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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Reds and Padres both lose games they needed to win. (Wonder what happened to "Brian" up there...)
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Old School questions thread

    "They used to in WWE, but after Madusa dumped her title belt in the bin on a live Nitro, they got paranoid about it happening again and so the belt stays with someone else, usually a road agent, in between events. They can still get lost from time to time, though." There were also no guaranteed contracts back then.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    I saw BEERFEST today. I thought it was funny, with smart directing.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Who do you think TNA should Sign?

    Outside the box: I'd sign a new announcer team, a new ring announcer, and keep Cornette & Zbyszko off of television. Tenay, Penzer, Larry, and Cornette reek of 90's everyday Nitro/bad Raw and are absolutely against everything TNA claims to stand for by representing a dead era of wrestling, and they're the "never-weres" of that generation to boot. In that, Penzer was no Finkel, Tenay never worked for Vince, Larry Z is a never-was and only a legend in his own mind, and Cornette was a fill-in announcer who's last real "authority" came making shoot segments that he later claimed he was sorry he did and being the leader of the aborted NWA in 1998. Here's what people who casually watch WWE and haven't heard of TNA say when I show them a few matches, THESE ARE NOT MY THOUGHTS NECESARILY: 1) It looks like a big choreographed dance routine. 2) Jeff Jarrett is the World Champ? 3) Sting is alive? 4) Why do they YELL LOUDLY FOR EVERY MOVE? So I kind of agree with them: - Too many "old never-were" wrestlers in top spots. - Too many spots and not enough wrestling. - Horrid announcing. Basically, what announcers or respectable main draws COULD they bring in?
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Cubs...just do...something. Need a STL loss. Phils gotta stay strong in NY with the Reds/Cards both getting "lay-up" series with two sinking/sunk dog teams. If they can take 2/3 from the Mets, that'd be very good, and hopefully be the last big fight before the craptastic September teams roll up. Although if Leiber can do well tomorrow against a BAD Mets starter and Moyer can go long enough for a win, that'd be really sweet and we'd no doubt gain at least a game on someone (likely the Reds), as I don't see both teams sweeping.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Most underrated Summerslam matches of all time

    Harts/Demos 88.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WEW - Women's Extreme Wrestling PPV Taping Tonight

    "WEW has mostly just put out their DVD collections in the past" WEW airs on PPV quite regularly. So Cal Val was there, managing. There was a pWo member at ringside during the Lumberjane match.
  8. August 18, 2006 Philadelphia, PA New Alhambra Arena 8:00 pm Belltime. ____ Main Event "Tables, Ladders, and Cage Match - 4 Corners of Death & Ecstacy" Tournament Final for the WEW World Title Finalist #1 Vs. Finalist #2 ____ WEW World Tag Team Titles Team T & A - April Hunter & Talia (champions) Vs. Team Blondage - Amber O'Neill & Lollipop ____ WEW Hardcore Title Sumie Sakai Vs. ?????? ____ "Tar & Feather Match" "Pryme Tyme" Amy Lee Vs. Tai "Killer" Weed ____ Micky Knuckles Vs. Lacey ____ "Thong Match" Nurse T Vs. Jessica Blade Vs. Lauren Looselips ____ "Anything Metal is Legal - Metal Massacre" The FBI - Full Breasted Italian Angel Orsini Vs. Mercedez Martinez ____ Cool Whipped! (no idea...) _____________________________ Stipulations look interesting.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Anyone taping WWE Classics on MSG?

    Muraco/Snuka cage, WWF Champ Savage Vs. Andre 1988, Savage's MSG debut (heel, vs. jobber), Rockers/Brainbusters, Rockers/Demolition (88), Rockers/Nastys (91), Slaughter/Putski, Rude/Roberts (First to hit Finisher Wins), Flair/Hogan (91)...
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    ** 2006 WWE Televised Win-Loss Standings **

    Umaga lost by DQ to Shawn Michaels a few months ago.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Justice League of America

    I take back my Red Tornado bashing. Issue #1 was excellent and sold me on his upcoming story. But Vixen really sucks.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    Leena voiced her opinion and posted my shit and got me back on here after what had to be a record-short 2 week banning. I'm the Nikolai Volkoff to her Ted DiBiase.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Al, bro, 1 back in the loss column! More great September baseball again. Also, I like how dropping 2 of the 3 to the Wildcard leader makes the Astros "on the hunt" or whatever in the Wildcard. RIP Houston.
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    22 of the Howard's 44 Home Runs have led to tie-game situations or go aheads for the Phillies, don't forget that.
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    ROH Pure Wrestling Title and the Pure Title

    There is a strict 20 count. Each wrestler can only use the ropes to free himself from a pin attempt or submission attempt 3 times and then they won't be able to break a pin/submission with them. Kind of exposes the business, especially recently in matches with Strong/McGuiness and such where they'd all of a sudden use 6 rope breaks in a match just because it adds to the drama. The Pure Title got some steam recently with some wicked defenses but was always lame, inferior, and business-exposing.
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The ONE and ONLY comics recommendations thread

    Ultimate Spidey #99 is a big "What the Fuck?" story and could either be ultra-important for the future or (more likely) blown off shortly and irrelevant. Ult. Spidey #100 has two different covers, one a variant and one a standard wraparound, both by Bagley. Astonishing X-Men #16 is the weakest issue thus far of the Hellfire Club storyline, also with another "WTF?" moment VERRRRY similar to Spidey's, actually.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The ONE and ONLY comics recommendations thread

    I've started collecting the Essential Marvel TPBs. Any suggestions? I've got Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, The Avengers Vol. 1, and Wolverine Vol. 1. _____ I don't need ANY X-Men, as I have every issue of Uncanny/Adjectiveless except for 7 issues from the 60's. I hate the Fantastic Four. Essential Spider-Woman Vol. 1 is HUGE and looks awkward. Stories any good? Essential Ghost Rider Vol. 1 looks cool. Essential Tomb of Dracula. Tell me about this series. Moon Knight, Power Man, Iron Fist, which would be better?
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    I'd like to let my voice be heard by sending Leena a 1992 pre-SummerSlam Rick Martel-to-Sherri Martel-esque wink.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Ryan Howard's getting the NL MVP if the Phils make it to the playoffs. Speaking of which, just got home from work to see the Reds FINALLY lose. Woohoo! Go Brett Myers, give those Cubbies a beating.
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    That Pillman DVD lineup is awful.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    I declare myself eligible in the draft, and a damn fucking good pick.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Gang Wars v2.0

    I offer my fraternity knowledge, WWE win-loss records, oppurtunities for mixers, and infinite WCW wisdom.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OAO Post-SummerSlam RAW for 8/21/06

    That may have been the most unfunny Raw moment ever.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OAO Post-SummerSlam RAW for 8/21/06

    That's a kickass finisher.