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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Romney Strikes Back: Gay marriage ban

    Good. I think gay marriage is silly. To me, marriage should be between a man & woman, with the purpose being for them to hold something sacred and potentially have a family. Just because its becoming less taboo for gay couples to express themselves doesn't mean the sanctity and credibility of marriage should be harmed. And while I'm on the subject...I hate being hit on by gay people in bars. It's happening a lot lately and sooner or later you're gonna see me on the news taking a friggin' lawmower to one of them.
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Live 8 Annoucned

    Any advice for someone going to the show next Saturday? I have a friend w/ a friend who lives a few blocks from the Museum, still, what time would you advise going to the show? When does the thing start? Where will the crowd be standings, etc.?
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Douche Mark Buehrle makes ridiculous accusations

    Well yeah, he isn't the Yankees, who completed the biggest choke in the history of professional sports last year...but he's up there.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Douche Mark Buehrle makes ridiculous accusations

    Greg Maddux is a choker, BTW.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    NBA deal is done

    When is this "Canada Day?" That might be the worst name for a "holiday" ever. I ask because I am curious to when you hope to have hockey return by. It'll be back by the next season no question. But I don't think you might like the players. Although for me, as a Flyers fan, we have the mighty Phantoms super rookie players that'd come up, which will be sweet. I hope...
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    First Time You Saw ECW

    Steiners first match (outdoor show) was my first episode (midnight-ish) on Philadelphia SportsChannel.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Trinity asks for RELEASE from Tna !

    Trinity must have been unable to deal with the grueling television taping schedule of: 0 tapings
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Rochelle Formerdiva talks about Orton

    Amy Weber was 1000 times better than this asshole. And this "Chris Cash" is the interviewer....what an original name!
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE Vengeance Card

    - Triple H/Batista: Will be as good (not saying much) as their other bouts. Ends the feud, it seems. Who knows, Trips drug average performances out of NASH in a HIAC, so if they're feeling it, this should be average to good. Hot crowd as long as Trips doesn't make it a 30-minute "epic"...groan. - Cena/Christian/Jericho: You people have been on the internet for the past half-year screaming "Christian needs to be a main eventer, World Title shot, etc.!" And for the past 2 and 1/2 years: "Push Jericho back to World Title status. His credibility is shot tho!" Now you've got them both in a World Title match...so enoy it. I think this will work well, let Christian (somewhat) and Jericho bring the attempted three-way workrate, and Cena add the heat. Should be good to very good. - Edge/Kane. This will suck. It always does. - HBK/Angle. First one was way overrated, and IMO, was about ***. This isn't about ARGUING STAR RATINGS THOUGH, so don't reply "Idiot! It was ****3/4 classic!" Anyway, this will probably be as long or a bit longer than the WM match. Which means maybe they can improve on some of the poorer things they did in that match (Shawn's ridiculously fake looking "back-into-ringpost" spot, too much on the ground and slow, the "desperation" superkick bullshit) and improve on what worked (Shawn tapping, bump into the table, both guys hitting trademark spots well, the mat sequences of actual wrestling, not just pathetic chinlocks for 34.95). Should be very good to great. - Christy/Victoria - 6 minute segment. Probably will have a lot of energy. Means little for continuity, importance, etc. BTW, what does Victoria use as these music now? Bring TaTu back? - Carlito/Shelton - Carlito has thus far been gold on the mic and poor-to-carryable in the ring. Still, 99 out of 100 fans would have taken Carlito/Shelton over Hassan/Shelton at Vengeance. This'll get 12-15 minutes, with Shelton over by DQ most likely. Won't be great. Should be slightly better than Raw. So we've got: 30 minutes of "decent". 30 minutes of "very good-great". 15 minutes of "good". 12-15 minutes of "decent". 12 minutes of "suck". 6 minutes of "wasn't bad...just...pointless". Okay, maybe you're not all assholes. 34.95 does not = 127-29 minutes of "decent-very good". Basically, Would you pay $35 for a commercial-less Raw that was "the Best Raw in Years" and had one title change, possibly a World Title? If so, order Vengeance. I wouldn't.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Games you HEARD were great...

    Star Tropics for NES.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Early Smackdown Spoilers

    I'm saying it now. Sabu Vs. Muhammad Hassan will happen on a WWE program in the next half-year.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    2005 WWE Television Win-Loss Record & Standings

    Updated for Heat 6-19. Fixed a few little errors. Say hi to Crazy, Juvy, Psicosis, and Kash.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    X3 could be in huge trouble

    "The funny thing about Gambit is that he was never "officially" an X-Man until X-Men #1 - much like Jubilee, he was kind of a hanger-on until then." Wrong. According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men, 5 volumes that came out in the mid-90s. He debuted in UXM 266. I'd have to check the handbook, but his status as an official team member begins at X-Tinction Agenda, I believe. Remember, after the Siege Perilous, with the team splintered, it was pretty much "stay with us or go away" for membership, with the exception being those awful "Muir Island X-Men" (Moira, Strong Guy, etc.) that Shadow King enslaved, who are not official team members.
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Why must they always do this to Jericho . . .

    "Hey come on now. Hogan got huge pops in 2002 and his title run was great for business." Are you a fucking idiot? Seriously, Hogan's title win was "good" and "received a good pop" at Backlash, but look at this: 1) The HHH/Hogan match was awful. 2) Once the fans realized they'd be getting awful Hogan matches, they groaned. Uh, Regal Vs. Hogan Raw main event? :::piss break::: Hogan's "nostalgia run" would've worked just as well without the ridiculous notion of him winning the title. It devalued the title, and made WWF/E look like hypocrites. JR and Lawler went from bashing WCW's "washed up old men in a cage" fighting for a title to BLOWING THEIR LOAD over Hogan some 5 years later doing the same thing. The WWE Title scene from January 2002 - Vengeance 2002 was absolutely awful. Perhaps the best thing to come from that, which I can't believe I'm saying, would be Jeff friggin' Hardy and Taker's ladder match, which was medicore, but holds a place in some people's hearts due to the awful nature of everything else in the title scene at that time. To summarize: Hogan's pops were huge when HE PLAYED A HEEL a month BEFORE his title win. You putting the title win and his pops together is silly. And good for business? Prove this. By the time the next "BIG NAME" PPV (SummerSlam 2002) rolled around, Hogan was kicked to the curb...guess why? Because they wanted to *Gasp* PUT ON A GOOD SHOW...and...*GASP*...get a good buyrate!
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Tazz question...

    Yeah Jingus...except that Jerry Lawler did not work for the WWF during the Invasion...
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    indy ppv promo on-line for viewing

    I'd guess Ace Darling or Inferno Kid.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Reformation of 4 Horsemen on RAW?

    Ole was fun in the ring, though. He just looked like an asshole grizzled vet. I absolutely love Andersons Vs. Steiners from WrestleWar 90.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Ultimate Warrior 2-Disc DVD

    Jingus, your lack of wrestling exposure doesn't mean that the matches don't exist. Why not also throw on: Warrior, Tornado, LOD Vs. Perfect & Demoltion - SSeries 90 Warrior, Rockers, Neidhart Vs. Heenan, Anderson, Andre, Haku - SSeries 89 Warrior & LOD Vs. Demolition - SNME 90 Warrior Vs. Savage - SummerSlam 92 Those matches are some of the more pretty wide-known matches he's had and they are good.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Road Warriors DVD

    It's a DVD 2-disc comp. called "The Steiners Brothers: Did We Miss Anyone?"...try to get you some info. on it.
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    What about a Wikipedia?

    awesome i would post great pictures for everyone
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    final line-up, dates and description - June 22PPV

    "He faces one of the greatest Indy workers of our time in a brutal match-up." ...and who that might be, Shill?
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    King of the Ring 2001

    The plan for the PPV was most likely Austin/Jericho and Benoit/Triple H to be the WWF and Intercontinental Title matches, respectively. I think the KOTR Final Four wasn't tampered with.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    zacalex... three years later.

    NHL players are notoriously "ugly" or something and missing teeth...so for them to ban you, you must be pretty ugly.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    IWA:MS/CZW Double Header

    Just to clarify: Kingston did a run in to the cage. He wiped out Mireno and Sabian, busting them open. He then turned on Eddy and aided Ruckus in victory. After the bout, he talked about tough love, and did what he did as payback for the tough love he was given for his failures in the past months. He stuck with group, and they were "blood brothers" now.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Reformation of 4 Horsemen on RAW?

    King Cucharacha, Did you just compare OLE FUCKING ANDERSON to Tyson Tomko...