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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    I DO NOT HATE RING OF HONOR. However, if you're going to pick n piss-moan over little things in the WWE, then I'll do the same for the promotion you enjoy. End the stupid RoH crap, man. It's too easy a target. And admittingly, so had WWE's product of late. I personally dug this match tonight. Star ratings are always subjective. Personally, I give stuff like Razor/HBK from WM10 about ***...but the majority see it as a "classic" and give it *****. That's cool. It's all a matter of opinion, brother. Yours seems to be a negative one on the "major" league. And that's fair. But if you're gonna bash HBK a and be ridiculous and say "HE DID A SUPERKICK! WOW!" then I'll just say "SAMOA JOE ATE ANOTHER CHEESEBURGER! WOW!" And where will that get us?
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    The RAW tag, if all clicked, should have reached ***. With the extra effort given, it deserved ****. The surprising ending came with a large notion of the fans on this board prediciting a Team Austin win. Then, when it came to 3-1, Team Bischoff seemed to be favored. Austin's stunner led believe of Michaels going over Orton, and then Batista's final run in ended it in the opposite way. Check the thread/predicitons, I did. But then again I post with prior knowledge.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    Sorry, I do respect indy matches that deserve to be respected. And quite a few this year do exist. But I think you're just being bitter at the generally shitty WWE product of late and didn't enjoy the match for all it was. Just my opinion. But if you're gonna bash me for liking it, I'll withold my comments about ROH, and their great non-wrestler spot monkeys, ex-ECW never-were's, overrated (although some are quite decent...) atches and ridiculous champion. Heat doesn't make a match. Great workers, a great story, a believable atmosphere, good pacing, solid maneuevers, close falls, non-blown spots, violence when necessary, drama, and hard work do.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    HBK hit a superkick? There was a lot more than that, my blind...blind-person. Rob Van Dam hit all of his spots flawlessly, Mark Henry looked like he belonged, The Dudleys were used properly and generated heat, Christian played the sneaky little guy perfectly, Jericho's ringwork was great, Steiner was taken out quickly, as was Booker, Michaels bladed superbly, Orton was put over and didn't do anything wrong, the ending was surprising, the crowd was hot, Michaels bumped like a champion, new potential feuds were established, a touching momet occured at the end, Michaels amazing comeback was REALISTICLY ENDED, Austin's speech was not ridiculous, everyone sold, the match was fast-paced and told a great story. That adds up to **** for me...
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    Micrhome, because Booker T will forever be a midcarder who gets Rikishi/Undertaker pops and spins around on his ass. He is boring and his ringwork was rewarded by Mark Henry pinning him. That's why the only "rub" he will get is the eraser of a pencil scratching his name from the WM XX card, if justice exists.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    The RAW tag at ***? ARE YOU NUTS? Definately ****, in my opinion. The GOOD talent hit every of the sigs, in a sensical manner, and even the lugs (Dudleys, Henry) worked very hard and looked like they belong. The crowd was piping hot...the match told a great story...the work was very hard, the ending surprising... I guess some people can't be satisifed. Like, this is WWE...there's huge stars...they're "expected" to do so perfectly...so you lower your scales... But you guys give like, an indy match or that AMW/XXX cage match (which was good) these "**** match! This is how WWE should do it!" ratings that they don't deserve...I don't get it. Man, that tag was great. Who the hell just said it was "not above **" ? Do you think before you type?
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Hate to say I told you so...

    I actually kinda dug Booker T and RVD going quickly...like, when the eliminations occur in the order of how OVER the guys are (see the "Winner Take All" match at SS 2001) it gets boring. With HBK left against Orton/Xtian/Y2J, some unique possibility were established. Does Orton get a huge win? Does Jericho claim the glory? Or does Michaels do an absolutely awesome match, comeback, bladejob, and postmatch sell. This was truly, one of HBK's finest performances...I almost thought it was 1996 again. He was quick, nailed everything, sold a beating, gushed, had sensical comebacks, no kip-up while bleeding like a stuck pig (just one earlier when he was fresh), and he put over two young guys in Batista and Orton. Well I guess all the 1996 stuff is true except putting people over. But maybe the Sid/Batista comparisons can be drawn.
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Survivor Series 2003 Results and Ratings

    Victoria Vs. Trish Stratus from Survivor Series 2002 is AWFUL. I have watched it a few times, and watched it at my house with friends who had seen it for the first time. This is just my opinion, though. But they (and they're pretty smart fans...) LAUGHED at how awful it was. Blown spots, a blown finish, and just weak storytelling. Sorry dude, a few stiff pan shots do not a good match make. Although Trish/Vicky/Jazz was really great, IMO.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    So who gets the blame for SS bombing?

    Blae the media, because they never even gave the XFL and its "exciting, dynamic product", along with "charismatic young athletes" a chance.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    100 Reasons kane is better than Goldberg

    Howsabout: Gokdberg has drawn more oney than Kane. Goldberg's Title win in 98 was eons better than Kane's. Goldberg got over by working his way and destroying jobbers...to low carders...to midcarders...to Hogan, finally. Kane was thrown in with Taker and Foley automatically, and is boring. It would be noticeable if Goldberg were removed from RAW, not so for Kane. Goldberg (in story) doesn't get pummeled by a non-wrestler every week. Goldberg has defeated "the untouchable 100% booking power he'll never job to Goldberg, Steph rulz!" Triple H. Goldberg main evented his first PPV match in the company...Kane was left off this year's WM after being on TV for what, 4 and 1/2 + years. Awful topic. Kane sucks just as bad as BG...at least Goldie is exciting and ok to watch on TV.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Your Survivor Series 2003 Predictions

    HHH Vs. Goldberg As a fan, I want to see HHH reclaim his title. However, the reign has just begun for Bill. Prediction: Goldberg retains the title (DQ or pin). Team Austin Vs. Team Bischoff Bischoff never gets the best of Austin...this will be no different. Henry, Dudleyz, Christian, Steiner won't figure in the decision, leaving RVD, HBK, and Booker T Vs. Y2J and Orton. I predict Orton takes out RVD, setting up an Armageddon bout...Booker takes out Orton...Y2J eliminated either HBK or Booker, and either Booker T or Michaels gets the win. Austin's team wins. Kane Vs. Shane McMahon (Ambulance Match) Not since the shitty and overrated (like many Japanese 'icons' who simply gain 'legendary status' for their opponents who bump...) Mike Awesome has a PPV needed a *gasp* shitty Ambulance Match! Who cares? Kane's a wrestler so he wins. Yay. Kane Vs. Booker T at Armageddon. Lita Vs. Molly Holly Molly Holly should, and probably will retain, in somewhat of an upset. Cheating~! Plus she has wrestling ability and such nice breasts. Team Lesnar Vs. Team Angle Team Lesnar wins this. Jones/Morgan/Train obviously won't figure into the finish...neither will Holly/Bradshaw. Cena's arrived, but won't be there for the deciding fall. I predict Benoit is the last man eliminated, by Lesnar, after a heroic effort. Winners: Team Lesnar Jamie Noble Vs. Tajiri. Good match, definately the best they've ever had, now that it has a little bit of *gasp!* heat to it. Tajiri retains the title, in some way due to Nidia's involvement. Los Guerreros Vs. The Basham Brothers The Bashams retain. I think Dallas gives the Guerreros a great response, hopefully the match has some heat to it. Chavo's turn occurs, or should. Mr. McMahon Vs. The Undertaker Look for Taker to take the Dirt Nap...but will be it be after he wins? Eh...I guess McMahon takes this one, setting up a WM rematch? Winner: Vinnie-Mac. Afterthoughts: Armageddon gets set up...Booker T perhaps faces Kane, Orton faces RVD for I-C Title, Goldberg and Batista (with HHH in his corner?)... Taker gets some time off...Eddie (unfortunately) is lowered into a feud with Chavo...Benoit/Lesnar gains momentum...Cena oves on to take US strap from Show. Just my predictions. What I'd like to see: -HHH defeats Goldberg, wins 8th World Title. -Molly defeats Lita. -Team Austin wins...credible challengers for Trips are established. -Team Lesnar wins...Lesnar and Show put over as threats, Benoit/Cena pushed as challengers that gave it their all. -Smackdown Tag Title: Don't care. All but Eddie are disinteresting to me. -Taker/Vince: Don't care. Both suck. -Noble/Tajiri: I like both, but honestly the title is meaningless and pathetic. I guess keep it on Tajiri to keep building the feud. -Kane/Shane: Don't care. Both suck. Kane wins, we see his boring "monster" push continue...Shane wins, more writing problems. I guess I only wanna see: HHH/Berg and the 2 SS matches. The rest will be decent...but uneventuful.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Wow, I always wanted to see a robotic pineapple that can't move! It's a little too Big Show-esque, but thank you. CROWD IS BURIED ALIVE APPARENTLY for this tag match.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Note Jamie Noble wore the Crash Holly armband...but Hardcore Holly, his "cousin" and former Tag Champ partner didn't. Ah, kayfabe, where are you...
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Can someone post a funny picture or something...cause between a Nathan Jones match, the A-Train/Bradshaw "showdown", and the crowd chanting "Subway" (Whaaaaaaaaaat?), I'm about to fall asleep.
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Seconds until this sucks....5....4...3...WELLLL ITS THE BIG SHOW...2...1...
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    That guy's voice sounds like RAVEN'S, holy shit. (Cat's driver). Yay, Cena and Benoit...Rabid Rappers.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Has this show had any redeeming value...at all? Cena's somewhat face turn?
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Chris Benoit's "rubbing his wrists" graphic is so...white & shiny.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Undertaker brought up two things that were quite stupid... "Nobody ever tried anythin' with my wife or kids!" See: DDP, June 2001 Taker also admonishes Vince for being evil and messing with people's wife and kids... See: Taker abducts Stephanie, Backlash '99. See: Taker attacks David Flair, pre-WM 18.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Vader hits the pump-splash off the second rope for two. Hansen with the Lariat! 1-2-3! BAHGAWD The Wildman from Booger, TX wins! I think it'd be neat if Angle's team all shave their heads before Survivor Series. Benoit/Holly need it...Angle has it...Cena's hair is like 1/2 inch high, and Bradshaw might actually be mistaken for someone talented.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    My God This Match Sucks. The piped in chants make the crowd seem like they pop for A-Train's back suplex like Austin just stunnered Vince McMahon.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    This A-Train/Bradshaw match is shades of Vader Vs. Stan Hansen in WCW...almost move for move to start. God, Train is getting even fatter. He works decently for a big guy and all...but needs the shirt/pants back, NOW.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Holy shit, Shaniqua grows hotter each week. The Bashams are decent, I just kinda hate the "bald tag partners you can't tell apart" thing. Shane McMahon commercial...sigh. I'd have no problem with Shane getting this much exposure if he were, you know, fresh. But his "moves" are just the same punch/elbow/"bumps" we've seen in his appearences before...and Kane is really being dragged down by this ridiculous match. Hope Kane destroys him Sunday and moves on to an actual wrestler we care about. That Cena commercial is fun.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (11/14/03)

    Nice generic music for the generic OVW lookalike TAG CHAMPS... I'd dig this little feud if the Guerreros still had the belts, defending them Sunday. It'd be unpredictable if they'd split or defend them, and the undeserving Bashams winning the titles would be kinda believable if they did so as Los Guerreros broke up (Chavo costs Eddie the belt attacking him...) But as it is...no heat for anyone in this match.