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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    The Truth about Brian Peppers

    Oh yeah, I read a Snopes article about Peppers, he really is a real human being who honestly looks like that. If that letter is legit, it does make him a more tragic feature, but it still doesn't change the fact that if I ever saw him in person, I would run away screaming in terror for the safety of my own soul and wouldn't stop until I was miles away. Doesn't even matter if he was in a wheelchair.
  2. Vyce

    Number one contender tournament on RAW

    A tournament? Ah, I see the Rumble wasn't enough, HHH wants to make sure everyone knows he's top dog by putting himself over all of the other top guys on RAW.
  3. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    I'm not saying that people like Y2Jerk shouldn't be concerned about RvW being overturned. I'm just saying that while it's a legitimate concern, it's not a realistic one.
  4. Vyce

    Stephanie Tanner a Junkie!!

    I've always pictured you as looking like the guy on the extreme right of your sig. At least, that's the picture I fantasize about when I touch myself at night.
  5. Vyce

    Trojan virus infection

    You want to kill it? Reformat your hard drive. Seriously, that's the only sure thing I've found that kills viruses. Though you probably want something slightly less drastic.
  6. Vyce

    Trojan virus infection

    You want to kill it? Reformat your hard drive. Seriously, that's the only sure thing I've found that kills viruses. Though you probably want something slightly less drastic.
  7. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    I'm sorry, I was trying to decipher whether you actually had a point other than the typically bullshit "THEY"RE GONNA OVERTURN RvW!!!".
  8. Vyce

    Stephanie Tanner a Junkie!!

    This is why you make some of us nervous, Barron. Some of us are sitting here thinking about how we can convince Jody Sweetin to suck our dicks for a hit of meth, and you're going on about some TV show she worked on when she was like 10. You're an odd little man.
  9. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    There's probably some truth to that. However, if you have a few dozen individuals who have many, many years of legal experience to their credit, including the ABA (which is not a conservative organization) say that Alito can perform his duties as a Justice fairly, without letting personal bias cloud his legal judgment, I think I'm going to weight their opinion a little more than NoCalMike's.
  10. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    That argument only applies should Roe get overturned and it go to the states to decide. If such a circumstance of events occur, conceivably some of the "Bible Belt" states would not vote to make abortion legal. But the idea that abortion would suddenly be banned by even a majority of states should Roe v. Wade be overturned is so ludicrous as to be practically beyond all serious consideration. And yes, 'Art' is actually right, because regardless of all of the hand-wringing Alito's confirmation caused among some of the liberal wings of the Democratic party, he isn't going to overturn RvW. The Court just isn't doing that. Personally, I think the worst you could see happen, the absolute worst, would be a possible ban of partial birth abortions. Although the odds of even THAT happening are slim. He'll fit right in on the Supreme Court, then. Because the Court has been doing just that for a few decades now.
  11. Vyce

    Drug Puppies

    I just really hate people sometimes.
  12. Vyce


    What kind of gay awards are these?
  13. Vyce

    wildpegasus tells us how he lost his virginity

    What a misleading thread title. Someone inform WP that losing one's virginity (for males) involves the penis penetrating some sort of bodily orifice. It's not lost by humping a weight bench. As it is, I'm more interested in Inc's apparently plushie fetish.
  14. I'm no expert on anime, but I know just enough to say that Champloo is fucking awful.
  15. I imagine that Topher will grow more massive once he becomes Venom. Or not. I mean, the film doesn't have to be exactly like the comic. Venom doesn't HAVE to be twice Spider-Man's size.
  16. I think we have the plot for the next WWE Films production.
  17. Vyce

    News from Meltzer

    HHH is part of the WWE creative team. BTW, you're portraying HHH as just another employee. Pardon me while I pause to laugh at that. HHH is a McMahon now, hell, he's the father of Vince's next grandchild. Don't act as if he has to pull Vince's arm to get him to push HHH at the expense of anyone else, and also don't act as if he couldn't persuade Vince to push someone else as the top heel, 'for the good of the business'.
  18. I hated that Dune movie. Needlessly convoluted. It always gave me a headache trying to watch it.
  19. Vyce

    What was your first film experience

    First one I can remember seeing was Bambi. I was probably around 3 or 4. Anyway, I only got to the part where the hunter killed Bambi's mother, because as soon as that happened I started bawling my eyes out and my mom had to take me home to console me.
  20. Vyce


    As Meatwad can attest, the one chick on this show is really hot. Worth watching just for her. It's a fun show in its own right. I liked the one where they tested the Bugs Bunny / Elmer Fudd "finger in the shotgun barrel" cartoon myth. Turns out, you can pretty much jam the barrel of the gun any way you want to, but if you point it and fire it at someone, they're the ones who're going to get fucked up no matter what, not the shooter. None of this "the gun blows up in your hand" bullshit you see in movies.
  21. Vyce

    Smackdown Spoilers for the Febuary 3rd Show

    I look forward to them auctioning off Eddie Guerrer's soul. I might place a bid or two for it.
  22. Vyce

    Smackdown Spoilers for the Febuary 3rd Show

    This week looks worth watching ONLY for the Benoit / Finley match. Birchall getting a push pleases me. Pirate Burchill does not. I'm also sad to see the Eddie exploitation taken to YET ANOTHER level. But not as sad as I am at the sneaking suspicion I have that they're going to start a Boogey / Booker program. Because I so don't want to see U.S. Chamption "The Boogey Man".
  23. Shitty Oscars this year, even worst than last. I only care about three things this year: I would like to see Terrence Howard win (even though he has the LEAST chance of winning out of the male nominees), I'd like to see Keira Knightley win for best actress (again, not happening), and I want Miyazaki to win for "Howl's Moving Castle". Everything else I take a steaming shit on. The really upsetting thing to me is that, they're probably going to give an award this year to Clooney, aren't they? Fuck it.
  24. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    Good for you, Mike, keep believing in that myth that Alito is some sort of extremist. Hell, he's not even half as extremist as certain justices on the Court today area. And no - I'm not talking about Scalia or Thomas.
  25. Barron's right. The show was getting massacred in the ratings, so NBC just put a bullet in it's head. It was a mercy killing.