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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    I, on the other hand, believe most average Americans don't care enough about politics to find out accurate info. Still, it is distressing to know how unaware of things the general public is. I don't think it's that; I think that most Americans honestly just don't care, rather than them being too lazy or uninformed to care. I have reasons for this belief, but I don't want to get into that whole discussion again.
  2. Vyce

    London Going To Raw?

  3. Vyce

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Judging by polls, a lot of Americans think we've ALREADY found WMDs. I think the more accurate answer is that most Americans don't care if we find WMD or not.
  4. Vyce

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    I don't necessarily believe that. But it matters little what I believe - he will very easily be presented as such by the Republicans, and he will not easily be able to prove in a general election that he's some sort of great moderate. His stance on gay marriage alone may put him over the top, and that's just ONE of the hurdles he would have to go through.
  5. I'm really digging Fables. It may be able to replace Preacher as THE Vertigo book to get (as Preacher replaced Sandman once that title ended).
  6. Vyce

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Nope. It won't. Yes, I realise I'm being ambiguous, and I'm being ambiguous for a reason. She's right. I'm taking her ambiguity to mean that she believes that we will find WMD in the future, but even if we do not, it will not matter much come the election. The majority of Americans care more about the bottom line on the Iraq war (that Saddam is overthrown and the country liberated of his regime), and the blame for any lapses on intelligence will not weigh down onto the Bush administration nearly as heavy as liberals want it too.
  7. Vyce


    Hello? Thor?
  8. Vyce

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

  9. Vyce

    Booker Back In October!!

    Not to take anything away from Rock's accomplishments..... ....but he's not the best example to use. He's as "high-yellow" as they come (I personally think the Samoan features dominate). Until an actual DARK-SKINNED wrestler becomes WWE champ, I'm not going to be that impressed.
  10. Vyce

    Bradshaw on Fox?

    He was just on with Neil Cavuto. I didn't pay a great deal of attention, but with his new haircut and a suit on, Bradshaw looks VERY much like an ordinary businessman. Totally different from the cowboy look he had for years.
  11. Vyce

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    Christ. Look, kid, just go read a book about it, okay? You may just learn something.
  12. Vyce


    It depends. I think that yes, the people here would be very upset, but remember two influencing factors: 1) The majority of people on this board are Americans, so naturally any terrorism on American soil has more of an emotional impact that foreign terrorism, and 2) loss of life. You list Big Ben & the Eiffel Tower, which too my knowledge are landmarks, but not really office buildings full of thousands of people as the Towers were. The death toll would still likely be high, I'm sure, but probably not 3,000+. A moment of silence also for those who died in the Pentagon. They sometimes seem to get a bit overshadowed in the weight of the crushing horror that happened in NYC, but for those of us who live in the D.C. area - such as myself, and Marney - it hits close to home. Oh, and Lando - do me a favor. Next time you see a member of the armed forces, you walk up to him / her and you give them handshake and a word of thanks. Do the same should you run across a civil rights attorney / advocate. Because they're out there fighting (in their own ways) for your right to spew the insensitive drivel that you do.
  13. Vyce

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    No, it's saying that the American public has pressured the government to end a war that would have been won eventually (at the cost of several thousand more American lives). Do you now want to debate Vietnam in this thread? If you're forced to go to delve into that to prove some sort of great American failure, I pity you.
  14. Vyce


    Bale was the best choice for Bats. Long live Patrick Batman! Crowe would be just all wrong for Rha's. Gary Oldman is not a bad suggestion, but I'm not sure he's believable as a physical threat.
  15. Vyce

    Incest laws for adults

    Retarded people - YES. Hereditary illness carriers - possibly.
  16. Vyce

    Incest laws for adults

    Frist got raked over the coals for his remarks about this, but he was right in one regard - Lawrence v. Texas effectively makes consensual incestual sex unprosecutable. Regardless of what your interpretation of how the Constitution defines privacy rights, that has to leave you feeling a little bit oogey.
  17. Where you been, Rip Van Winkle?
  18. Vyce

    Look who's back...

    All I know is, that asshole popped up today and I watched as the Dow plummeted before my eyes. That fucker is going to screw up my dividend check.
  19. With 2004 seeing the end of such individuals as Idi Amin, Uday & Qusay Hussein, and now Leni, this IS a very good year for death.
  20. Vyce

    In the mood for a comedy tonight?

    You know nothing about LaRouche. Oh, and a personal memo to Mr. Howard Dean: you KNOW you've never heard a Wycleaf Jean song in your life, sir. Who are you fucking kidding?
  21. Vyce

    Goldberg vs HHH

    Goldberg. It's not even a question for me. My HHHate is THAT complete. I would rather have "World Champion Shane McMahon" than HHH. Fuck, I'd rather have "World Champion DAVID ARQUETTE!" than HHH.
  22. Vyce

    Another View of Howard Dean

    I'll do it. Illegal mexicans, as well as all illegals, shouldn't be in this country, using our social services. Legal mexicans that support them simply because they're mexican are racist. Join me and Bustamante in MECHA! We're going to take back California from those fucking white devils!
  23. Vyce

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    Isn't most of Canada tundra? And isn't their entire population only about a TENTH of America's? C'mon, give us some credit. It's not as if our troops would be hunting around the frigid north sniping down Eskimos. They were aided by the British Empire, who, at that point, were still quite formidable. What is the point of this particular argument? Canada is like our rebellious little brother. We get frustrated with you at times, but we love you silly Canucks up there.
  24. Vyce

    Another View of Howard Dean

    And he's the true Messiah. You seem to keep forgetting that.
  25. Vyce

    Gray Davis slams Arnold

    I still do not understand the controversy over that article. I mean, this is CALIFORNIA, we're talking about. It's not as if deviant sexual practices are unheard of there - or even reviled.