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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Jer

    New Virtua Fighter and HotD to appear on

    It's kind of weird that Sega won't release VF5 on consoles given how well VF4 did. Even in the US it sold the 400K to be a greatest hit, which is pretty good for a fighter recently. That's too bad, I always like playing good fighters, and there'll be no way to play VF5 now since it sure as hell won't show up in US arcades. Heh who knows, they might still go on about it and it's amazing 'depth'. People still talk about how awesome Tobal 2 was, and I'm sure most of them never played it.
  2. Jer

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    Maybe they have no confidence that the Revolution will sell enough for it to be worth their time to port games to it. This is nothing new; a bunch of third parties ported games to PS2 and X-Box but not GC, because ports to GC almost never sold (unless they whored out Link). Get used to this, it's gonna happen a lot.
  3. Jer


    Hugo Weaving can't be anything except for Agent Smith. He felt really miscast as Elrond just because Elrond is so not Agent Smith, heh.
  4. Very cool trailer, sounds awesome, but it's way too far... Nice to see T5 getting some love in the 2D tournies. How's the challenge going to work? 5 on 5 for each game, or one representative per team for each game? Sounds fun, hopefully there'll be videos.
  5. Jer

    Krazyness of Ken Kutaragi

    Eh, it's just a guy shilling his products. The X-Box 360 vs PS3 quotes are especially tame. Like "Xbox 360 is more of an Xbox 1.5 than a next generation console". That's so KRAZY~! that tons of random people were saying it on message boards after the MTV special. The PSP square button thing was admittedly a little over the top, but really, that's about it. Plus the article kind of lost me when it said the PS2 was "woefully underpowered compared to its rivals". From there the whole thing felt kind of fanboyish.
  6. Jer

    Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter

    Neat. The combos were really cool. Moonlit Wilderness music is always cool. The slowdown was pretty annoying though. Not a bad effect, but used too much.
  7. Jer

    TSM's Top 30 Games!

    I'd certainly be curious. And I agree, I think the list came out pretty well. I don't personally like all the games on it, but I can certainly understand their appeal or historical impact.
  8. Jer

    TSM's Top 30 Games!

    Me and Anya were whining about Tekken 5 not making the list. It ended up 31st and lost the tiebreaker to GTA 3. But it's not like I have a problem with GTA 3, it just happened to be the game that beat out T5 by the tiebreaker. Heh the person who voted for T4 should have voted for T5, then it'd have been on the list.
  9. Jer

    TSM's Top 30 Games!

    Agreed, it'd be cool to see the list go to like 50.
  10. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    My AIM name is Magifungus. I should be on starting around 6pm tomorrow.
  11. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Boo please don't post the lists, it'll be more fun tomorrow if they're a surprise. So how does tomorrow work, should I just be online at 7pm and wait for someone to message me with details?
  12. Jer

    DoA4 screenshots

    The backgrounds look amazing. As always, that's Tecmo's biggest strength. As far as the character models... I still like T5's better. I didn't like Tecmo's concepts as much before, and I still don't. And really, they don't look a whole lot different than the models in DOA2U. I guess maybe a little more detail in the costumes and hair, but that's about it. Maybe it'll look a lot better than this generation's games in motion. We'll see. If not, it's kinda disappointing. Not that it doesn't look good, but if this is all the difference there is between this gen and next gen, it's not much to get worked up about.
  13. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    List done and sent.
  14. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Eh, AIM is the only IM program I use. List is almost done, I'll get it in tonight.
  15. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    About the DDR question - I think you need to list the specific mix. It's no problem for me, though. I'm just listing DDR Extreme in the arcade. With 250 songs including almost everything that matters, it's far and away the best DDR mix ever.
  16. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Suikoden 2 will be on my list. No Zelda game will be, though. I certainly understand why the series has appeal, but I don't particularly like playing action RPGs. Artistically brilliant games that I don't enjoy playing won't make my list.
  17. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    I think remakes should probably be allowed if they really substantively change the gameplay, and don't just add extra modes or something. SF3 Third Strike needs to be allowed; it's a much different and much better game than the original SF3, and is one of the best fighters ever. Otoh, something like MGS2 Substance that just adds some silly extras probably shouldn't be. It's hard to know exactly where the line should be, though. I'll be at a T5 tourney this Saturday so I can't do it then, any other day is fine.
  18. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Sounds good. I could definitely get it done in a week or so. Edit: Is this American release console only, or are computer, arcade and import games fair game too?
  19. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Sounds fun, I'd do it if I'm wanted, heh.
  20. Jer

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Heh the fan vote IGN list is just hilariously bad. SNK vs Capcom? Hahaha yeah, okay. I mean, that game isn't just undeserving, it's flat-out bad. A TSM top 30 list could be fun.
  21. Jer

    Worst song ever?

    Mambo No. 5 by Lou Bega. Ugh, can't stand it.
  22. Jer

    Soul Calibur III

    Toshinden was badass. I loved Master, especially when you could map special moves to buttons so that you could press R1 once and have her shoot like 10 swords at you. Hotness. SC3 needs stuff like that. And fatalities.
  23. Jer

    Soul Calibur III

    Eek no arcade release and I'm assuming no public beta. This makes me very worried. Hopefully it'll turn out okay. I've heard people saying there'll be destructable environments and multi-tiered levels. Bleh. I don't like gimmicks. If I wanted that kind of crap, I'd play DoA. I do like the character concepts, though. The scythe guy has a cool look, and he could have a neat moveset if he's not too similar to Asta or Kilik. The girl with the ring has a lot of potential for a fun moveset too.
  24. Jer

    That sound you hear is the PS2 screeching

    The judge granted a stay on the ruling pending appeal, so nothing's going to happen for awhile. I'd be stunned if PS2 production actually stops even temporarily because of this, but you never know. I doubt anyone even expected it to get this far.