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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Close Puroresu Folder.

    Tack, where does a discussion about a WCW angle from 2001 go, using those rules?
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh


    Yeah, his poor speaking skills and below-fucking idiot level IQ were exposed, again. I hope he breaks both legs while doing nothing this year. And he tried to pimp that stupid CD again. I almost feel bad for this guy. But I don't. He's a clown. he actually had the nerve to say "When I come to play in Philly, the fans egg me on, but I play back with 'em, they respect me, it's all good in Philly." Hahaha. I'd spit right in that fucking thug's face if he ever was "making a CD" around my city. As would everyone else. His "talent" is gone, he attacks the (wrong) fans in the crowd, he's violent, he can't speak without stuttering, his team sucks, and his music career will end up like his current season --- suspended.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Close Puroresu Folder.

    Yes, yes, yes!! It'd be great, for like, one week, if *every* folder could be merged into one big thread. Imagine the madness.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    The "Death of Lex Luger" vignette at the funeral home (which allowed Lex to be "reborn" as simply 'The Total Package' after the commercial break) cost WCW $1900 to film.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Ricky Steamboat Backstage At RAW

    Since when is Slaughter fat? He went on a major Atkins/Cardio kick and is WAY slim now.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Monday Night Raw Discussion.

    I predict that Randy Orton will win the battle royal. And then "TRIPLE H WILL FOOL US ALL ONCE AGAIN!" He'll remind us that of course since Orton can't win the title as long as he was champ, the battle royal was thus NON TITLE. HE FOOLED US AGAIN! Black Lushus... Batista has yet to put on one good singles match, except for two carry jobs by HBK and Benoit...and those matches were...average. The title on him? LOL
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh


    Dude why do you have to throw Snitsky in with those stiffs?
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Close Puroresu Folder.

    But WCW only featured 2-5 boring Japanese wrestlers a year mounting each other with restholds for "added realism", as opposed to Puro, whose entire roster does this in every match. WCW is more popular, it has no folder. Puro is less popular, it has a folder. Please explain this.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Eminem - Encore

    Cartman, my opinion on Mosh is this. Boring? Yes. Something to listen to, historically, and think about? Yes, as well. This song is really about his opinion and how well he can make his rhymes express this while at the same time flowing to an okay, if not exciting, beat. Give it another listen or two...I HATED that song at first.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Washington Nationals logo.

    I just watched footage of the press conference. Apparently a protester ran on stage and had to be dragged off...he was wielding a sign for like 15 seconds, at the podium, about not building a new ball park.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Monday Night Raw Discussion.

    Waterproof Blonde.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Nov 19-21

    Fucking remakes. When are the going to bring back a remake good series, like BJ & the Bear...
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Washington Nationals logo.

    You can't have a fucking team named after the LEAGUE they are in? I hate Canadians even more now for inducing this change.
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Is TNA secretly controled by the WWF?

    Is this tnamark? Just kidding. What would Panda have to benefit from if they were secretly the World Wildlife Fund and were "plotting against" WWE or whatever? TNA isn't even a number two promotion. Because they're not competition to WWE. They do nothing but lose money, have backstage politics (politics in a company losing money! What a shocker!) and charge 30 bucks for sub-average PPVs. That'll show Vince!
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Jarrett out as TNA Booker

    As probably the biggest late-NWA/WCW mark in the world... I can tell you this. Dusty Rhodes has a penchant for letting the MAIN EVENT talent shine. However, his weakness lies in the fact that the "old dawgs", as talented as they may (or in many cases) may not have been, are always given the elevation. Guys like Zenk, Pillman, Smothers, etc. all got buried when Dusty booked a #2 promotion before. Still, I think his methods have changed, especially realizing his value is little and the company needs to push the young talent. Basically, Mantel and Jarrett SUCK, and Rhodes has proven that he sucks, but to a much lesser degree. So this is good news.
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Old school shows of the week #6

    Matches 5 to 8 at WrestlePalooza 97 were the greatest moments in ECW history.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Close Puroresu Folder.

    But there's many more people that want to talk about WCW then Japanese wrestling. So WCW deserves its own thread.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Eminem - Encore

    The only really "bad" song is Big Weenie. The rest are good - very good, IMO.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Good to see the Joe Schmo actors are getting work

    Has Cammie done any nude scenes since?
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    And the best PPV theme song for 2004 was...?

    "Step Up" was easily the best song.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Best Sportscenter Anchor?

    I like the different shapes in which Linda Cohn's breasts appear each day, it's weird. I find her reporting skills and gross, leathery skin to be repulsive, though.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    NFL Week 11

    The Eagles are going to clinch the division *IN WEEK 12* next week. Has that ever been done before?
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    WCW had nothing for Rotunda to do. The Varsity Club was broken up for being too over, and the Horsemen were deemed to be the "top heel faction". Rotunda was turned initially as a "Captain", alledging him being a captain of a wrestling team, for one show. Then, he kept the "Captain" name, and was a sailor. Horrible gimmick in a time period (1990) of Horrible, Horrible gimmicks. Rotunda was soon repackaged, as no one gave a fuck about him as a face, and he began feuding with Tom Zenk and Terry Taylor (very low card faces), as the initial member of The York Foundation, Michael Wallstreet. He then did not re-sign, and went to WWF, with the much annoying and boring, but memorable and quite successful character of I.R.S.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Review The Wrestling DVD/VHS Above You

    nWo Back in Black is uh...about a magical group...of...hippies. And they have wonderful adventures and save the day at the end. I must say, I was very impressed and I give this story an A.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    NFL Week 11

    Well, Pittsburgh remains the league's top team.