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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    It feel like, since the beginning of this year's playoffs, I have built a home, gotten married, my wife is pregnant, had the children, got pregnant again, had more children, my first son is off to college, I've grown several beards, seen the Marlins and Angels win the World Series, been thrown in jail, served a three year sentence, and now I'm home... AND WE'RE STILL AT GAME 4 OF ROUND 2... (Worst playoffs I've ever seen, BTW...since like 1989 anyway)
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    I'm not trying to toot my home team's horn... But the Flyers have played superb at home during this playoffs. I was at Game 1 and 2 Vs. The Devils @ home. Scores were close, but the physical play dominated by Philly, goaltending was superb, DEFENSE WAS AMAZING, and they WON BOTH GAMES. Game 5 Vs. Devils, did the same, and won the game. The Flyers also took on a helluva tough team in Toronto and won Games 1 and 2 at home. They also won game 5 at HOME. Tonight... I predict the feared "Lightning" are proven to be a "Flash" in the Pan.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    This Week in Baseball

    Damn, my Phillies blew a chance late in the game to tie/go ahead and lost to Mr. Roboto and the Giants... 2 back of fish.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Indy Guide to Shit Shows

    #36. Tom Brandi wrestled a match...and then later on The Patriot wrestles a match! DEEP TALENT POOL.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Syracuse changes school nickname

    Cardinal red is one of the colors of my fraternity.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE Wrestlemania XX DVD in my hands now...

    ***But at least it's not as bad as the VHS edition - no video packages, no backstage segments and the Cruiserweight Open and both shows' Tag Team Championship matches are edited-out.*** Sounds like an improvement. Except for the Evolution promo at the beginning on Foley/Rock. That was the best PPV promo in many years.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    So basically "Kenzo" will be using Berlyn's gimmick? Bodyguard. Woman at ringside. Evil forreigner. Yay.....zzzz.....
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Probably like this... Tajiri/Batty: 4 minutes. Eugene/Conway: 4 minutes. Edge/Orton: 10-12 minutes. HHH/Shelton: 8-10 minutes. Cage Match: 17-22 minutes. Anyone else hoping that: 1) Michaels and HHH keep their issue with each other to JUST THAT, *each other*. 2) Benoit does commentary for the Main Event? "Well Chris, both men have expressed wanting a title shot..."
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Hey....I was bored so I figured you guys might wanna see this and compare it to who's wrestling tonight. MONDAY NIGHT RAW 2004 WIN-LOSS RECORDS Singles Matches Al Snow 0-1 Spike 2-2 Richards 2-1 RVD 1-2 Booker T 2-1 Batista 1-1 Goldberg 4-0 Henry 2-2 Orton 4-1 Conway 1-2 Venis 0-2 Cade 1-0 Benjamin 2-0 Tajiri 1-4 Michaels 2-1 Kane 7-4 Grandmaster 0-2 Hurricane 1-3 Grenier 0-1 Dupree 0-5 Test 0-1 Matt Hardy 1-4 Jericho 3-5 D-Von 0-1 Rico 2-2 HHH 2-3 Eddie Guerrero 1-0 Chris Benoit 7-1 Rhyno 2-2 Storm 0-1 Bubba Ray 1-0 The Coach 0-1 Ric Flair 0-1 Christian 4-0 With tonight's matches...Christian's undefeated streak is on the line. Jericho could fall to 3-6 (ouch...). Batista gets a rare singles match. Tajiri has an awful record in just 1 1/2 months. Benjamin can make it 3-0 (with the 3 wins over HHH). Orton is a solid 4-1, a non-title loss to HBK being the loss, BTW. EDGE AND EUGENE MAKE THEIR FIRST SINGLES APPEARENCES. Tag W/L Hardy & Test 0-1 Dupree & Conway 0-1 Test & Steiner 0-1 Cade & Jindrak 1-0 Helms & Rosey 0-2 RVD/Booker 5-1 Christian & Hardy 0-1 Flair/Batista 4-3 Benoit/Edge 2-0 Dudleyz 0-1 Jericho/Christian 1-1 Jericho/RVD 1-0 HBK & Benoit 0-2 Batista & Orton 1-0 Based on this, RVD/Booker (the W/L) and Flair/Batista (the competition) are the best Raw teams this year. And finally, so you know ALL your favorites W/L combined... 6-Man Tags (note some 3-man teams have faced 2-man teams) Batista/Flair/Orton 2-1 Batista/HHH/Orton 0-1 Edge/Benjamin/Tajiri 1-0 8-Man Tags Conway/Dupree/Cade/Jindrak 1-0 Buibba/RVD/D-Von/Booker T 0-1 Foley/Benjamin/HBK/Benoit 1-0 HHH/Orton/Flair/Batista 0-1 There ya go...yer' welcome! Discuss!
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    I predict: Batista defeats Tajiri clean. Triple H defeats Benjamin with help from Orton. Eugene defeats Conway. Edge defeats Orton by DQ *or* Orton defeats Edge....when Benjamin interferes. Benjamin attacks Orton (DQ) or messes up an attack and Edge loses. Either way, sets up a 3-way challenge for the title. NO IDEA about the cage. Christian could win and go on to Benoit... Same for Jericho... I'm looking forward to it.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Oh shit, oh shit

    A quick note on those "amazing" 80's teams... The Brainbusters Good team. Were only there for a year, tho. The Rockers The Rockers pretty much sucked in the ring and told some lame "stories" until 1990. Still my favorite team ever, tho. Demolition AWFUL in the ring. AWFUL. Cool look, although a ripoff of the Road Warriors. The Powers of Pain Total Road Warriors takeoff. Shitty workers, too. The Orient Express Sato/Tanka were terrible. Kato/Tanaka were watchable. Barely. The Rougeaus Decent, if only a lame comedy heel team. The British Bulldogs Great team. Once Kid was too hurt tho, not very entertaining. The Twin Towers You're joking right. That's like saying "Big Show & A-Train" are a "great team of the 2000's". The Killer Bees Decent, but not a top tier/serious team. The Bushwhackers Hahahahaha. The Bolsheviks Hahahahaha. The Dream Team Ah...the modern day equivalent to Rico/Haas, in terms of workrate. Just there. The Young Stallions Hahahahahahaha. The Conquistadores Ah...no. The Hart Foundation Great team. SO ROUGHLY...we've got about 3 great teams in the 1980's that you've listed. Odd that you put teams like Bushwackers, Bees, and such on there and leave off Windham/Rotunda, Honky/Valentine, Strike Force, Can-Ams, etc. But this just proves... THE 1980's HAS A GREAT NUMBER OF COLORFUL CHARACTERS. THEY HAD FEW ACTUAL GOOD TEAMS.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Oh shit, oh shit

    You peeps better stop bashing Rockers Vs. Barbarian/Haku. That match ruled.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I will send Silvervision DVDs to the US

    I would like to order them via you. I'm looking for the 89/90 Rumble DVD and WM 1/2. Let me know the best way to contact you (e-mail, AIM, etc) and what the approx. price you need is. Thanks.
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Oh shit, oh shit

    Say what you will RVDMARK420....but no matter how many HBK/Benoit, Eddie/Benoit, Angle/Lesnar, Eddie/Lesnar, HHH/HBK/Benoit, Benoit winning Rumble etc. type great workrate masterpieces we get nowadays... NOTHING will have the HEAT that... Warrior/Hogan, Savage/Hogan, Andre/Hogan, and pretty much just about every decent match had. Rock/Hogan I was the last example of a heat-bomb. The crowd used to mark out for a dropkick from Marty Jannetty...or a Santana Flying Forearm. Nowadays you have to put on a ***** bout (Rumble 03 WWE Title Bout) just to get some clapping.
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I'm close to giving up on WWE forever...

    I've been a lifelong WWE/WCW/NWA/ECW/GWF/CZW fan, I love the sport, and everything associated with it. I always dug the cool heels, the talented performers, the better mic workers, and even when my boy Jericho was jobbing to Alex Wright, Benoit was passing out to Meng, and Jeff Jarrett was wiping out Malenko, I still was optimistic. The WWE became so popular in the late 90's and I was so happy to get to share my enjoyment with all the mainstream, new fans. I've put up with the shitty WWE product of 2001-2003 and had to endure a failed WCW/ECW Invasion, Triple H's super awful title reign, Goldberg, lack of Cruiserweights, ridiculous storylines, Bischoff's return to annoy me, and the vanilla boring overpushed suck-ass no-talents that OVW has produced (minus a few exceptions). On Monday, RAW was on. A ton of my friends were over, and even 1st time viewers got generally hyped up for BENOIT Vs. MICHAELS. Raw was a good show. The main event sucked. Not only did HBK/Benoit wrestled a significantly poorer effort than they did in the 1st match, as well as BOTH triple threats, but the match was only serving one purpose: Destroy Benoit's credibility, and establish that Triple H runs the show, and can make it so anyone wins, as he sees fit. Fuck Raw. Reading the Smackdown! spoilers, I feel like the WWE is purposely trying to out-do Vince Russo's 99-2000 WCW as the biggest joke and parody of carnival, bogus, bullshit, "fuck you fans!" wrestling ever. I won't spoil anything, but I think you know what I'm talking about. Why should I continue to waste my money and be a fan? The house shows are boring/unimportant. Benoit's GOT the belt. Anything from here on will dissapoint me leading to him losing it. I got to see Eddie win the belt. Cruiserweights are unpushed and are a joke. BRADSHAW is main eventing. HBK/HHH are still as homoesexually unappealing as ever, and they're "feud" has been boring forever. Lawler/Ross suck. Cole sucks. The whole business is practically exposed. I feel embarassed to watch wrestling with my friends. EMBARASSED. Thanks, WWE.
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I'm close to giving up on WWE forever...

    I'm embarassed that after sitting through the lame skits, the eventual big-match payoff was the same old/same old HHH run-in. And the match was mediocre, killed by a commercial.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Championship match for Bad Blood announced

    Tajiri? The guy JONATHON COACHMAN and GARRISON CADE pinned in back to back days? Maybe in a few years....on HeAT, he will receive a non-title match.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Championship match for Bad Blood announced

    Christian rocks. I'd so buy Bad Blood if he main events. His heel stable, entourage, whatever, and their beatdown of Jericho was the best part of Raw on Monday. I'd dig X and Benoit at Bad Blood, with Benoit goin' over. But then, I suppose Jericho has put Tyson Tomko over...to balance the wins of the stable. Eh.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I'm close to giving up on WWE forever...

    Curious...CADE has "the look?" Of what? Jobber from 1998 WCW Saturday Night episode who WENT TANNING? Ooooh, PUSH HIM! Flying elbow! He sucks.
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I'm close to giving up on WWE forever...

    Benoit/HBK sucked for me until the hot ending, and then was ruined by the run-ins. They obviously don't "suck", but the match was a poorer effort than their previous 3 encounters, so I was dissapointed, highly. Edge/Regal didn't MAIN EVENT THE SHOW for like ever. Big difference (comparison to HBK/HHH feud)
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE cracking down on tape trading

    I think Tape Traders are pretty worthless. They add nothing to growing companies, steal revenue from growing companies, and generally disrespect the business. Good for WWE.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Question about Owen's death

    This thread just brought tears to my eyes.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE Title vs. The World Heavywieght Title

    Stupid fucking WCW. I'll say this, I just watched the WM 20 DVD main event. That title match was more important and emotional to me and to a helluva lot of people than a WCW title match could ever DREAM of. The difference? It isn't help by pathetic champions like Ron Simmons, David Arquette, Jeff Jarrett, Ron Garvin, Vince Russo, Booker T, and Harley Race. That's how I see it.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Re-Unite HHH and Stephanie ON CAMERA NOW...

    Now that Trips is back to putting on good matches, putting over new stars (or at least not just squashing them), and Raw has been getting better, I was thinking that now is the time to bring back Stephanie to HHH's side. The fans hate Stephanie. The marks do. The internet does. She's been doing the ridiculous "general manager babyface" crap and quite frankly, it didn't draw. I say, allign her as Evolution's manager, and have her and Trips draw massive heat again, staying AWAY from the title picture for now. It would help, with say, an Edge/HHH feud. Edge came back, was hurt, and quite frankly, the internet pretty much hated him for a month. Now that he and Benoit have been teaming, and having some pretty decent matches, Edge has been getting better and more entertaining. Still, though, I don't know how well HHH/Edge would go right now. Adding Stephanie to the mix almost guarantees that Edge would get a damn positive face reaction. I don't want HHH/Stephanie "This is OUR show!" promos every week. But I think Trips could benefit from adding more heat to his ever-improving ring work. Perhaps when they finally dump Flair (and it's coming...) from Evolution, Stephanie could help get the next Evo. heel over, too. Any thoughts? Please don't bring up Lucy the Dog, Jericho's abortion of a World Title run, or "the wedding", because the WWE right now is a lot different than 2002. I think she should be used.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    WWE Title vs. The World Heavywieght Title

    Booker T had done jack and shit to earn a shot at HHH's World Title. Except win a battle royal and suddenly have a shot at WRESTLEMANIA? There you go. he wasn't even ON THE PPV the month before. As for Nash... A run-in on Raw, and a PINFALL LOSS as the PPV before (Backlash) does not warrant a title shot either. Thus, neither were credible/believable challengers.