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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Favourite Family Guy Character

    I vote for Brian, but it was a close call between him and Stewie. Brian just has a few more of my favorite scenes. Brian: "Wait, Peter - only one of those presents was for charity. The rest was for the family." Peter: "No, the rest were FROM the family and - aw crap, when'd they change the meaning of for to from?" Brian: "They had a meeting on it last night." Peter: "Why wasn't I invited?" Brian: "Well, they sent an invitation, but it said 'for Peter', so you must have thought it was 'from' you and.......you know, it's just easier to call you stupid."
  2. Isn't it wonderful that you're so willing to give Arnold a pass based on his "record", but you refuse to look at Dean's? Wow, what a blind homer. Somebody obviously doesn't recognie parody when he sees it. Which is ironic, given the source of the material I was parodying. I got tired of waiting for Tyler to get the joke, so I'm going to post it blatantly in front of him now. This was your response to me in the Dean thread, here, when I remarked that Dean wasn't a centrist: Get the joke now? I really hate having to explain these things to people who just don't get it.
  3. Vyce

    Raven Inetrview

    Raven / Dreamer / Hurricane were all mainstays on Heat. Evolution were (are) mainstays on RAW. It wouldn't have hurt them to have a stable angle running on Heat. And, if Raven is to believe, it would have introduced - and possibly gotten over - two OVW workers. Now, I don't know the storyline proposed, but I would theorize that Raven would have done a better job of getting to dev. workers over than, say, Undertaker giving them a handshake on Smackdown.
  4. Now, I'm not going to sit here and read through 4 pages worth of this, so I have to say from the first page - Fight Club is most definitely NOT overrated.
  5. Isn't it wonderful that you're so willing to give Arnold a pass based on his "record", but you refuse to look at Dean's? Wow, what a blind homer. Somebody obviously doesn't recognie parody when he sees it. Which is ironic, given the source of the material I was parodying.
  6. Vyce

    Dean's budget-balancing act left taxpayers in red

    I'm just sitting here pondering whether it's possible for that gay bishop to legally "marry" Tyler and Howard in a nice civil union in Vermont. I wanna be the flower girl.
  7. Vyce

    What ever happened with Spawn

    What happened? It still continued to suck.
  8. Well, of that list, it has to be American Pie. While I personally do not know a single soul who would rate it.....well, highly at all, if there ARE those out there who do, than they're just wrong. So very, very wrong. If this is somehow our generation's "Animal House" I may have to go and sit in a corner and weep.
  9. Vyce

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    I hate McMahon so fucking much. That's it. This is the last straw. From now on, I actively cheer AGAINST the WWE signing anyone good, i.e. London / Spanky. Cause it just hurts me too much to see them piss away their careers wrestling on a nothing show like Velocity.
  10. Vyce

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    With all due respect, I must disagree. Jericho was never anything more than just a body to keep the title warm until the glorious return of the WWE messiah HHH.
  11. Vyce

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    I think Schiavone gets unfairly shit on a bit too much by the smark community. True, he allowed himself to become a corporate schill, but before those days he was actually pretty good. Not as good as JR was in his prime, of course, but then again, JR is nothing but a pale, sad shade of what he once was. Schiavone EASILY is better than Coach (I'd say even in his schill days), and at his worst was probably no worse than JR is these days. And whomever said Cornette deserves a cigar. They should just fucking fire Lawler already, Cornette's only about a hundred times better than Jerry.
  12. We've had enough little pushes of Steiner and Test... we don't need, nor want any more. Steiner is just the shits and should be dropped completly My plan all along has been to secretly replace him with Ron Waterman, and then act as if nothing is wrong if someone notices the difference.
  13. I'm with the Chick. Shave Jericho bald and leave the goatee? Looks a lot like Austin to me.
  14. Vyce

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    The issue is not that RVD is overrated. Hell, Meltzer himself says that RVD is a flawed worker, who, theoretically, should not be over. The problem is that he WAS over, ungodly over, over to the extent that he was cheered louder and more enthusiastically by the fans than the majority of the WWE's own guys - and instead of capitalizing on that, the WWE just jobbed him out until the fans, by and large, stopped caring. It's just another example of the WWE royally fucking up a golden opportunity.
  15. There seems to be a rather insidious substance abuse problem in my locker room. I got two guys in rehab for being coke fiends (including one half of my tag champions, fuck it all), and another I had to stick in there for being a drunk.
  16. I've changed my mind. I'm going to vote for Dean after reading this story: Truly, the Messiah has come!
  17. Whoops, I just slipped in all of my tears. That's absolutely incorrect. Arnold is a centrist, as everyone knows. Just look at his record. Anyone who disagrees is just blinded by ignorant Gray Davis love.
  18. This game is unbelievable. My cult fed, in just three months time, has raised from 50% (starting) and an initial 10k LOSS in the first month, to a 74% rating and about an 80k PROFIT in just three months. That's WITHOUT TV, running a monthly PPV schedule. All of that gain with just three shows. I'm in shock.
  19. Vyce

    Last Comic standing

    That HACK~! Rich Vos should have won. But at least now I'll get to hear Jimmy Norton and Patrice O'Neal relentlessly tool on him for not winning.