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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Oh my God. All Vince needs to do is bring back WCW (!!!!!!!!!!) and he can hold all three. 2010, you can't come soon enough!
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Is Vince's hat held on via chinstrap?
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Fun Family Guy quote on that made me think of Umaga: "Is having this minor skill worth being so unattractive? That's for the FANS to decide!" The crickets during his matches make me think "no".
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    I have decided that: Murdoch & Cade Vs. Kendrick & London would rule and that the only thing worse than Lashley's push right now would be if he had Coach's theme music.
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Lashley has to drop the belt here. Umaga becomes the new ECW Champion. Samoan Spike. Shane does something crazy but not that crazy. Vince blades.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    At the end of Backlash, does Orton end up: "Fired" and carried out by security guards, kicking and screaming... F-U'd by Cena into a garbage truck and it drives off... Speared by Edge into a case, while Michaels and Cena slap an "OVW" sticker on it... Working a program with Carlito.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    I mean realistically there's no way in hell someone like MVP would ever defeat Benoit cleanly.
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    "three matches left with two hours to fill." Hey, it's WM 23.
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    MVP's uniform is no less insulting than that of the Oregon Ducks football team or the Miami Dolphins' orange jerseys.
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Does MVP get any Brian Pillman-esque cheerleaders for his PPV entrance?
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Well, entertaining or not with the little things he does so well, Kennedy doesn't scream "World Title Material" just yet. In the same way that as much as MVP rules, he just doesn't seem to be a U.S. Champion.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    At WM 23, Kennedy did the same thing. The way he phrased it, I was 100% sure that he said: "I'm not waiting to cash in my title shot, it's happening tonight!"
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    What a bullshit stupid ending. A CONTACT LENSE? I remember Arn Anderson writing a piece in WCW magazine about how he wrestled WITHOUT contacts, despite having extremely poor eyesight. So now wrestlers with contact lenses are supposed to be treated as if they're physically handicapped and the match needs to be held up? So the ref says "WAIT, STOP, SHE LOST A CONTACT! DEAR GOD!" While, yes, it is a sneaky heel move, it also screams "Women's Wrestling - Don't Break a Nail!"
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    WM 23's AT&T "Text Voters" picked Cena and Taker to win, for what that's worth.
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Now will they be smart and do a 20-30 minute U.S. Title draw? Given that Benoit/MVP had such a match, are capable of working it, have ANOTHER PPV next month they can work, and the crowd just saw a match twice as long this week and ate it up? I'd love the marks/'net/whoever to both think "Damn, MVP shoulda won that." Or do we get "MVP hits Benoit with the title belt"...
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    I predict Murdoch eats Swanton for the Hardy win.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    I could make an entire thread out of some of the

    You guys should just shop at Circuit City where everything's the same price, except they have more copies.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    I'm hoping Orton pins Michaels to win the title tonight and the "hotel trashing" worked both Meltzer and the fans. Or even if it was real, WWE can pretend that it wasn't and make Meltzer and the fans looks dumb.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Theoretically, that isn't his locker and he's taking a crap. He's definitely sitting.
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    This was taken at 4 pm today backstage at Backlash. Apparently Orton is forced to sit in a cage until his match starts. Christ, he went from "Smooth, young ladykiller with Hollywood good looks" to "disgruntled old war veteran" in like 18 months.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    "So long title reigns with no defenses is a good thing?" Not at all. But at least Helms, who when he started wrestling without the Hurricane gimmick, would hear crickets chirping in the crowd, started to not only get heat but also great praise from his matches during the title reign. Helms went from jobbing to JERRY LAWLER on PPV (NYR 06) to working long, fun matches with Benoit, Rey, Hardy, etc. It's not Helms fault that his potential challengers sucked or weren't in the weight class. Seriously, Chavo's been Cruiserweight Champion like six times and I can't remember any good matches he's ever had.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Obviously they took it off Helms and ended his awesome title streak so they could elevate him past the Cruiserweight Division and team him with...the...Cruiserweight Champion and my head just started hurting. Helms getting pinned by Yang at No Way Out made me legitimately angry.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    WWE.com Power 25 Says: After almost a year of championship status, London & Kendrick lost their titles to Deuce and Domino on SmackDown last week. This week, Kendrick fell to Deuce. Will they rebound on Sunday?
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    What's the record for title matches on one PPV event? I know that WWF Unforgiven had 7 title matches on an 8-match show. Only Raven/Saturn, which was heatless and awful, wasn't a title match. WCW World, WCW U.S., WCW Tag, WWF World, WWF IC, WWF Hardcore, and WWF Tag were all defended. Great PPV. ______ I've seen this card called "stacked" on a number of sites, so I'll comment on why I do not like this card and will not be going to the bar to watch it for free: BAD: It's a shame that Batista, who actually stepped it up and wasn't SLOW at WM 23, is booked in a match that is notoriously slow and generally not very good, with Umaga/Cena and Jericho/HHH being exceptions. I hate LMS matches. So, not interested. BAD: The 4-way? Michaels, Edge, and Orton are really boring to me, so I could care less. BAD: Women's division is rather awful, don't care. These two always work sloppy matches with each other that generally end in a botched finish or an "ouch" botch. BAD: Lashley I still don't like or find entertaining or non-fake, and him bumping Shane around is stupid. Let me add this: In the 90's, young Shane dancing around acting cool and all? I can deal. But gray-haired Shane McMahon dancing around in a jersey? It just LOOKS DUMB. Not interested in this at all. OKAY: Hardyz and Cade & Murdoch. There's so much damage done to Cade & Murdoch, they're such potential jokes as champions, that even a title win by them you know will eventually suck, since WWE will likely forget about them a few weeks down the line. I like both of these teams, they both work hard, even Jeff has been really tremendous since returning. But this match isn't going to make me watch a whole show. GOOD: Benoit and MVP. Give these guys a 30-minute draw (6 matches? Hmm...). Establish the title and the feud more. Do this and I'll download the show.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    The Condemned

    It opened at #8 for Friday, with 1.4 million. It beat...uh...the Jamie Kennedy movie. Stick to rasslin', Steve.