before? Were people whining about Marduk's dominance? What possibly could have inspired them to make a change like that? Still, I'd have preferred 5.1 overall if it wasn't for the oki. The balance is admittedly better. The oki is just dumb, though. The complex oki was part of Tekken's charm. When you got knocked down you really had to think about what to do. Now that you can just hold back whenever you fall down and get up safe, the oki is as mindless as it is in Soul Calibur. Blah.
  6. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm pretty worried. I hope for the best, but they're making some changes that could have a significant impact on balance and then not giving the game any chance to be tested by high level players. Hopefully they'll get lucky. If not, it'll be fun for a few months and then DR will come out.
  7. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    SC2 wasn't exactly earth shattering either, if you're just talking innovation. From what I've read it seems like there's going to be more gameplay differences (for better or worse) between SC2 and SC3 than between SC and SC2. The time between releases isn't really all that short, either. Arcade SC2 came out in Summer 2002. It's been more than three years.
  8. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Wow, one week til Soul Calibur 3 and no one cares. So different than SC2. I guess people really did just care about silly exclusive characters and not about the game itself. No surprise really. I kinda miss the hype though. And all those arguments about what version to get.
  9. Jer

    All Things Katamari Thread

    You can import KD data into WLK? I didn't know that. What does it do? I love WLK. There's a lot more variety in the level design than in the orginal, so it doesn't feel like you're playing the same stage over and over again. The control's a lot better; you don't get stucky nearly as often. And I love the soundtrack. It's not getting much love compared to the original's, but I think it's about as good. Everlasting Love is hella catchy.
  10. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Those same Nintendo and Square fanboys said that Knuckles is better than Magus, so they're just worthless. I <3 Katamari is too fun.
  11. If it's a fighter, I just mumble to myself about how stupid I am if I did something stupid, then play again. If it's a sports game and I'm playing against one of those lame come-from-behind AIs that make all their shots or complete all their passes when they're behind and beat you by one point, I yell and throw the controller, haha. But I don't play one player games much anymore.
  12. Jer

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    I enjoyed playing Crash 2 and Crash 3 more than Mario 64. They were less ambitious but more fun, imo. I really liked both of them, and I'm very disappointed that there was never a decent PS2 sequel. I never really got Dreamcast's appeal, shrug.
  13. Jer

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    Heh I rented MoTK once out of curiousity, and it was pretty bad. Even at the time I remember thinking it was shallow and boring, and that's back when games like Star Gladiators impressed me. I can't even imagine how bad it would seem today. Kind of on a random note, has anyone played Tobal 2? I've been thinking about trying to get a copy, but I'm curious if it's actually as good as it's hyped up to be.
  14. Jer

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    Yay! It's my favorite console ever, but man, some of the games look hideous today.
  15. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    SC3 comes out October 25th. Right around the corner. I'm already searching for GameStops that are gonna run scrub tournies for store credit. So in the Tekken story, how did they justify all the people coming back in T5 that weren't in T3? Were they all just "missing" for 25 years?
  16. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'll like T5:DR more, anyway. VF is too dry. I'm really looking forward to SC3, now that it's coming out so soon.
  17. Jer

    Somebody call the WAA WAA WAAMBULANCE!

    Nintendo isn't going anywhere in the handheld market, but comparing PSP to Sega's and Nokia's efforts isn't right either. I mean, isn't PSP already the market leader in the US (compared to DS) even though DS has had a Christmas season and PSP hasn't? Pretty impressive given that it's Sony's first shot at the handheld market.
  18. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I think I saw you post a couple times on the Soul Calibur 3 boards over there, wasn't sure if that was you or not. Neat. Those boards are so worthless though, heh. Omg new characters in T5.2! The angry guy looks kinda cool.
  19. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection is intriguing, especially if there's a new character. Tekken 5.0 is better than Tekken 5.1. Simplified oki is bad.
  20. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Evo's results were really random this year, wow.
  21. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Let's go for a burger.... Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! How many continues does it take you to beat that game? I could never beat the first level as a kid.
  22. Jer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That's a lot of cabinets. Did I see Bad Dudes in there? That's awesome. My only cabinet is still at my old apartment. I don't have any easy way of moving it.
  23. Jer

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    Heh, you can't make yourself not take nostalgia into account just by saying so. People that gush over FF4 are all people that played it back in 1991, so obviously nostalgia has something to do with it or people that played it recently would have the same love. I can't say how much I would have liked it in 1991. I can say that I enjoyed DW3 more when I played them both in like 1996, and DW3 came out about the same time. Shrug. I tried to play the remake, but I couldn't sit through it. Everything felt so primitive, especially the ATB. I dunno, maybe I'll try again sometime. The dialogue was admittedly a lot better from what I saw.
  24. Jer

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    Agreed. FF4 apparently doesn't have the same impact unless you played it back in like 1991. I played it after FF6 and CT and it just felt old and boring with flat characters and a predictable plot. I really think nostalgia is the only reason it's even on these lists at all.
  25. Jer

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    I don't like it when they use historical impact as a criteria, especially when it's used inconsistantly (SMB is #1, so where the hell is the original Legend of Zelda?) . Just rate the games on quality, I say. FF 4 remains ridiculously overrated. Not as bad as their last list though, where it was top 10, ahead of Chrono Trigger, and they said something about it having "the most compelling characters since Shakespeare" or some nonsense. And obviously their fighter rankings suck, but that's always true.