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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Seriously is there any Rock respect?

    Johnny Cash getting nominated kicks all sorts of ass. He had better win. It's the least MTV can do for us.
  2. Sean O'Haire wasn't over and he jobbed out Hogan to boot. He was also hooked up with Piper. How he failed to get over with all of that is beyond me. <sarcasm>OMG HUGE MEGA PUSH FOR SEAN O'HAIRE </sarcasm>. Anyone associated with the Mr. America storyline who was not a) Vince McMahon, b) Hogan, or c) Gowan got completely and utterly lost in the shuffle. They were nothing more than bit players in that particular little drama, and unfortunately for him, that included O'Haire. Pairing him with Piper did him little good, as it came in the middle of the Mr. America mess, and as soon as they were transitioned out of that storyline Piper got his ass fired and O'Haire was sent to Velocity. It was a "push" in the barest sense of the word. A-Train is not more over than either of them by huge leaps and bounds. He's only more "over" in the sense that he's been fortunate enough to be involved with more uppercard talent, thus getting more exposure than perpetually fighting scrubs on Velocity. And I would submit that both Dragon and Kanyon were over to a degree in WCW - and I think that could be replicated in the WWE if only given the proper amount of time & attention, as both have more charisma and ability to interact with the fans than Albert does.
  3. Vyce

    Orlando Jordan

    Cena has always been better booked, and they've allowed O'Haire to fall off the face of the planet (i.e., he only wrestles on Velocity).
  4. Vyce

    Unforgiven Matches Announced

    Kane vs. Shane? I'm officially pissed off.
  5. Believe it or not, based on actual movie continuity, Ash would fit in perfectly with Jason. Anyone remember a certain book that was just laying on a table in Jason's old house in Friday the 13th part 9?
  6. Vyce

    Suicide Blast Disrupts Calm

    Genocide? I'm guessing this is directed at Mike's comment, but think about it: What the hell does Israel have to gain from randomly killing people? If Israel wasn't told by the World to "Stop defending yourself, damn it!", they could fight and destroy these cells much more efficently instead of having to half-ass it the whole time. How many people REALLY give two shits about the Palestinians? Not many. For sure it ain't any of their Arab brothers. Palestine to them is only good for being the large and constant thorn in the side of the Jews.
  7. Vyce

    Power outages reported in Northeast

    I couldn't believe that rational-minded people were thinking terrorists were behind this. I could understand it if you lived in one of the affected areas, lack of information coming in and a pack mentality, etc, but over on Fox News they were speculating like Mujaballi had pulled the plug or something. They even mentioned the recent MS Windows worm. I was shocked they weren't looking up for the black helicopter. Dude, come on. If I was a New Yorker? The minute the lights went out, I wouldn't think much about it. But the minute I heard that ALL the power was out in the ENTIRE city - and surrounding STATES - I'd immediately question whether something was going on. Also remember that there was at least one power plant on fire at one point. If all of a sudden the lights went out, and a few moments later I saw smoke billowing up into the air - I'd start to freak out a bit. We're unfortunately living in a world now where every major mishap such as this has to be questioned. And I don't think that's totally a bad thing.
  8. Vyce

    Cornette Rules it once again

    This is why I wish Cornette was announcing RAW instead of Lawler. He's so much better it's not even funny. I could actually hear intelligent commentating, not perverted ramblings about Trish Stratus' breasts.
  9. At best he's a decent worker. But he's not over, he's NEVER been over, and arguably he never will be. And that's the long and short of it. The guy has been with the company for years now, and the WWE has yet to give me a single reason to care about him. At all. Meanwhile, the guys I can and often do care about, the Spankys / Ultimo Dragons / Kanyons, etc., get nowhere near the exposure as A-Train.
  10. Vyce

    Okay, I give up.

    TALKIN' BABY!!!!! That's actually the only part of the commercials I like. When he screams that line. Other than that, I don't get the appeal.
  11. Vyce

    French fear up to 3,000 killed in heatwave

    What should he do? Cry about it? I'm resisting the urge to make a joke about karma myself.
  12. Vyce

    The Talent That's Going To Miss Out on SS...

    I would say odds are probably good that we'll see Storm & Goldust in a tag together on Heat.
  13. Vyce

    It's not always a damn carry

    I agree. If an Angle vs. Edge match winds up being ****, I wouldn't say that "Angle carried Edge". On the other hand, if you have Angle vs. Big Show winding up being something like **1/2, that is a carry job my friends. Great match = mutual hard work. Decent match = carry.
  14. Vyce

    Anti gay marriage groups: Hey lawmakers

    Please, just let gays marry each other already, because I'm tired of people bitching about all of this.
  15. Vyce


    Well, that's another 6 months of jobbing for you, Rob. Seriously, I applaud him for having the balls to speak his mind on the air like that. Um.... ....I'm glad about the comic stuff and all, but from a constructive criticism standpoint, Rob is one of the guys who needs to be watching more rather than less matches.
  16. While I'm anti-abortion ideologically, I'm effectively pro-choice. Not because I'm wrapped up in this whole "it's a woman's body!" philosophy. I'm just a true guy - I don't want to deal with any fucking illigetimate children. Some of you are with me, I'm sure.
  17. Vyce

    Top 50 Worst Music Artists of All Time

    I argued that EXACT point with a friend of mine. There are probably a good two dozen artists alone from the whole 80s "New Wave" movement that deserve to be on that list far more than most of the ones listed. "Taco" anyone? I mean, some of the selections make no sense. Groups like skinny puppy and Live are, at worst, just inconsistent, putting out a good album here and a bad one there. And Creed absolutely doesn't deserve to be on that list. I know they get a lot of heat, but face the truth, haters - Creed is nothing worse than just mediocre top 40 rock-pop. They're hardly one of the worst groups of all time.
  18. Vyce

    Most overrated band?

    Blasphemy. Tool is the 2nd greatest band of all time (with Deep Purple not being the first). When I am king, you will be first against the wall. ......oops, that was a Radiohead lyric. I vote Radiohead, because while I like their music in general, they're beginning to annoy me, especially by putting out a politically-themed mediocre album in "Hail to the Thief".
  19. Arnold is playing this fairly well so far. But the Republicans in that state had better get their heads out of their asses if they want to retake the governor's office. Right now, Arnold is the Republican with the best chance of winning the whole thing - so if they're smart, they'd better stop this "he's a liberal, not a conservative!" bullshit.
  20. I'm going to see this movie just because I want the Rock to succeed as the next generation of big-budget action movie star. This one is for you, and all other Walken fans:
  21. Vyce

    Graphic Novels

    I think you have it the other way around, JMA. Maggin based the novel on the miniseries. I loved Kingdom Come. A dark and violent future for the DC universe, and Captain Marvel was a fucking psycho badass.
  22. Vyce

    Fox News sues Franken

    Eh, it might be enough. The gist of Fox's whole argument is that he's profiting by using their trademark without permission. Him having a picture of their most recognizable employee on his book cover is just more ammo to support that claim. Here's the thing that's always bothered me with making jokes about Limbaugh & Moore's weight - it's too goddamn easy. I mean, if you're going to insult either man based upon the fact that you don't like their ideology, at least have the decency to do it in a more witty manner than "OMG He's got a great big fat ass!"
  23. Vyce

    Fox News sues Franken

    So he did use a picture of O'Reilly. That could potentially bode ill for him. Only strengthens FOX's argument. BTW, about Rush - isn't he supposed to be DEAF? I remember a lot of jackals cackling with glee over the that when that news broke. Is he cured now? o.O
  24. This doesn't sound nearly as funny as the Jim Florentine CD where to just fucks with telemarketers and other service people relentlessly.