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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Tiger Mask Dynamite Kid Ric Flair Steve Austin Jerry Lynn Rey Mysterio Dean Malenko Chris Benoit Antonio Inoki Freddie Blassie
  2. Robert

    Best Owen Hart matches...

    Owen vs Shawn Michaels: Novmeber 1995 Owen/Bulldog vs Vader/Mankind: March 1997. Personal favorite. Owen Hart vs Triple H: WM 14 Owen vs Austin: Summerslam 07. Forget the piledriver, it had some good wrestling. Survivor Series 1995: Forget Ahmed Johnson. This one had me on the edge of my seat.
  3. Robert

    End of Year Awards

    MVP of the year : Kurt Angle Match of the year : Tie: Angle/Lesnar and HBK/Y2J Raw wrestler of the year : Chris Jericho Smackdown wrestler of the year : Chris Benoit Rookie of the year : John Cena Tag team of the year : Los Guerreros Feud of the year : Angle/Lesnar PPV of the year : WM 19 Storyline of the year : Kane unmasked Announcer of the year : Jim Ross
  4. Robert

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    British Bulldogs/Hart Foundation- Saturday Night Main Event 2 out of 3 Falls The Rock vs Ric Flair- Raw- July 2002? Steve Austin/Mankind- Raw. One of the very few brutal Raw Match's Paul Orndorff/Hulk Hogan- SNM A Wonderful Night In Toronto HBK/Bulldog- SNM 1992
  5. Robert

    Fantasy Survivor series

    All Time WWE/WWWF/WWF Team vs New Japan WWE/WWWF/WWF: Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle New Japan: Inoki, Chono, Liger, Muta, Tenzan High Flyers: All Time ROH vs WWE Mysterio/Ultimo/Chavo/Knoble/Rocca Red/Daniels/Dragon/London/Low Ki 8 Tag Team Elimination- WWF/E/WWWF vs NWA Rock 'N Roll Express, Andrersons, Stieners, and Road Warriors vs Rockers, Money Inc. Hart Foundation, British Bulldog. Blowoff Match- WWF/WWWF/WWE/NWA WARGAMES WWE: Austin, Rock, Taker, Angle, Michaels WWF: Hogan, Hart, Andre, Snuka, Backuland WWWF: Pedro Morales, Billy Graham, Sammartino, Blassie, Gorilla Monsoon NWA: Sting, Flair, Anderson, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race
  6. Robert

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    I Fucking Hate You by Godsmack Unfogiven by Metallica I Won't Back Done by Tom Petty Straight Out Of Line by Godsmack 7 Nations Army by The White Stripes
  7. Robert

    Matrix Revolutions

    (My Opinion) I just got back from the theater, and god did it sucked. I too fell asleep about an hour and half into it. Alot of philoshopy crap, and crappy dialogue. To much action. What do you get when you have Joel Silver, The Wachowski's, A shitload of money, and FX gear? A SHITTY MOVIE! This makes an Rodney/Test Kennel In A Cell Match look interesting.
  8. Robert

    Better Steve Austin fued?

    Hart vs Austin launched his career. No I Quit Match- No Austin.
  9. Robert

    never been face/heel

    Yes, I do admit. I did think of a guy who has never been face: Tully Blanchard? Never been Heel: Pedro Morales, Never Face: Original Samoans Shit, I gotta stop sleeping so late
  10. Robert

    Hogan vs. Chono

    It was an OK match. Overall- 7/10. The match quality wasn't good at all. The crowd was hot, and Hogan should just retire. That was probaly bitterness for ruining Vader and Flair in WCW, and bringing all of his friends in. The Lightweight Battle Royal: 4 1/2 Stars.
  11. Robert

    Legends of Wrestling: Showdown

    I wonder how much money they payed to get The Warrior? I hope that there are backstage areas in the game. Please get rid of the managers, they make them do stuff that they couldn't do. Brand Wizard do a sidewalk slam and a Assai Moonsault?! That was bullshit
  12. Even though I voted for Bruno- I would like to see the longest matches DVD Sammartino/Gorilla- 95 Minutes The Ironman Matches Sammartino/Morales- 76 Minutes Easter Eggs: Shortest Matches Ever!
  13. Robert

    never been face/heel

    Never Face: Jimmy "Jam" Gavin Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy Big John Stud Nick Bockwinkle King Kong Bundy Never Heel: 2 Cold Scorpio Tito Santana
  14. Robert

    What was your favorite build-up video?

    Austin/Rock- WM X7 Taker/Lesnar- No Mercy Cactus/HHH- RR 2000 Hogan/McMahon- WM 19
  15. Cactus/HHH- No Way Out '00 Austin/HHH-No Way Out 01 TA/Blanchard-Stacade 85 Funk/Flair- Clash of The Champions I Quit Match Michaels/Hart SS 97 Michaels/Taker- Badd Blood
  16. Robert


    What a sack of crap. He has no talent, and proves that Vince's big men fetish is still going strong. He didn't know what to do in the mixed tag match, and nearly killed Steven Richards. SEND HIM BACK TO OVW!
  17. Robert

    Ultimate Warrior's latest post...

    Warrior is the biggest dick in the wrestling world. Never any talent in him, so one-dimensional. Damn you Vince and your fetish for the big men. All wrestlers should respect a guy like Stu Hart. God forgive the other Hart's that have gone through the deaths of Owen, Helen, Davey, and Stu. WE WILL MISS YOU STU HART!
  18. Whenever is see the match on tape- I get goosebumps watching it, and nearly puked the first time I saw it. Kudos to Vader for going through it though, that ear ripping son of a bitch
  19. Is there as Best of The Dynamite Kid/Tiger Mask series. I've seen one of them, and I know there is about 20 of them. So is there any website were I could find it?