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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I just watched clips of Sylvestery Terkay and Elijah Burke each wrestling in their debut matches on Smackdown! These guys are awesome. Terkay just is all no-nonse, doing Kobashi spinning backhands, belly-to-belly suplexes, and a credible finisher. He looks like a beast and I'm a big fan. Burke is quick, blocks the jobber's offense in believable manner usually only seen on the indies, and is a decent mouthpiece. Their simple, not over-the-top look and kickass German colored ringjackets are swank, too. Terkay and Burke, two reasons to watch WWE television.
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    Holy crap I totally didn't realize that there's a Phillies/Reds series starting tomorrow.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Best Feuds

    Chris Benoit Vs. Kevin Sullivan Face it, Benoit wasn't getting near the top at this point. It was a cool feud that was on EVERY show (Sat. Night, Main Event, Nitro) and even had lots of intrigue. Benoit brings a tape of Kevin's son that has the boy criticizing Sullivan for not being a good father. Subtle hints that Benoit's banging Woman. A video of Benoit and Woman at dinner is shown. Sullivan's just losing his mind. Sicking crazy ass Meng on Benoit. Plus we got some of the best (and first) nationally televised ECW garbage brawls, like Sullivan/Benoit Baltimore House Show (with Benoit showing up 2 days later on Nitro all bruised), the GAB Falls Count Anywhere, and the Bash at the Beach Career Match. Despite being a smark darling, Benoit was actually the dick in this feud, and Sullivan lost his mind.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Favorite Four Horsemen Variation

    Flair, Anderson, Benoit, Pillman. Flair's all crazy - Trying to hold the WCW Title, keep Giant as a friend but not an opponent, driving Savage nuts, finding someway to (kayfabe) bang BOTH Woman & Elizabeth. ______ From the 15th Nitro, 12-11-95 Orndorff easily pins Disco Inferno. Quote: "Pillman dominates a 4 Horseman interview, accusing Hogan, The American Males, and the Dungeon of Doom of all being jealous of the Horsemen. He then bad mouths Paul Orndorff for losing his edge and " ... talking to Gary Spivey and Dionne Warwick of the 'Psychic Friends Network' for $4.99 a minute!" Of course Orndorff comes out. Calls Pillman the Horsemen's "driver" and "baggage handler". A fight breaks out. At first Arn and Flair only try to pull Orndorff off, but then join in the pummeling. Arn spike piledrives Orndorff on the concrete with Flair's help. Bobby Hennan goes nuts, and talks about football players he's known who recieved neck injuries. Orndorff is strapped into a neck brace and backboard as Hennan stands nearby, showing concern for one of his former Heenan Family members." And this was cool. Heels? Hell, Pillman started fights with THEM more than babyfaces! Hogan is looking for a shot at Savage's title. So he beats U.S. Champ One Man Gang on Nitro easily. HORSEMAN AND DUNGEON OF DOOM ATTACK. But Jimmy Hart calls off the troops. They regroup outside the ring. The plan is "Wait until tomorrow at the Clash!" But Pillman is all "NO, ATTACK THEM (Hulk and Savage) NOW!! NOW!!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR GOD DAMN IT?!?!?!?!" Anderson gives him a look of "Shut the fuck up." Benoit was just doing his thing, getting into the groove and being a silent great wrestler.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    Is there a Padres fan here? Can I ask: What's your honest evaluation of how the team is doing? I haven't really paid any attention to them in the past month. I'm thinking they don't win the West. Being a Phillies fan, I need them to slump out of the WC chase, along with the Reds, who've been struggling, as well. And need super-hot Dodgers to win West.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Booker's gonna retain somehow at the PPV. Hogan's gonna lose. Cena's title win will end the show and lift the MA crowd.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hogan out of summerslam?

    This isn't to bash Orton. But Orton's starpower is significantly less than Rock's and has less of a "dream match" appeal than Michaels/Hulk. Thus, the only sense this match makes, especially since it appears to be a long-term angle that will bring in Harry Smith to Hulk's show and involve Orton/Brooke is for ORTON TO GO OVER HULK, which I 100% expect to happen at SummerSlam. Then at Survivor Series: Hulk's 5 man team Vs. Orton's 5 man team - "The Hulkamaniacs Vs. The Legend Killers" Hogan will put his career on the line. Orton will brag about how he's won Survivor Series matches by himself in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Hogan goes over. Austin/Hogan build begins in January.
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I've predicted the future successfully.

    Duh, this thread about the future, not the past. You didn't even read it and now my feelings are hurt. (p.s. this thread does suck, you're right) Sorry just trying to throw crap against the wall, NHB is the shits for months now.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I've predicted the future successfully.

    Three dreams. 2 strange, one fucked up. 2 Days ago: I fell asleep and had a dream. I dreamed I was taking a big test in a classroom. It was 2 parts. One was an SAT test and everytime I wrote the ink would disappear. The other, the female teacher had me stand up and try to throw a beerpong ball through a hole. Except the ball was triangle shaped and the hole was circular and smaller. So that day I go into work and we had to take this brand-new food test (I'm servin' tables fer' final year of college) and I had no idea we even had half of the weird food they asked about. I didn't do well, it didn't really matter, just a brush up. Yesterday: I had a "Nightmare on Elm Street" dream that Freddy Kruger was chasing me and then he stopped and smoked a bowl with me in my room. We just talked about his history and the movies I've seen and the coolest kills and such, just anything (basically EVERYTHING, I'm a huge NOES fan) he did in the movies. Last night I went over to my friend's house who said she wanted to watch the remake Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I wasn't really feeling that choice, so she came back with Dawn of the Dead (remake) and Nightmare on Elm Street pt. 1. We watched Freddy. TODAY I just got up from an extended nap. Here's my dream. Me, all of my high school peers, and college peers, go on some weird bus trip to some mountain water park resort. There's like crazy rules to follow about not going into deserted, dangerous areas. I see some hot chick in a bathing suit manning a slide, and go to do my thing. However, during this process, the ocean (Ocean??) begins getting huge and busting down the walls, and flooding the whole place. Bunch of people die, there's like 10 of us left. So the crazy owners single me out for going into the "restricted" water slide place with that (now gone/dead) chick, and pull out a knife Big brawl ensues, I slice them up, and it's like me and my housemate left. We drive, but we're out of gas immediately, and hit up a Wawa (7-11 type store). So what the fuck does that mean? I'm gonna run out of gas, or have some interaction with a hot girl before some asshole with a knife stops me. Or maybe it'll rain a lot tonight. I've totally got some type of latent psychic power, at any rate.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I've predicted the future successfully.

    Haha. Do you just get new sheets or lay down newspaper before the deed?
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I've predicted the future successfully.

    My guess is a girl invites me to hangout after work tonight and she's on her period. That way: A) I see my peers (work) B) I get invited by a girl into a shady situation (most of those chicks are underage) C) I get hit by a tidal wave (in this case, the crimson wave)
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    That was Cena's fault (the ONS buildup kick). He moved the wrong way.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Um, did London & Kendrick just lose the titles to another "debuting yet able to easily win the titles immediately" team?
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Holy shit Luke Perry, from exposing the evil Professor Patrick Finley to being on the show of evil Bastard Fit Finley.
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    Orton's botch is the worst botch ever because he RAN BACK ACROSS THE RING in Jericho's plain sight and exposed the business even more than his fuck-up did. Almost as lame as when GM Orton said "Tonight, it'll be La Resistance against Eugene and William Regal for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    You Post in a Thread

    "Hey Santa Claus, You Fucking Cunt"
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    "to the F13 version." Uhh.... So you want two movies per disk, barebones? Pass.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    ROH unifying the belts

    "there will only be one ROH singles title" - Gabe NOT TWO TITLES. ONE TITLE BELT IS GETTING UNIFIED, WHICH MEANS IT WILL NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN. See: NWA Tag Titles unified with WCW Tag Titles in 92 See: Hardcore Title to IC Title See: "World Title" to WWF Title See: U.S. Title to IC Title See: Euro Title to IC Title See: WCW Tag to WWF Tag Traditionally, unified titles means they can never be defended seperately and the lesser of the titles is discarded.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Randy Orton shirt poll

    I love the "pure orton" with a drop of blood shirt. Cowboy Bob should give Taker one of them for his next birthday. Does the first one say "Bort" on the back, like the Simpsons characters in the giftshop?
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Comments In The WWE Folder

    Oblivious Heel is one of the worst gimmicks I've seen in a while.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    OAO Raw Thread - August/7th/2006.

    Don't forget Shelton's kickass springboard bulldog to Kane from behind as Kane was doing his "ringpost pyro" deal at the beginning. That had to be difficult with the arena so dark and only the "creepy red light" to see the top rope.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    You know, Van Dam's worked more WWE matches than ECW in his career, and his WWE career is just about as long as his ECW career, so calling RVD an "ECW Guy" when he doesn't use the ECW music, ECW tights, have Fonzie, or his asshole prick character is kinda incorrect. He's a WWE guy. But I did enjoy the Angle/RVD main from (I think) Week 3. They should do another round of RVD kicks and Angle throwing Rob on his head for our enjoyment.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Things that bothered you in great matches..

    Shawn saw Taker chokeslam Triple H in the Iron Man match. It made perfect sense. The announcer's even brought that up "He got the chokeslam in before time expired."
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Jeff Hardy re-signed by WWE

    Jeff's promo video aired on Raw, looks like a Snitsky/Jeff team or lengthy Jeff Vs. Striker Heat feud will ensue.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    MLB.com has this headline up: "On Monday, it was Livan Hernandez and Ryan Franklin. But they're not likely to be the last players on the move as 20 teams are within seven games of a possible playoff berth." And they show a picture of Lieber as someone who may be traded. I just think that kinda contradicts the "within x games of a playoff berth" stat but meh. The Yankees basically said "Jon, your work ethic is not good, you are out of shape, and your contract is ridiculous for next year, we're not interested" so I don't see how other teams are gonna shell out major bucks. _________________ Wildcard Action - August 8th Reds (Tied NL Wildcard) Vs. St. Louis Dodgers (Tied NL Wildcard, 1 back NL West) Vs. Colorado (2.5 back NL Wildcard, 3.5 back NL West) DBacks (1 back NL Wildcard, 2 back NL West) Vs. Giants (3 back NL Wildcard, 4 back NL West) Phillies (2.5 back NL Wildcard) Vs. Braves Astros (3.5 back NL Wildcard) Vs. Pirates Brewers (4.5 back NL Wildcard) Vs. Cubs ________________ I think the best chance this week for the Phillies is to win, with Dodgers winning and taking over the NL West, the Reds free-falling, and the Padres playing .500 ball.