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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Pictures I Like

    You know, I really dislike Jake Gyllenhall, but those pics are fucking tremendous. It almost makes me like him. But not enough to watch him and his gay cowboy antics.
  2. Vyce

    The Year of Superman

    I scoff at Y2Jerk. Do you know how long I've been waiting for Superboy to be put out on DVD? Since before DVD even existed, son. That's how fucking long.
  3. Vyce

    Pictures I Like

    The weird thing is, I find the midget chick kind of cute.
  4. Vyce

    Well, see ya later guys

    Oh, has Melissa cheated?
  5. That's my answer. Well, not necessarily with Scarlet, but if I'm losing, someone's going to get fucked for that. And I mean literally.
  6. Vyce

    TNA news

    What the.....what XM channel is he on, and at what time?! Has Johnny Devine been used much lately? I don't recall seeing him. Have they been keeping him off TV until this has been resolved?
  7. Vyce


    Leena seems like the type of woman who one day would decide to crush you. Not physically, though I understand she's very tall and thus 'Amazonian', but psychologically. She would savage you, breaking your little heart in two, leaving you lying in a pile of your own lost hopes and shattered dreams, with tears streaming down your dirt-smudged face, just bruised and broken, knowing that you've been manipulated and then tossed away like so much refuse. And she will delight in your torment, your suffering. Because she is like the Black Goddess, the Dark Mother, Kali. THAT is the appeal of Leena. Her beauty, and her fury, which is married with our own wish to be part of her cycle of destruction, to fulfill our own deep, secret desires of self-annihilation. Thus, we are drawn to her. Like moths. That's what we are. Moths to her eternal flame.
  8. I've said before that I'm leaning towards him being real. But, that's not a good thing.
  9. Vyce


    If it isn't, there's more than one hole, my friend.
  10. Vyce


    That's nothing. Delete an entire message board over her, and then we'll talk.
  11. If you believe Meltz, though, the main reason why they're pissed with Aries' internet message was not that he, well, posted it on the internet, but that he was giving inaccurate info (i.e. lying).
  12. Vyce

    Belly Button Ooze

    I was going to make a snide remark about how if he wanted to look hardcore, at least have the cig in your mouth lit, but then I stopped and realized I think I have pics on my hard drive of me in a similar pose, with an unlit Marlboro dangling from my maw, and I was silenced.
  13. Vyce

    I want to punch James Blunt right in the fucking face

    Coldplay is dull and derivative. They don't outright suck enough yet to be completely terrible, but one more Coldplay-by-numbers album will do the trick James Blunt is horrible. I won't deny that Coldplay is derivative, but so is pretty much everything that is mainstream these days. They're not my favorites, but I still find their music entertaining. I happen to think that they could possibly have a long musical career, though, I discussed that in that thread we had recently on the subject of longetivity.
  14. Vyce

    Crucifixio Jones?

    What brand?
  15. Vyce

    Belly Button Ooze

    Only on the internet could such a question be asked in polite conversation.
  16. Vyce

    Box Office Report 2/24-26

    If Hostel got her hot and bothered for you, please pass along her number to me.
  17. Vyce

    Crucifixio Jones?

    In CJ's defense, on an internet message board such as this one, having an extensive knowledge of pornography actually does make him a little better than most of the posters. At leat he brings something useful to the table.
  18. Vyce

    Crucifixio Jones?

    Her post makes my eyes bleed. She's very childish, and for the most part her opinions suck. Plus she likes Randy Orton. Only that last one is something that we should really hold against her.
  19. Vyce

    Czech Republic MP3 Player Crisis 2006

    Very gay.
  20. Don't act as if Warrior v. Goldberg wouldn't pop a buyrate. The sheer trainwreck of it would bring in the $$$. I would have to break my "I don't pay for PPVs except on DVD" rule just for the pure morbidity of seeing that match live.
  21. You gave Serenity ZERO out of 10 stars? I......think I just had a romantic feeling for you.
  22. Vyce

    Box Office Report 2/24-26

    This is just more source material for my upcoming thesis, "Black people like really, really, REALLY shitty comedy films." It's perplexing, too, given how many fine black comedians there are.
  23. Vyce

    I want to punch James Blunt right in the fucking face

    Neither Coldplay nor Keane is terrible. You just have to have a taste for that type of Euro emo-rock. Although I will grant you that Chris Martin can be pretty fucking annoying.
  24. Vyce

    Crucifixio Jones?

    He's usually logged on, but only around certain hours each day. The mythical Crucifixio Jones can only be seen on the third Sunday of each month, from sundown to midnight! For him to acknowledge you, you must take five steps forward and thrice say the magic word, rumored to be "verisimilitude." This is the best time for you to capture him, for if you can, he will grant you three magic wishes. I was able to find a picture of him:
  25. Vyce

    I am a very hairy man of many ketchups!

    Damn, does your friend suffer from that werewolf people's disease? This thread is all kinds of ridiculous BTW.