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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Jer

    Who Do You Use?

    Mitsu and Xianghua are my mains. I like Mitsu because he's an aggressive rushdown character with great cancels and stances for fun mindgames. He's by far my favorite character to play. I use X because she's too good. She's not much fun, although I do enjoy some of the 6B+K cancel and 3B mindgames, but she's good for winning in tourneys. I'm using her less recently though, because everyone hates her. I also use Taki, Cervy and Kilik, and I've started working on Nightmare and Asta. For some reason I'm actually really enjoying playing as the power characters in SC2. Weird, I've never liked characters like that in other fighters.
  2. Jer

    Soul Calibur II

    The GameCube version got the most preorders. We're going to have to wait until TRSTS releases August numbers (mid September) to see what actually sold the most the first week.
  3. Jer

    Soul Calibur II

    If you're going to get a stick, I'd really recommend an Hori. I prefer Japanese sticks to American sticks, but even if you have no preference, Horis are just higher quality. You'll have to import, but you can get them pretty cheap ($40 for the official SC2 ones) from playasia.com.
  4. Wow, lots of people being way too generous with the stars tonight. La Res/Duds = * Taker/Train = * Shane/Bischoff = DUD (But Coach was admittedly extremely funny) Fatal Four Way = ***1/2 Brock/Angle = ***3/4 RVD/Kane = *1/2 E-Chamber = *** La Res/Duds and Taker/Train were no better than the average TV match, and that doesn't cut it for me on a PPV. RVD/Kane was a huge disappointment. It was long, boring, and had that horrible blown spot, and really not much to redeem it except a kind of cool ending. The four way and Brock/Angle were good, but the four way should have been given more time and Brock/Angle didn't feel as special as their WM match. They didn't really do anything. It was hot and well paced, but there weren't any particularly memorable spots (except the blown one, heh). I liked the EC more than I thought I would, and found myself marking out pretty hard for Goldberg's dominance, but I really didn't like the ending. It reeked of WCW, with HHH doing literally no work and walking away with the title. Very annoying. Overall, thumbs in the middle, but it was disappointing. The four way and Brock/Angle definitely should have been better than they were.
  5. Jer

    Soul Calibur II

    Meh was gonna stay out of this because it's been done sooo much before, but this post kind of annoyed me, shrug. It always seems like it's the GCN people that get the most worked up over this, at least in the previous threads. I'll say that I'm buying the PS2 version because I prefer the controller and don't care about Link, and I'll be jumped on from people defending the controller and saying stuff like "you're not a true gamer if you don't like Link". It seems to almost always be the case that the GCN supporters are the ones throwing the "fanboy" word around. GCN owners are often really, really defensive about their system. You said this in the last thread, and I replied in the last thread that me and my friends enjoy being good at fighting games. We like holding and travelling to tournies to play SC2. You, having admittedly never been good at a fighting game, would have no idea if it was fun or not, neh. Besides, no one even said that. I know for a fact that EricMM is horrible at SC2. I didn't see anyone "going crazy", they just gave logical arguments for why the GCN controller was ill suited to play SC2, arguments that haven't really been refuted. Coming up with ways to configure the controller to get around its problems doesn't mean that the problems aren't there. But if you have "MAD SKILLZ" (which no one even said) at SC2, you're more suited to determine what controller is suited for it than someone who's just toyed around with the demo. That seems pretty obvious to me. She only said she was good at MK:DA, and yes, being good at MK:DA, she's more qualified to say whether the controller works well for the game. I personally don't like the GCN controller mainly because the D-Pad is too small and misplaced. Any decent fighting game player will tell you that if you're playing on pads, you use the D-Pad, and the GCN's D-Pad is horrible.
  6. Jer

    Soul Calibur II

    Button mashers aren't hard to beat, they're just boring to play. You can't use any psychology against them because they don't pay enough attention to the game to fall for it, so you have to just play a spacing game and counterattack with safe moves. It's repetitive and boring, so that's why I think button mashers make the game unfun.
  7. Jer

    Soul Calibur II

    PS2, meh. Woo one week. Hopefully they didn't nerf Mitsu's kB2.
  8. Jer

    Partial songlist for DDR Max 2

    Yeah the number of songs is probably going to be about the same as it was in DDR Max. This songlist looks stronger than the DDR Max songlist. A lot of good 6th mix arcade stuff that really should have been in DDR Max is in here, so that's cool. I was pretty upset about So Deep being left out of Max. Days Go By is a good choice for an American original. Hopefully it'll have better steps than Sandstorm did.