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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    These stories don't mean anything, since we won't know anything until we actually get NPD numbers. For all we know, there are more PS3s left in stores than Wiis because there are more PS3s being shipped to stores than Wiis. And hell, we don't even really know there are even more PS3s left in stores than Wiis. All we really know is that people that see PS3s left in stores are more likely to take a picture of it so they can gloat on the internet. That said, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Wii does sell better than PS3 in January. But until we know, we should all just shut up about it, heh. And on a much more important note, American DR got delayed?! Grr!
  2. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    You'd hope not many, but I never would have thought pictures of PS3s on shelves would cause a frenzy either. Eric's all over this, so excited he can barely keep his hands steady as he begins his post about how this proves everything he's been saying.
  3. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Warhawk... haha. Yes, clearly the delay/cancellation of Warhawk spells DOOM FOR SONY!!!
  4. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Disagreed! Ha! You won't know whether units are moving or not until we actually get January's numbers. Random bits of anecdotal evidence are just as useless here as they are when people think that since their PS2 broke, all PS2s obviously break. January's NPD numbers are going to be very interesting. I don't think you can really say the PS3 is overpriced given that the cost of the technology is high enough that Sony's losing money on every system sold, and that a PS3 is selling for less than the average standalone BluRay player. It's not like there's a markup. You can say it's not worth $600 to you, and I'm sure most people here would agree with that, but that's about it.
  5. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Economics of scale should result in a big reduction of cost to Sony, though, especially since so much of the cost is coming from BluRay. If it's anything like it was with DVD players, the cost of BluRay technology should drop pretty dramatically in the next couple years, which should bring down the cost to produce PS3s. I don't the situation is as bleak as most people seem to; I wouldn't be surprised if Sony gave us at least a little price cut in 2007 toward the end of the year. Mole, there is no way the Wii is going to get even close to the PS2's numbers. The PS2 had about 60% of the American market last generation, there's no indication that any of the new systems are going to be anywhere near that dominant. That vgcharts.org site is awesome. Accurate hardware and software numbers through time, all in one place. That's so nice, that stuff was so hard to get before.
  6. Jer


    Yeah, it's interesting to see the December sales, but we're not really going to get an idea of how much demand there actually is for the new systems until Sony and Nintendo get caught up and can actually supply systems to everyone who wants them. The sales number that jumped out at me was Guitar Hero 2. 1.3 million copies?! More than FF12 for the year?! Holy shit. I had no idea it was that mainstream.
  7. Jer

    Xbox 360

    Microsoft didn't meet the demand last year with 360 either; hell it was all the profit people made last year scalping 360s on eBay that created this year's PS3 eBay craze. No company has met demand the first Christmas after launch in forever; why is this news?
  8. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    If you're almost willing to buy a PS3 to play VF5, you should be more than willing to buy a PS3 to play T5:DR.
  9. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Oh wow, that not only sounds really good, it also sounds like it'll be a lot of fun just to experiment with to create new mindgames. And it's just the same execution as normal, no special timing, just spacing? Can't wait for console DR so I can mess around with it. Sucks there's no practice mode, though. Sounds like it'll be hard to practice on a computer doing stupid shit people would never do.
  10. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    . No, but I'd like to. I was wondering how Slips kept hitting people with both hits. That sounds really good, like her best low. Oh okay. The guy I lost to told me I should be using f+3~1 to knock him out of it, but if hopkick works that's much higher reward since you don't even get a followup after f+3~1 anymore. Yeah I ate tons of d/b+1+2. He'd just throw it out after blocked elbows and I'd throw out some high (I think just 1,2) or something linear and lose lots of life.
  11. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    New Guy: Hey Jer how do I use Paul? Jer: Well, his best move is probably qcf and 2. Oh yeah, square is 1, triangle... Eric: HAHA A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS! HE'S LOOKING AT JER! *TACKLE* YEAH I'M THE TEKKEN CHAMPION~!
  12. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Hahaha. I wanted you to stop constantly tackling the people who were playing T4 for the first time because you'd make everyone quit, which they did. Poor guys are just trying to figure out the buttons and you're tackling them five times a round making it so they can't even stand up. That's almost as bad as doing multiparts on guys that don't know how to play. Oh wait, you did that too! Tekken killer!
  13. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Clash was poorly run and dragged on forever, but it was fun. The final 8 was hot because there was so much character diversity. I love that about DR; so many characters that you can win with at high level. Julia top 3, clearly the game is great! The finals were so good, I hope they get vids up quickly. Mojo's Marduk is so sexy, and it was crazy seeing him actually beat Crow, and in a great match too. I'm trash though and went 1-2, got eliminated by a Marduk, didn't know what to do about the tackles because no one I know plays Marduk. And I learned I'm even more total gutter trash at TTT. I can't play that game at all anymore. It feels so clunky and off now; I can't move right, I can't do elbow combos, it was embarrassing. That's so weird, because going back to it after T4 was never a problem.
  14. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah, guy drove from Rhode Island to Jersey to play Kuma. True dedication to the bear. It is a losing battle.
  15. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    I played T5:DR for PS3 at a tourney this weekend; seemed fine to me. Didn't notice any slowdown, even against Kuma. Blah, guess I have to get one now.
  16. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Hopefully the slowdown makes Kuma worse. That guy's been broken in every Tekken. Stop hating Eric or I won't let you play.
  17. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Aaaah that baby in Anya's avatar is scary! That has to be one of the weirdest commercials I've ever seen.
  18. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    January?! Holy shit! <3 Namco! I'm so ready to never play 5.0 again. Julia gets to be competitive again! No more random 3,1,1 beating her whole offense! Only problem with this is that I now have to get a PS3 by January. How did you find one? Am I realistically going to be able to get one at list price?
  19. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Holy shit T5:DR on PS3?! That's like the best news ever, especially now that my arcade closed. That's so awesome. I guess I'll be getting a PS3 sooner than I thought. When's it coming out?
  20. Jer

    This Week in College Football 11/30 - 12/2

    I love the BCS. Seriously, this argument every year is so much fun! If you had a playoff, you wouldn't have all this drama, and there'd be so much less to talk about. Long live the BCS! I hope we get OSU/Florida and Michigan/USC. I think Michigan is a better team than Florida, but those matchups would make for more entertaining games.
  21. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Oh come on Eric. Square? Namco maybe should go multiplatform, but why would Square want to transition franchises that are hugely popular in Japan over to a system that doesn't sell in Japan? Because The Elder Scrolls games have sold so much better than Final Fantasy? And this righteous indignation about everything Sony does is starting to get a little ridiculous. They, like Nintendo and Microsoft, are a for-profit corporation that's going to do whatever they think is necessary to make a profit. What's good for the gamers is the last thing on any of these company's minds, unless what's good for the gamers also happens to be profitable. It's not like Microsoft and Nintendo have a distinguished history of doing good for the little guys either. Especially Microsoft. I mean, people are bashing Sony for not doing good by the consumer and then supporting *Microsoft*. Uh, right.
  22. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    I was looking for it pretty regularly and didn't find one until March 2001. It released in October 2000, so I guess about five months. There was a lot more early demand for PS2, though.
  23. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah, the market is just completely flooded. There's 35,000 PS3 system auctions right now, which iirc is more than 10% of the total systems sold at launch. For sale on eBay at one time. That's just ridiculous. I'm not sure why sellers are so eager to sell. If I had a PS3, I'd wait until about December 10th, when this crazy initial sales rush dies down, the market is less flooded and you get the desperate Christmas market. Christmas demand will probably be more crazy then this early adopter demand, and it really won't start to hit until after Thanksgiving.
  24. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    So how many of the campers ended up not getting a PS3? That would suck so much, camping out in the rain for two days and getting nothing. Haha, losers. The people who are going to really get screwed over are the idiots who paid $1,500 on eBay for a pre-release receipt back when preorders first started, and now probably won't even get a system at launch because of shipment cuts. Haha, losers. And I know everyone else has said this already, but this eBay market is just nuts. There are 19534 items for sale right now in PlayStation 3 -> Systems. That's crazy. How many total PS3s were released in the US?
  25. Jer

    PlayStation 3

    Eh, more like good job Sony. It's not really Best Buy's fault that Sony's doing such a shitty job getting PS3s produced in time for launch. I wonder if any store will really know how many PS3s they're getting until they actually get the shipment in.