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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. I like that they're taking jabs at their own network censoring them (pulling the Scientology episode) as well.
  2. This is already better than I thought it'd be. The FG parody was pretty funny, even though I'm a huge FG mark. I'm LOVING the fact that they're punking out every politically correct twat who pisses and moans that we're too insensitive towards Muslims too.
  3. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    I 'turned' on this film because it just isn't that great. It's okay, but niskie's right in that this seems like a film that'd 'debut' on Sci-Fi. Whether the critics loved it or not makes no fucking difference to me. I enjoyed the Hills Have Eyes remake, and that was pretty well panned by critics, at least more so than "Slither". Judging by its box office this weekend, looks like a lot of people either weren't too impressed with it, or just decided to stay away anyway.
  4. Vyce

    Box Office Report 3/31-4/02

    Holy shit, 70 million? Is that a record for an opening this time of year? It's still a month, month and a half before the summer movie season opens and big box office weekends are the usual.
  5. TDHTL was a fucking TERRIBLE zombie flick. People seem to give it a free pass because OMG IT'S A TRIBUTE TO ROMERO / EVIL DEAD / ETC. Really, it's shitty. Really shitty. What movies are you watching that this occurs so often?!?!?!
  6. Vyce

    Kingdom Hearts II

    I haven't seen the commercial, but if the song playing is the English version of Utada Hikaru's "Passion", then you're so fucking wrong, because that song fucking rules.
  7. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    Downhome's out of his fucking mind. It's nowhere NEAR on the same level as Shaun of the Dead, and more entertaining than "Inside Man"? That's going to be one of the contenders for best film of the year, even though it is a Spike Lee joint. The movie was okay. That's it. You're starting this fanboy bullshit about it, though, and it doesn't deserve it.
  8. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    I like horror films, and I thought it was mediocre. Bob doesn't like horror films and liked it. They did something wrong with this movie, then. Maybe. Although I thought Shaun of the Dead was a much more entertaining and well-executed horror comedy than this. And this is coming from a guy who thinks that Shaun of the Dead is a bit overrated (I really enjoy it, own it on DVD, but c'mon, there are some people who claim it's one of the best zombie films of all time, which it isn't).
  9. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    It's a horror comedy. Almost to the point where it's a spoof, but not quite, because the story is somewhat serious, unlike, say, Scary Movie 4. Silent Hill is the film I'm most looking forward to in the month of April, but I fear it will be killed at the box office because it's opening the same day as "The Sentinel", which I think will probably do pretty good business.
  10. Vyce

    PWTorch newsletter news and notes

    Consider me on the "JBL is better than Orton" bandwagon. If it doesn't exist, then I'm starting it right here.
  11. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    I just saw this today, and I have to say: Bob, you're WRONG, and Ebert's right. This is an okay film. But that's it. I was entertained, but I didn't find it nearly as funny as some are making it out to be or nearly as entertaining as I thought it would be. It has a few moments, but that's it. The remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" was a MUCH better film, across the board (even though that was just straight up horror). Not that this is a bad film, because it isn't, but it's just....okay. It's worth a rental or worth watching on TV like if it were on HBO or some other cable movie channel. But it's not good enough to deserve such a great rating on RT nor is it worthy of fanboy gushing (which I can see happening, possibly due to Nathan Fillion's "Firefly" connection). Ebert's right this time, the film's about ** out of four. Or ** 1/2 out of five, whatever your system is. Bottom line, it's middle of the road. It's alright, but that's about it.
  12. Vyce

    PWTorch newsletter news and notes

    Remember this, WWE, when it comes time to decide who's on the next list of layoffs. Stevie's still useful!
  13. If RVD is terrible, it's because he's beyond caring at this point. He may still bitch about the glass ceiling, but as far as his ring work is concerned, he doesn't fucking care. He knows he's never going to be beyond where he is now and thus he doesn't care to put forth any effort.
  14. Vyce

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    Wait, Barron wrote a review for Brick? Where? Cause that's a movie I'm interested in seeing. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is developing into quite the good young actor.
  15. Vyce

    Pictures I Like

  16. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Kenzo / Test tag team.
  17. Vyce

    Box Office Report 2/24-26th

    You and your teen comedies. Although how does she fool anyone in that flick into thinking she's a guy? She doesn't exactly have a boyish body.
  18. Vyce

    College Hoops: The Regionals

    You're telling me? I fucking WENT to George Mason. I'M MARKING THE FUCK OUT. *heart beats irregularly* I need some 'ludes after that game. Something to take the edge off.
  19. Vyce

    Sharks vs Bears

    Sharks are fucking pussies, and the bear is an underrated killing machine. A bear would quite literally kill a shark, fuck its corpse, then dine on the remains instead of its usual salmon supper.
  20. Vyce

    College Hoops: The Regionals

    I have the biggest shit-eating grin possible on my face that Mason won. Goddamn, I should have gone to the campus tonight, I bet they're going fucking crazy right now.
  21. Too bad, cause my vote was for Carnival and Niskie.
  22. Vyce


    Wiki article. Some links on there, a couple of them at least. I was excited about this for years, since Tool and NIN are my favorite musical groups ever, but nothing ever came of it. A bunch of tracks were circulating the net about three years back, reportedly as Tapeworm tracks, but they were largely bogus. One of the tracks was "Pharmapsychological" which I believe was actually a NIN track off the casette version of "The Fragile" album. Another was a Danny Lohner remix of Skinny Puppy's "Worlock" (which is actually a really fantastic remix of that song, it's even creepier and more disturbing than the original). The only one that was legit was A Perfect Circle's "Vacant". They used to play it live back during their tour for their first album, "Mer de Noms", and it was great. APC changed the song, adding new lyrics, and put it out on their third album, "Emotive", under the title "Passive" (it's actually maybe the best song on that album, which was largely disappointing to some APC fans like me). It's distressing, because I think an album done by Trent & Maynard would be incredible, but we likely won't ever see any sort of full length collaboration between the two. MAYBE if we're lucky they'll do a song together one of these days.