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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Shhhh......keep that under your hat.
  2. Vyce

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, Annie's a trap? Now I'm interested. Pics, or it didn't happen.
  3. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    And have criticized him on those issues. This is more than can be said for those here re: Obama, who apparently can do no wrong.
  4. Vyce

    Total Non-Stop Action

    25 wrestlers? Jesus, I hope they have a CAW feature that gives you plenty of spots. Even the shitty Smackdown games would give you double that many wrestlers (either right away or as unlockables). I think I need to do more research on to how the controls will be, but I might pick this one up, provided that, as I said, they have a CAW mode where I could add more wrestlers to the roster.
  5. Vyce

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Preordered my copy weeks ago. That said, I find myself having pretty much zero personal hype for this game. I've not been anticipating it eagerly like the rest of you. I don't doubt it'll be good but I'm fairly ambivalent.
  6. Vyce

    4,000 dead Americans

    You're shamelessly exaggerating (which is me being nice and not saying "outright lying"). No one has openly endorsed torture. The problem is, what people define as torture these days is very much subjective. Or I suppose I could say, what YOUR people define as torture these days can be fucking clownshoes. The worst your side can point to is waterboarding, and that just doesn't cut it, Eric. We're not just taking random Arabs and putting bamboo slivers under their fingernails. But regardless, I know you like to get cute and treat this all as a POLICE action, but it isn't. The same protections do not and should not apply.
  7. Vyce

    The cops shot a wild cougar.

    This from the one who referred to the pussification of society in the 8 girls beating thread? Cops 'go gangsta' on a cougar, and all of a sudden it's completely in the wrong. Bottom line, people just like animals more than people.
  8. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    Your weariness does not come from a righteous place like his rhetoric does. We hit the righteous indignation quota in this thread a looooooooong time ago.
  9. Vyce

    Pictures I Like

    Nice. There's a nice video of her out there playing the Wii naked.
  10. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    Good lord is it wearisome to read Gogo's posts.
  11. Vyce

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Yeah.......look, we're not socialists yet in America, so lots of us don't buy into this concept that we need to take care of the worthless shits in our society just because they managed to hit the lottery by immigrating / being born here. Take the kid away from those two. It might have a chance. Let's hope natural selection takes care of the parents before they can breed again.
  12. Vyce

    The OAO Dragon Ball movie thread

    What. WHAT. Oh god, Chow. Why. You can't need the money that badly.
  13. Vyce

    4,000 dead Americans

    That's mostly because they are weak on terror. As far as unpatriotic.....that's usually a case by case basis. And it's mostly a sliding scale. The hard-left usually is, more moderate Democrats are not.
  14. Vyce

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Jesus that's sweet. Well, fuck NIN, but the rest. NIN would be the only group out of that list I'd be interested in seeing.
  15. Vyce

    The one where we talk about Secret Invasion

    In the Illuminati mini series, the Skrulls decided they were going to invade Earth again, kind of as retaliation for the Skrull/Kree war. The destruction of the Skrull throne world pretty much has sped everything up. They also reveal in the first issue of SI that the Skrulls will take over Earth as some sort of ancient prophecy. They're going to have to jump through some serious hurdles if they want to make it not egregiously lame. Because so far, that premise sounds awful.
  16. Vyce

    Comic creators you hate

    More proof that in America, the consumer has a serious appetite for shit.
  17. Vyce

    Best Application to download music

    I don't like Soulseek, actually. I find it difficult to find some of the more obscure artists or songs. mIRC works well. Other than that, I just download torrents.
  18. Vyce

    The one where we talk about Secret Invasion

    I'm just wondering a few things (haven't read this yet). 1. What's the purpose of this invasion? 2. Are they going to reference the Annihilation saga at all? If you've followed that, you'd know that the Annihilation Wave pretty much *decimated* the Skrull Empire. 3. I'd love for them to use this to explain the horrible, glaring mischaracterizations of many of their characters in Civil War, but I doubt that's going to be the case.
  19. Vyce

    Comic creators you hate

    I'll second this. It takes a lot of talent to fuck it up that badly. Ultimates 1 & 2 were great. 3 ..not so much. Can I just say this? The Quicksilver / Scarlet Witch "relationship" was a lot more humerous when it was understated. It didn't need Jeph Loeb hammering people over the head with a sledgehammer. Yeah, we got it, Loeb, they like each other, they REALLY do. I can't stand the man. Terrible, terrible writer, one of the absolute worst "big names" out there. Winnick is tolerable to me, but here's a pet peeve of mine with him: ENOUGH with the gay characters until you can find a way to do them without it seeming cliche at this point. Because it sure feels that way - hack and cliche, since he's done it so goddamn much. I know, you're paying tribute to Pedro, but please, just stop, because at this point, you're not even making the gay characters natural anymore, now it just feels forced. Oh, and I absolutely LOATHE Mark Millar.
  20. Vyce

    4,000 dead Americans

    I wish they would do that too, if only for the fact that having his party come out as so blatantly divisive would completely undercut Obama's "I'm a uniter not a divider" rhetoric. Which is all based on bullshit lies anyway, but still. And Bush will probably wind up about mid-level in terms of how he's ultimately perceived. Since all of a sudden TSM is interested in historical context, just look at former Presidents like Truman, who's opinion polls absolutely tanked in his last two years of office (and gee, Truman was involved in a "quagmire" military conflict too), yet after decades of reflection, he's earned a lot of respect for his time in office.
  21. Vyce

    Recording Programs

    DVD Recorder. And I record just about everything, although I do get picky at times, and outside of PPVs I don't usually tape the entire shows. I make my own comp discs, and not every match makes the cut, so if I'm making an "Old School WWF" disc, a classic Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs match is likely to make the cut, but say, Hercules Hernandez vs. Salvatore Bellomo probably won't. Unless Salvatore has his working boots on, maybe. I will, though, unashamingly record anything involving Iron Mike Sharpe.
  22. Vyce

    Battlefield: Bad Company

    The game looks pretty good, but the fact that you have to PAY to unlock some of the weapons is an absolutely terrible precedent. I'll wind up purchasing the game, because I'm a FPS junkie and the prospect of almost entirely destructable environments is very appealing.
  23. Vyce

    Call Of Duty 4

    Continued double XP? I may be playing this game some more tonight, then. I want to get further along on my second prestige.
  24. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    Oh come now, Eric, be fair. I don't think I've ever referred to Obama supporters as a cult, except to poke fun at the inherent silliness that is how he's being touted as some sort of liberal Messiah. I mean, c'mon, Eric, there ARE those reports FROM OBAMA SUPPORTERS who said they've fainted at his rallies and said that listening to him speak (live) is something akin to a religious experience. But that's all just in good fun. No one really thinks that there's a cult of Obama, except a cult of personality. The "Paulbots" (aka moRons), on the other hand are really just creepy. I know you pretty well, Eric, and trust me, YOU would be genuinely freaked out by many of them. Especially when they start talking about gun rights. I got into a heated argument on another board with some Paulbots because I wasn't down with their assertion that the Founding Fathers intended for us to be able to own fully-automatic assault rifles (lots of them) without any sort of restriction such as licensing or registration. Most Paulbots belong in the tin-foil hat brigade. Eric, do you see where he's coming from, Eric? Eric. Eric. Eric. TSM's CE folder earns its reputation yet again.
  25. Vyce

    4,000 dead Americans

    I want to thank you, Eric, for at least expressing cautious optimism, unlike your counterparts here, who don't seem to want to hear any sort of news of positive progress.