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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    YES! Avenging Force! I saw that movie ONCE, and only once, and that was probably.....Jesus, it had to have been over 16 years ago, at least. But I remember thinking it was awesome as a kid. I've been looking for it on video tape for a long time. I'd definitely buy that DVD. I remember Soldier Boyz too. BL is right, it's a ridiculous movie, but I would be lying if I didn't freely admit I'd buy that on DVD in a heartbeat too.
  2. Vyce

    Worst style: clothing and hair

    Is there anything you can't pull off? Kelly Clarkson's panties. Just give it time. When it happens, you realize you're going to have to proudly display your fingers and let all of us take a sniff.
  3. Vyce

    Strange food combinations you like

    Mayo being a truly vile substance, mayo on or with anything is disgusting.
  4. Vyce

    Hot Dogs and Hot Dog culture.

    You win points with me by using the term "dirty water dog". I used that term for some time now to describe vendor hot dogs and people would always look at me like I'm crazy.
  5. Vyce

    Criminal/Legal Question

    He doesn't have a case. First off, there's a question as to whether he could even bring a lawsuit in the first place, because police and a few other government officials have some degree of immunity to civil lawsuits. But regardless, if he filed a complaint, all the police are really obligated to do is to investigate the complaint, which would pretty much be little more than talking to this crazy neighbor to see what the hell is up with him. Your friend isn't owed police surveillance of his property, that's not a right that's just handed out to people. Sometimes it's given to informants or witnesses or potential crime victims, etc., but that's when there's a risk of serious injury or death to a PERSON, not potential loss of property. Ace is right in that if this was a situation where the police did, for some reason, grant protection, but didn't follow through or half-assed it, MAYBE your friend would have a claim. But know, the police don't owe that sort of burden to someone. It's actually something of an unreasonable request to make to the police.
  6. Vyce

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    Good choice. That film teamed up Michael Dudikoff from American Ninja 1 & 2 and the inferior David Bradley from American Ninja 3. You know, actually, you could list all the American Ninja films in this thread. Come to think of it, you could probably list every Michael Dudikoff film in this thread. He had a ton of so-bad-it's-good 80s action flicks.
  7. Vyce

    Worst style: clothing and hair

    For you DBZ fans, this is how I would picture Son Goku to look like in real life, if he was Italian and a flaming homosexual.
  8. Vyce

    Hot Dogs and Hot Dog culture.

    If you eat ketchup on your hot dog, you deserved to be mauled by pit bulls. Not seriously, no permanent facial disfigurement for example, just enough scars so that you always remember your moment of idiocy.
  9. Vyce

    The Lutherburger

    In print, the Lutherburger sounds disgusting, but after seeing that picture of it, I'm intrigued. Although I still have concerns that it might be too sweet if it's on a grilled doughnut.
  10. Vyce

    Worst style: clothing and hair

    I'm very acccepting of people. The only things that for sure bothers me is middle-aged white men who have decided that a great look is to wear a golf shirt tucked into short shorts (usually khaki), together with sandals (or worse, leather loafers) with no socks. I saw about a thousand of these types of guys every week this past summer, and it never ceased to sicken me.
  11. Vyce

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    You're permanently on my shit list now. I'm not joking.
  12. Vyce

    My New Sig

    It's like a black Macho Man. I approve.
  13. Vyce

    On shiny red dragon shirts

    Haha... Well, it's true. Burritos, actually. She doesn't look pregnant in other pictures, but oh well. So what is it? Is she knocked up or have I just awkwardly stated that she looks a bit thick around the middle?
  14. I'd like to see Daffney back myself. But Hemme actually isn't a bad hire, I grew to think she was actually an asset to the product when she was with the WWE. She's hot, she's enthusiastic, she's willing to learn how to take bumps and work. They seriously could have possibly made her the next Trish Stratus; she may not have been as good in the ring as Trish, but in terms of star quality, quite possibly.
  15. Vyce

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    You know, 2Gold, I wouldn't even list "Deep Rising" as a "worst movie". It's not bad at all. It's totally B-grade, from the cast to the plot to the sfx, but it's a lot of fun, and it's very tongue-in-cheek, which is what makes it so amusing.
  16. Vyce

    Hamas wins big in elections

    Aw, my apologies. Kind of sad to say this, but I'm afraid he may need to bring that gimmick back.
  17. Vyce

    WWE notes from Da Meltz on Figure Four Daily

    That's really saying something isn't it? I don't understand why people are so entertained my Mark Henry. He's doing the same old shit for the past ten years. He's just like the "monster" types they used against Hogan back in the 80's and Undertaker in the 90's. The guy is totally fucking worthless and the sooner his contract runs out the better. It's all in the booking. Nothing that they're doing with Mark Henry now is anything new or innovative, as you've said this has all been done before in the past. But Henry is believable as a monster. Also, chalk this up to the ridiculously low depth of talent on BOTH rosters. Why are guys like the Boogeyman getting over? Because Boogeyman, like Snitsky before him, was something different than the same boring OVW worker we've been fed for the last few years. Plus, there isn't any other believable monsters on the SD roster, now that Batista is injured and Taker is off doing....whatever. Put the belt on him already. Honestly, with Angle in the state he's in, I would seriously put the belt on Henry this Sunday. Have Rey win the Rumble. Continue booking Henry as a monster, all leading up to Rey v. Henry at Mania. Do the drama of the outsized, but brave, Rey Jr. against the mammoth big man, with Rey winning the belt. I'm pleased with this, actually. Her'e hoping we're getting the motivated Dustin, cause he can work his ass off when he's in the right mindset.
  18. Vyce

    Backstage news on CM Punk

    Well, his photobucket (or whatever he has) already got leaked. Here's hoping that there's a Maria / Punk sex tape out there that will get leaked too. In the surrounding controversy, Maria becomes a big star and Punk gets fired. It works out for everyone.
  19. I'm calling it, Carlito vs. Shaq at Mania. It'll be EPIC~!* (EPIC~! © MikeSC 2006)
  20. Vyce

    Hamas wins big in elections

    I think Buffybeast needs some learnin'. Time for someone to break about the "myths / facts about Israel" again. Who used to do that? Wasn't it you, Justice? The reason why trying to paint this as a failure of Bush or the Bush policy is liberal bullshit is because 1) the administration wasn't involved in these elections in any meaningful way (other than, before the elections, maybe saying, "Hey, good to see them using democratic means to vote for their leaders"), and 2) even supposing that the Iraq war never happened, THIS WAS INEVITABLE. This result - Palestine going further towards extremism - was almost a foregone conclusion the moment Arafat was dead and in the ground. As wretched of a human being as he was, his death only allowed the even more militant aspects of the Palestinians to assume power in the wake of his death.
  21. Vyce

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    I'll second "The Guyver". Fun B-grade sci-fi movie, which, yes, I ALSO have on videotape somewhere. Never saw the anime, but the live-action film has Mark fucking Hamill, Vivian Wu, , Michael Berryman, Jimmie "JJ" Walker as one of the 'Zoanoid' monsters, and David Gale as the main bad guy. Yeah, David Gale, he did a bunch of horror flicks in the late 80s / early 90s, including the modern classic, "Re-Animator". He was the guy who's disembodied head tries to eat out the hero's chick. Plus it's got monsters that aren't CGI but men dressed up in big rubber suits with animatronic heads. I have the sequel, "Guyver 2" on tape as well, it's probably worse (plotwise) but just as b-grade fun. Corey mentioned "House on Haunted Hill"......I suppose you could also list the remake of that here, from a few years back, the one with Geoffrey Rush and Famke Jansen. And Taye Diggs and Chris Kattan. Although I don't consider that a bad movie, it was surprisingly entertaining.
  22. Vyce

    Hamas wins big in elections

    Wow, you're right. I can't remember the Palestinians EVER throwing their support behind anti-Israeli / anti-Jewish terrorist before.
  23. Vyce

    Backstage news on CM Punk

    If this is even marginally true, I'm going to have a good laugh once he finally debuts, after learning the 'WWE style'. Hope all you Punk fans have as many of his indy matches as you can on tape, because once he's mastered the WWE style you'll never see in anything as good as those matches again.
  24. Vyce

    hey leena

    Let's get back to the important stuff: I must totally agree with niskie, in that white male / black woman porn is hot. If she calls the guy 'massa' at least once during it, it also ups the hotness factor by about 10.
  25. Vyce

    Lesnar court case update

    Vince's ego will never let that happen. If Lesnar wins, and he realistically could, it wouldn't surprise me to see the WWE do something to bury him in the future, because we all know Vince doesn't handle defeat well. Maybe we'll see a "Self-Destruction of Brock Lesnar" DVD project down the road.