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Everything posted by UseTheSledgehammerUh

  1. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Cena's got the most laughable potential title challengers since Diesel.
  2. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    That movie looks sick but I've yet to see one preview for it on non-WWE programs.
  3. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    "*raises hand* Hello, #1 NWA/WCW fan here." Whoa there, buddy.
  4. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    WOW. Dear Carlito, Eat my ass. Love, Vince
  5. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    I've read online that the Horsemen DVD is all kayfabe and sucks, if you are familiar with the stable. I'm sure it's awesome to those who wanna see how it all started, tho, I've got matches but not all the segments, so Im looking forward.
  6. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Undertaker didn't interview anyone. That was Paul Bearer's set. Taker was only there, standing around, on certain occassions. And the only notable Taker appearances (attacks on Warrior and Hulk) were before Taker hit the main event scene and he wasn't a former World Champion, like Edge. Talk shows are hokey. They show that a wrestler as seen as a joke. See, Jericho: 2005. See, Lawler: 1993. When Carlito's initial big heel push ended, and Cena squashed him for the U.S. Title, he was on one. When Piper did one, they were trendsetting and he was in the Cartoon Era of WWF. Now it's just "throw a screen or a palm tree", since we're lazy and can't give away TOO many PPV matches, so let's disguise a promo as a big important "talkshow segment". I just don't see how Edge doing the same stupid thing he did on the WAY to becoming a transitional champion is a good way to build him back up a serious threat. They can't do Cena/Edge again. Please no.
  7. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Shouldn't Carlito have done this "I respect you!" crap BEFORE they started teaming... Carlito intro'ing the Horsemen DVD
  8. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    I hear a movie trailer say "What Planet is this?", then play a song with a guy yelling "TRANSFORM!", then hear cars peeling out... And I turn around and see it's "Red Line".
  9. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    For those claiming Edge is a "top main event heel" - to the marks, Edge goes from battling Cena to requesting he be on his talk show. Yay!
  10. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Melina just gave Candice a forearm shot...to Candice's elbow. Get these girls out of here.
  11. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Box Office Report...

    If Cube goes after the animals that taunt him with a shotgun to "Natural Born Killaz" I'd see it at least 3 times.
  12. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    "pissing off people by having a McMahon with the ECW title" It's not 1997. The ECW World Title is basically the WWE Raw TV Title.
  13. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Shane's had his testicals electrocuted on national television. Back off, Alejandro.
  14. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    Three brands of guys and Shane starts off the show. "Dress the uncharismatic jacked up poor worker in a suit" worked for Batista...
  15. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Box Office Report...

    Yeah, but Nutty Professor was entertaining, to a degree, and had the raunchy Klump family, which is at least a NEW IDEA, to build a sequel around. Did they deserve a 2nd movie? Probably not, but at least there were some funny jokes around it that everyone got, so what the hell. Ice Cube impresses girl and kids make stupid faces. Hey, let's do it again!
  16. UseTheSledgehammerUh


    Just saw them sober for the first time. Planet Terror was a well-done Zombie movie. I enjoyed it tremendously over the shit that was "Land of the Dead" (all hype and then flat) and "Slither" (no hype then ridiculously good online reviews for a terrible movie). Best "Zombie" movie in a long time. Fun, fun. The trailers were funny. Werewolf Women of the S.S. was my personal favorite. Eli Roth and Tarantino need to stop being actors in films. They're terribly poor. Death Proof was the worst movie I have seen in theatres since Elektra. It fucking reaked. Russell did nothing likeable or fun and ultimately got turned into a bitch by fucking Rosario Dawson, who I've never seen featured in a good movie. The fact that Zoe didn't get off the car any number of times that Russell's car was stopped is ridiculous. Terrible. Overall, a great concept by people I KNOW respect the genre, but poor delivery. Liked Planet Terror, though, so I might get the DVD just for it. Car Chase Movies are usually terrible, so why Tarantino chose THAT Genre to throw in, after a drop-dead knock out crazy Zombie feature, astonishes me.
  17. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Box Office Report...

    Corrected. Seriously, "ARE WE DONE YET", what the fuck does that mean? It's Ice Cube doing the same fucking thing with poorly-animated CGI animal faces. Anyone who sees this movie should be robbed by a mugger in the manner of Bruce Wayne's parents after exiting the theatre. Stop encourading studios to put this shit out.
  18. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Box Office Report...

    I expected Grindhouse to royally tank over the Easter weekend, no surprise. Should be an awesome DVD, though. Plus a lot of the target audience either downloads the films or gets the DVD, it'll be fine. (And before you go all "IT DIDNT TANK, LEARN WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN"...the studio has already publicly expressed its disappointment in the opening weekend, expecting at least 20 million. I love a jab to moviegoers on moviefone.com, Winestein (however it's spelled) is all "They tried to re-educate the audience on this type of movie. It takes a while for them (the audience) to learn.) Personally loved the movies.
  19. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Chavo gains points for that burn.
  20. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Since all 3 World Champs are now on at least 1 PPV a month (January, June, November two each), I would expect some upper midcarders (Finlay, Booker, sadly Snitsky, Orton) to get title shots on upcoming PPVs.
  21. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Edge is too skinny and will always be a tag team wrestler to me. Plus his name sucks. He's really good at what he does, but he's not a top heel. He just happens to be one of the only heels on Raw, and he's funny.
  22. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    XPW is being revived?

    With Easter around the corner, Black should slaughter a defenseless bunny to get some promotion for his latest backyard porno wrestling circuit.
  23. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    XPW is being revived?

    We'll finally learn what the other half of the job was, besides bleeding.
  24. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Re: Baldies theme It's called "Tales from the Darkside" or "Tales from the Southside". It's definately been online as I had it on the old computer. Not much of a help, but it was out there, right around the time in '01 that "Awesomebomb", a never-before released Eliminators remix, a new Slash ECW theme, and a few other quite "rare" tracks got leaked.
  25. UseTheSledgehammerUh

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    WWE The Music Volume 7 The Great #3 TOP PICK --- Duece & Domino's theme is AWESOME. Really well sung, music is very good, a perfect fit for their characters, explained in the lyrics. The Miz's theme, much like the underrated heel, is greatness. #2 TOP PICK --- "Light a Fire" for Ashley. She sucks. She can't work. The song, however, does work, and it's a shame she got it and not, say, Mickie James. Finlay. He'll fight you if you disagree. Beautiful sound. Rob Conway. JUST LOOK AT ME. Worthless theme now, I guess, but such an odd and annoying song. I love it. #1 TOP PICK --- Elijah Burke. Great song for the New Breed and Burke, the leader of said group. I like it a loy, fits his character well. The Great Khali. The theme song of the next WM main eventer. Perfect, spooky little song, despite the lack of athletic ability in the big man. The Okay Cryme Tyme. I think I'd like this more if WWE remembered the big push they had and kept it going. Just a generic slow rap song. Gregory Helms. I hate everything about this song except the opening and the chorus. The whiny singing (usually not heard during the entrance) sucks. Lashley's theme is just there. Like Lashley. Snitsky's theme is just...okay. You might hate on it even more because of the useless lug who uses it, but it's not the worst thing they've put on CD. "The End" - Armageddon PPV theme - it's cool to hear the whole song (which was on the "NOW" portion of the WWE Anthology CD). This is a different and longer version, with new instruments. Striker's theme is loud, kinda generic, but okay. Mickie James theme is nice but doesn't stand out as anything great to have. The Bad Marcus Cor Von. I forgot that Marcus Cor Von was The Human Tornado. Oh, he's not? Couldn't tell here. Michelle McCool's "You're Not Enough for Me". It's the TECHNO ROCK REMIX. With rap lyrix. Great. How many of the WWE "ladies" have used this song? Bad song, bad fit for whatever McCool's character is supposed to be. Muy Loco. This, like Super Crazy's "mexican fat guy" character, sucks. Just like the Mexicools, too. Highlanders theme. Yeah, sit through this playing in your car. Jimmy Waynn Yang. As awful as his cowboy character. Ron Simmons new "Damn" theme, it's a re-mixed APA song with "Damn" in it. Yeah. Kozlov's song is okay, sounds good and all, just can't place it to him.