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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    What are you listening to right now?

    Imogen Heap - "Speak for Yourself". One of the best female songwriters working today.
  2. Vyce

    When's the last time we had a thread about cover songs?

    You're half WRONG as Disturbed's Land of Confusion is actually a good cover. And if I may defend Disturbed, they are neither "nu-metal" nor "shit". One of the better rock bands in the past five years.
  3. Vyce

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    What the fuck are you babbling on about? There isn't any hard evidence I've seen that the government is keeping aliens secret or any of that bullshit. If you know of anything concrete that you can show me other than something you gleaned from the Art Bell show, I'm willing to look at it with an open mind. Jesus, don't be so fucking sensitive. It's not as if I'm some sort of government stooge if I say "Hey, there's no hard evidence of UFOs or space aliens!" It's not as if I'm going out on a limb making a crazy assertion there.
  4. Vyce

    Good News For People Who Like Bad News

    The Senate has no business sticking it's nose in the spy program, so good. The UAE story though is just fucking clownshoes. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be bludgeoned.
  5. Hey Hunter, you obviously don't know how to play heel.
  6. Vyce

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    We know absolutely nothing about aliens, even supposing that they exist.
  7. Vyce

    Weekend Box Office 2-17-06

    I really do like Alyson Hannigan, but why should I pay 10 bucks to watch her in this dumb movie when I can just sit at home and google image her and then masturbate furiously to the photo results?
  8. Vyce


    This was on tonight ?!?!?! Let me just say, I fucking HATE Fox, and their fucking million episodes of American Idol per week.
  9. Vyce

    Destiny is a nigger in disguise.

    What was your cousin's point in all of this? Just to humiliate someone?
  10. Vyce

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Congrats! You're my new sig quote.
  11. Vyce

    The Worst War Criminal of the 21st Century

    Ditto Now I miss C-Bacon and INXS You act as if there aren't regular contributers to this folder here, right now, who wouldn't present that sort of bullshit.
  12. Vyce

    Good games you love

    Cold Winter for the PS2. A good FPS, with two selling points: the Havok physics engine (with its usual, entertaining ragdoll effects and the ability to blow off your opponent's limbs), and a storyline that's written by popular comic book writer Warren Ellis. The storyline for this game is actually very strong, surprisingly so for a FPS, which isn't always known for engaging plots. Plus it's a budget title, so you can pick it up on the cheap.
  13. Vyce

    Kingdom Hearts II

    It nets a T also for the Kairi upskirts. Oh yeah. They're there.
  14. Vyce

    Weekend Box Office 2-17-06

    Fuck all of you out there who keep going to see Pink Panther.
  15. Vyce

    The Worst War Criminal of the 21st Century

    You will never know how pleasantly surprised I was that your little article didn't list the worst war criminal as any member of the current Bush Administration.
  16. Vyce


    Really? That actually comes around and legitimately makes them cutting off the power funny.
  17. Vyce

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Why do they cancel this shit long before they should do so? They end these shows ridiculously early, and yet every day it seems they have new episodes of fucking Ed, Edd and Eddy and goddamn Kids Next Door.
  18. Vyce

    Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

    Anyone here who doesn't "get" Finlay deserves every Mark Henry or Snitsky or Boogeyman the WWE throws at you, because that's the sort of boring fucker that you're only competent enough to appreciate. Finlay is not an IWC fad, he isn't beloved for a month and that's it. The guy was a solid, good worker in the early 90s right up through to his retirement, and since coming back he's shown that he can still go. He knows more psychology than most on the roster, though that isn't too difficult given how many shitty, green OVW workers are running around out there. The fact that he made Lashley look good is, alone, worthy of your respect.
  19. Hardy's been gone for something like four months and if they do bring him back, it may not be for another couple months. That'd be half a year or so since he was last booked, so it's not as if he hasn't been disciplined. But to answer your statement - in this business? If you make the boss money, yes, it means you can get away with more shit. Look at the WWE, and all of the shit Vince has put up with from some of his workers, because ultimately there was money to be made. Hardy does make them money, so they'll bring him back, at some point. I would like to add at this point, though, that so far the rumor we've heard is that Aries / Strong will not be booked for a while; how long they're gone, if they aren't booked, remains to be seen, whereas Hardy has already been gone for weeks / months. So you're bitching about them not treating Aries / Strong the same way as Hardy when at this point, we don't even know if their punishment is worse, or whether they'll actually not be booked at all. But SJ is right, TNA is a business, and they have to take care of their own ass and not give two shits about whether ROH is able to put on a show or not. They're justified to look disfavorably on a worker who chooses another promotion over them. I think most of the criticism labelled against TNA here - and I do feel the punishment is too harsh if it's as severe as it's rumored to be - is because smarks like ROH (and by extention Aries / Strong) more than they like TNA, so they're cutting Aries / Strong slack here. But they shouldn't. Aries / Strong got LUCKY they made to the show.
  20. 1) Apolo is going to be fired, probably this week. 2) Hardy has actually made TNA money, unlike Strong / Aries. The punishment here, if they are off for several weeks/months, is too harsh. But TNA is completely right to discipline.
  21. Vyce

    It's time to play...

    It's about a quarter past 1 a.m. right now, and I can't even begin to contemplate why Carnival has pictures of a semi-nude DocOck on his computer, or else it'll be long, sleepless night.
  22. Vyce

    Recently popular rock bands

    No, that's Bryan Adams. What's up with that? He's seriously got to have like 25 years on her, at LEAST. That's just gross.
  23. Vyce

    2/18 & 2/25 Impact Spoilers

    I doubt that's a permanent gimmick for Modest / Morgan, it just seems like something they had them work for the match against LAX. Modest & Morgan have been trying to get in and said they'd be willing to be jobbers to begin with if necessary.
  24. Vyce

    Bret Hart To Be Inducted In 2006 HOF

    I'll go ahead and say I don't like this. Why? Because I have significantly LESS than zero faith in the WWE to not try and turn this into some sort of stupid angle, or otherwise fuck it up in a million different ways. In a perfect world, he'd be inducted, and at Mania, he'd come out, just by himself, and give his little speech about how he appreciates the fans and is saying goodbye. And then walks back into the dressing room. But I don't trust them. They will find SOME way to piss on this. The temptation is too great.
  25. Vyce

    Is there going to be an Ironman movie?

    Who would make a good Captain America? I'm having a hard time thinking of someone. Pitt would not be it, though.