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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Box Office Report 7/7-7/9...

    Here's a possibility......POTC was a better, and certainly more fun and entertaining, film than Superman was. I liked Superman, but it's not the film that it could have been. And honestly, after seeing POTC, if you were to ask me which of the two films I'd gladly go and see again, it's POTC. Superman is a film I can wait to see again when it comes out on DVD.
  2. Vyce

    Man rapes puppy

    Maybe the dog led him on. Maybe it was just an irresistibly sexy dog. But the dog was male, so that makes this guy a faggot.
  3. Vyce

    Big Apple Takedown

    I must possess this.
  4. Vyce

    ECW tidbit from the Observer

    Why do you think Heyman has that much integrity? Like anyone else in the business, he saw $$$ in reviving it.
  5. Vyce

    ECW tidbit from the Observer

    Lushus is dead on. I can't believe how some people (here and elsewhere) got conned into believing that this ECW would be anything like the old ECW.
  6. Vyce

    ECW tidbit from the Observer

    That would be awesome. The first ever WWE retcon. A minute after ECW ended this past week, I told Rando that if they had any balls they'd have treated the whole show as an episode of the Twilight Zone marathon, and pretend that it never happened. The Heyman turn, the title change, none of it.
  7. Vyce

    Meltzer WWE notes from F4Daily

    FINALLY Meltz is seeing the writing on the way and turning on DX. His fanboy mark love for them the last few weeks was annoying as hell.
  8. Vyce

    President of Iran sends a letter to George W. Bush

    Yeah! Everyone knows that none of them there A-rabs are to be trusted!! You can trash conservatives for shitting on this guy.....but conservatives don't go: "You know, outside of denying the holocaust and 9/11, he makes a lot of sense!" Conservatives sort of tend to not look past the not-insignificant fact that this guy is DENYING the Holocaust and saying that 9/11 was an inside job (which, hey, is a Democrat talking point in some circles). I can't POSSIBLY imagine why people wouldn't trust this guy when he says that the nuclear program is just for energy purposes. I'm sure that him denying the Holocaust and going around saying, on numerous occasions, that Israel needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, has nothing to do with it. I'm shocked that there is ANYBODY who doesn't trust this man and his word. Shocked to my core. The problem with this line of thinking is that those who spout it, ido so in regards to our military actions in Iraq or Afghanistan or elsewhere. They don't seem to be arguing the same thing when it comes to providing money and aid to the U.N. or any of the dozens / hundreds of nations we provide money & aid to every year. You don't get it both ways. You want a policy of isolationism, let it be across the board. Either accept the fact that we're a superpower who's going to get involved in things if we believe it's in our best interests, or let's cease to involve ourselves in foreign affairs completely, which means telling the rest of the world to deal with their own fucking problems when they come looking to us for a handout.
  9. Yeah, they nominate goddamn Martin Sheen but not Hugh Laurie? Fuck this list. Fuck with an AIDS-infested cock.
  10. Vyce

    Kenneth Lay Dies

    You're in good company with the crazy fringe out there, who are already formulating conspiracy theories around his death.
  11. Vyce

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    So I'm watchin anime on Encore Action right now. I figured, why not. I like anime, even though I know very little about it, outside of the most famous series out there. So the anime I'm watching is "Eiken". And yeah........someone really, really, REALLY made a mistake to show this during prime time rather than after midnight. This is the the most fan service I've ever seen a show be without just going all the way and actually involving tentacles, if you know what I mean.
  12. Vyce

    Passing On Wisdom

    I guess Czech's gimmick is that he cares but pretends not to care because that's cool, or something.
  13. Vyce

    WWE News and Notes

    I wouldn't. Well.....maybe Kurt Angle, but just because I'm annoyed by that shooter gimmick and Heyman's stupid MMA quote. I'd also like to see Taker get beat down just because of his stupid MMA love. So that's it for the Fake Kane storyline, huh? Not even an explanation as to what the hell it was supposed to be?
  14. Vyce

    Passing On Wisdom

    See, Rando, this is what I was talking about.
  15. Vyce

    Hulk vs. Orton SSlam

    I would personally find it hilarious if Nick Hogan turns out to be a really solid worker.
  16. Vyce

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    This might be an unpopular opinion among smarks, but I'd totally be down with bringing both Hassan and Kenzo back. I liked the Hassan gimmick and thought Copani did a good job in that role. He wasn't Benoit in the ring, but I think he was better than people give him credit for. Smarks give Carlito and Ken Kennedy wet, sloppy blowjobs all the time, and IMO Hassan was certainly no worse than either of them in the ring. Kenzo got the knock of being a terrible wrestler, and true, he wasn't too hot in singles, but I thought his tag team with Dupree was perfectly acceptable. Having him work the horribly anemic tag ranks of RAW or Smackdown would be fine by me.
  17. Vyce

    Is RVD Hated By Most Smarks?

    Rob really doesn't have THAT much charisma. Carlito, for example, is a guy who smokes (no pun intended) RVD when it comes to charisma. And let me remind you-all that I've been very critical of Carlito, arguing several times that Carlito is a guy who I think is pretty overrated by smarks when it comes to being super-charismatic. King is pretty spot on, IMO. RVD's basically doing the same gimmick he always has. The problem is, the gimmick is pretty stale at this point. If you're not an ECW or RVD fan, it's kind of wearing thin. I don't hate Cena. I kind of like the guy, actually, and think he SHOULD be protected as the number one guy, so I don't know.......seeing them put RVD, who's chance to be a main eventer / superstar has pretty much passed like five years, over Cena just bothers me. If you're going to use Cena to put someone over, let it be someone like Edge to really cement him as a main event heel. Don't waste it on RVD.
  18. Vyce

    Is RVD Hated By Most Smarks?

    He's being allowed to work more of a "RVD ECW" style, but that does not necessarily equal better matches. That's actually why I've begun to hate him. I didn't hate him until they put him over Cena and then booked him as the main face of ECW. Only when the big RVD push began did I really start to hate him. If this was five years ago, I'd be down with it, but now I'm not.
  19. Vyce

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I agree about Kennedy being overrated. There are people who are seriously considering him to be the next Rock just because the guy says his name before he wrestles, as if that somehow conveys awesome, main-event level charisma. I'm sorry, but no. He's not terrible, on the mic or in the ring, but he's really not all that special. I guess Copani (or whatever his name is) doesn't want to come back and maybe he made no friends in the company, so they wouldn't want him back anyway, but that shit went down a year ago, and a year is fucking forever as far as minor scandals like that go. They could debut him all over again tomorrow, with the same gimmick, and there wouldn't be much of a problem.
  20. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    I think you can. Why? Because now all I want to fucking see is a Aquaman movie made by James Cameron. Unfortunately, a 116 million opening would only cover like half of his budget for the film.
  21. Vyce

    Sin City 2 info

    I'd be down with Asia in this role.
  22. Standard fare, conservative opinions are unpopular here.
  23. The Kyoto Protocol was / is a fucking mess, and choosing not to ratify it was one of the BEST things that Clinton did in office. Bush was wise to similarly follow in Clinton's footsteps on the matter. Furthermore, while global warming is an issue we should address, fucking stop acting like in 50 years the majority of the nation is going to be under water or be a tropic zone. Just fucking stop it. Your way of life isn't going to really change much, outside of maybe not having to wear as many sweaters in January.
  24. Vyce

    The story with Imposter Kane and Kane.

    Kane is a supernatural being, so this imposter is another supernatural entity, i.e. his doppleganger.
  25. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    I'm not really excited about this Superman film but I would go see it over this piece of dogshit Adam Sandler movie 139 times out of 100. You do the math there.