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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Worst film you've ever seen

    I have to agree with Bruiser Chong, you guys haven't seen enough movies. Here's one for you: "Feeding the Masses", which is a Shock-o-Rama film. It's about zombies. Holy shit, you think ROTLD 4 & 5 are bad? I've seen both ROTLD 4 & 5, and they are masterpieces compared to this pile of shit. When the best compliment someone can give you is "It's sort of like 'The Dead Next Door'," you're really in fucking trouble, seeing as The Dead Next Door was one of the most godawful horror / zombie films I've ever seen, but at least they had the excuse of shooting on Super 8 with a budget only in the thousands. This turd is even worse than Dead Next Door. It's not even really good for laughs. Looking at Shock-o-Rama's website, everything they put out seems like it will be equally as bad. It's like someone wanted to make a third-rate Troma, only without the quirky charisma & tongue-in-cheekness that Troma possesses. Apparently Shock-o-Rama makes their money on Misty Mundae and her softcore porn scenes in their movies.
  2. Vyce

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    This is so going to turn into a real-life version of Def Jam Vendetta.
  3. Vyce

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    Okay, I'll be the first to say it. Undertaker / Angle? Most definitely NOT the "best possible option for the world title match at Mania." Oh, far from it. As down as I am on a possible Orton / Angle match at Mania, I'd rather see that match-up about a billion times more than I ever want to see Taker / Angle. I'd rather see just about anyone versus Angle over Taker. Even Mark Henry. Yes, I'm serious. No, I'm not joking.
  4. If we wind up with Angle / Orton and Edge / HHH, I really don't think I can in good conscious even buy the DVD for Mania 06, let alone order the PPV.
  5. Vyce

    New TMNT CGI movie poster

    That or Kevin Nash as Super Shredder.
  6. Vyce

    New TMNT CGI movie poster

    Is anyone else excited / interested in this? I was a bit TMNT mark back in the day, so I'm actually interested in seeing this film, especially if it captures the darker themes of the comic.
  7. Vyce

    WWE drops one talentless hoss, gains another...

    Because we all know, being a big guy with a background in football, amateur wrestling, or martial arts GUARANTEES you're going to be a good worker.
  8. Vyce

    Better wrestler?

    I think you sort of figured out the meaning of this thread with the comments following the bolded statement: Shawn Michaels ain't all that. He's not even in the top ten workers currently employed on the main roster, even with the current low depth of talent. That and, yeah, Henry's been used pretty well the last few weeks.
  9. Vyce

    RAW rating for 1/16/06

    Furthermore, the only reason the PPVs are doing decent buys is because of the international market. It's completely propping them up, because the U.S. market (for the WWE, at least) continues to die with every year of new, horrible WWE programming. To be honest, the WWE is only really profitable due to 1) merchandising and 2) international revenue, in the form of tours & international buys. Take those away, and the WWE is in very bad shape. Plus, I think we all know Bret isn't showing up at Mania. People say "Never say never!" in wrestling.....well, I'm saying never. What I absolutely adore is that everyone in WWE management is so convinced that they can get him to show, to the point of telling the writers to factor him into their booking plans, and Bret is just completely fucking with them by blowing them off at every opportunity.
  10. Vyce

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    I'm having a hard time deciding which I giggled at more, the guy cosplaying Matthew Lesko or the eeriely accurate Paul Bearer. I have a signed copy of Matthew Lesko's book, BTW. It was given to me as a gift, and I was very bitter that I didn't personally get a chance to meet him.
  11. Vyce

    Better wrestler?

    Outside of a few rare instances in 2005, Kurt Angle hasn't really been great in well over a year. The injuries and the man's overall health (not just physical but mental / psychological) are taking their toll.
  12. Vyce

    Better wrestler?

    This is a joke topic, right? That said, Mark Henry's been more entertaining since his return a couple weeks back than Michaels has been in a while.
  13. Vyce

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    You have to love the WWE. We're supposed to completely forget that just a week ago Angle was making anti-U.S. statements as an Iraqi insurgent sympathizer.
  14. Vyce

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Edge has his ANGRY voice tonight.
  15. Vyce

    Iron Spidey??

    I think I'll be dropping any Spider-Man books I'm currently getting. Marvel needs to be taught a lesson, and I'd like to see that done in the form of massive drops in sales.
  16. Vyce

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    I find it amusing that he's saying all of these things and is an InuYasha fan at the same time, because the Japanese as a culture are possibly more casually racist and / or xenophobic than are most Southern Americans.
  17. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    Are you people seriously considering that she PLANNED to cry, as in it was calculated? Goddamn, even I'm not that ridiculously cynical.
  18. Vyce

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    You know, I'm no Orlando Jordan fan, but even he deserves better than this. That said, if they do make him gay / bisexual, I hope they make him *really* swishy. Cause that's how I like my black homosexuals - very, very swishy.
  19. Vyce

    Sharon suffers second stroke

    Oh please, not even conservatives treat Robertson as anything but a pariah these days, including Fox News, who's just as eager to point out whenever Robertson says something dumb, which is just about all the time these days. The one thing Fox does do, which sickens me, is give some respect to Jerry Falwell, who's about as bad as Robertson, although slightly more intelligent about what idiotic shit he lets come out of his mouth. But to comment further on this Robertson tangent - yeah, this is a guy who should inspire spontaneous dances of joy when it's announced that he's kicked the bucket.
  20. Vyce

    Judge Samuel Alito

    On a lighter note, Czech gave a rather nice slapdown with his New London reference. I would say that the Dems best chance at reclaiming the White House in 08 is Mark Warner. He could sway a shitload of moderates and even Republicans to vote for him, if he ran the right campaign. What I'm terrified of is that Hillary gets the nomination but convinces Warner to be her running mate. There's no good result if that happens. Either she loses and Warner is damaged for a possible future run, or she wins and we're stuck with at least four years of Hillary as Prez when we'd be INFINITELY better off with Warner in that job. As for Alito.......you know, ultimately, this shit is supposed to be about whether he's qualified or not, rather than his personal politics. Is he qualified? Absolutely. So confirm him.
  21. Vyce

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    This show is dying the slowest of deaths.
  22. Vyce

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I have that match on tape somewhere.
  23. Vyce

    Batista injured.. again

    New WWE Champion Edge says hello.
  24. Great news, but I'd still like a 4 Horsemen collection.
  25. Are they seriously going with Batista v. Henry at Rumble? Damn. I think all of us will be praying that one is quick.