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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    Whoa, Rodney Mack in singles competition. I hope he wins. I think he will with Jazz out there.
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    How many guys with "kicks to the face" do we have on Raw now...Palumbo, Edge, Tajiri, Tomko, Kane...
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    Palumbo WINS?!?!? Wow.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    This match may very well determine the #1 contender to be hit with Tyson Tomko's big boot tomorrow on Raw, folks.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    Anyone care to explain this gimmick?
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    "Gas Station Attendant" Chuck Palumbo!
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The August 22 Heat Thread

    I will watch it with you as I eat my grilled salmon and asparagus.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WCW 1991

    The Four Horseman and Big Van Vader vs Sting, Lex Luger, The Steiners, and Ricky Steamboat (If The Horseman win, they get the belts for the following: World Title: Ric Flair, US Title: Barry Windham, US Tag Team Titles: Windham and Eaton. If Team Sting wins they get: TV Title: Arn Anderson) That's the worse "trade" ever.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Who's Looks Have Deteriorated The Most?

    Hey everyone... We've been complaining, rightfully, about how Shane Douglas nowadays gets blown up, looks fat, old, etc. Check out this week's "backstage photos" from the PPV at TNAwrestling.com. He actually looks pretty decent there. Not 1991 great, but like, much better than his WCW/XPW run from 99-whenever.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    What do you look like...

    There's nothing wrong with Mole's shirt. The other one (in the car, blue/yellow) is just too bright.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    What do you look like...

    MoleLohan...B.G. James is all I got.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    CZW 9/11 show thread

    You mentioned AJ Styles?
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    What to do with Edge.

    I don't how "serious" WWF wanted us to take him. Sure, he was a face, but I mean...the guy sprayed down the Alliance with MILK. I thought his gimmick was "Nerd...but Nerd who could kill you."
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Current Diva Contestant and a Lethal Weapon LIVE t

    I started out as a mark for Christy. But Maria's ass....is...just...from heaven. I go with Maria.
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    I think you jinxed Buckhalter.... :(
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    War of the Worlds...

    Minority Report was incredible. That's all.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    What to do with Edge.

    HAH! Chavo's nothing without Eddie? Hmmm...you should watch some late 2000/early WCW 2001. Or some Smackdown TODAY. Chavo gets heat, is a bumping machine, has cool music, works his ASS off, and puts on good matches. Edge, on the other hand, sucks a big fat Toronto dick, both on the mic and in the ring. It's Edge's fault for the fanbase turning on him because he ripped off Rhyno's ECW gore, which ripped off Goldberg's mainstream "spear", and hits it with pathetic sloppyness. It's Edge's fault for the fanbase turning on him because his mic skills have gotten even worse (if you can believe it) past the "You're a dork, Angle! Girls dump Test!" wonders of '01-'02. It's Edge's fault because his moveset sucks and he doesn't get the crowd involved and is a terrible face.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Future plans

    Guerrero's "overness" started going downhill after 'Mania. He almost has to turn heel, although no one wants that. I dunno, "HEY! I LIED!" was pretty lame Thursday...
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    McGahee asks for trade...

    McGahee is clearly going to be the starter, IMO.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    Why would you minus 3 points for a missed 18 yard field goal but minus *5* points for a missed 52 yarder?
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Does Anyone Notice The Trend?

    "Southern California crowds are dead because it takes a LOT to impress them." I really hope that was sarcasm.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Big Show comes back

    I predict The Big Show will be the next WWE Champion.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Holy Grail of wrestling

    6. Hulk Hogan's face run before Lesnar took him out The 2002 comeback run? Losing to Lance Storm & Christian? And Triple H? And Rock? And Lesnar? And Taker? And Angle? I think that Hulk/Andre rematch from SNME justifies what "wrestling" is all about nowadays.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Steve Austin & Ex-Girlfriend Tess Broussard

    I have really supported Tess of late... By downloading more of her porn where she runs around on her knees and gets filled out like an application.