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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    The RAW thread 12/12/05

    Really. It's RIGHT there. You can have him come out, someone from RAW (maybe the new GM, whoever) says that he doesn't belong there and will be kicked out of the building, Bischoff stalls and says he has something to say, and it will only take three minutes. Cue 3MW, who assault....well, someone. Hire Rico back while you're at it.
  2. Vyce

    Jeff Hardy No-Shows Turning Point

    I wouldn't bet on it. The guy moves merchandise. Plenty of fat chicks out there to buy his t-shirts and dvds.
  3. Vyce

    ROH Steel Cage Warfare Results

    Let me just clarify this for my own sake: the "Steel Cage Warfare", that's really just a fancy name for WarGames, right? One-ring cage, I know, but WarGames nonetheless, right? Cause if so, I'm ordering this. I mark hard for WarGames.
  4. Vyce

    Box Office Report for 12/9 Weekend

    I plan on seeing Narnia hopefully sometime this week. Anyone know where Harry Potter stands compared to the first three films? It's at 244 domestic, but I know it's done big business overseas as well.
  5. I'm assuming that's just Czech's little joke, because that post of Leena's sounds like it could have come from Mike. Unless there's an actual suspicion here that Leena's sharing her account with him. I tend to doubt such a thing could occur, though, you'd know by the tone & style of writing if it was really Mike.
  6. Vyce


    I would have killed someone.
  7. Vyce


    Reading comprehension, Cheela? I read, listen to, and experience views and opinions that differ from mine every single day, I don't live in an echo chamber or choose to isolate myself from differing opinions. Apparently you completely missed the part of my post where I said that in the forms of *escapist entertainment* I engage in, in particular movies I view, I prefer to watch films that are at least balanced, or have no political message at all, rather than spending my time watching films that are little more than partisan shilling of particular viewpoint that I disagree with or dispute. Either you missed that or are just being disingenous, which wouldn't surprise me. I doubt you're really that different, Cheela. If you're in the mood to read a book, for example, I doubt you're going to snuggle up with the latest offering by Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity.
  8. Vyce


    See, now that's what I'm afraid of. Disparage me if you want to, but I really have no time for a movie if it's going to be two hours of "The Middle East would be fine and dandy and happy with teddy bears and sunshine and gum drops if not for EEEEEVIL~! America and it's addiction to oil!" That doesn't mean I only need or want to see films which only portray my country in a glowing light, but at the same time I don't want or need to see a film that will browbeat me with some sort of quasi-anti-American (or just anti-American-foreign-policy) message. I watch films as a form of escapist entertainment, if I want an in depth critique of American interests in the Middle East I can just read the editorial page of any major newspaper on any given day. That's why I say that the fact that Clooney & Damon promoting this so heavily concerns me. It makes me think the film isn't so much balanced (which would be fine with me) as it is partisan (which again, I got no time for).
  9. Look, I don't care if you absolutely HATE her or love her, and I'm not defending her, because it's not as if she needs someone to fight her own battles, it's just that I don't think the "The Pit is in love with Leena" knock is really that justified when there's only maybe a couple people there who really flirt with her. To be fair, I kinda flirt with Marney and Milky every now and again. She likes the attention, I suppose? Either flirting with her or bitching about her, either way, one's still talking about her. Look, I've just spent a post doing just that. This thread needs more chave.
  10. Vyce

    Armageddon Predictions

    Whoa, only a week away and only FOUR matches booked? Great incentive to order the PPV, WWE. I guess they're counting on the Cell bringing in all the buys. Common sense would have Orton winning, as they want to get him over as a major heel, but I'm not seeing it, because I doubt Taker will lay down for Orton again in yet another high-profile gimmick match. Plus Orton's been booked to look like a chump in this feud anyway. The Raw vs. Smackdown tag, eh......depends upon whether they want to protect all four guys. If so, I can see this ending in a DQ win for SD, with maybe Kane & Big Show going crazy and getting themselves disqualified. Let's hope there's no more shameless exploitation of Eddy during the match. Mexicools probably over MNM as they want to push the Mexicools. Benoit over Booker T. Does anyone care about this series? They've been working some good matches with each other, but I'm just not feeling it.
  11. Vyce


    Hmm, the idea of Clooney suffering a real injury on screen does tempt me to go see this movie.
  12. Vyce

    Richard Pyror Dies at age 65

    Oh shit, you're right. Now it's time to start the "Books / Songs / Video Games / Magazines / Movies / Sexual Positions that remind you of Richard Pryor" threads.
  13. This is going to put me in the minority here, but I've seen both Equilibrium and Ong-Bak in the last three months, and I have to say, both films are VERY overrated by message boarders. That's not to say those two films aren't good, because they are, or that they aren't fun, because again, they both are. But I wouldn't describe either film's fights as the greatest of all time. I like Tony Jaa, but I honestly believe that when his career is all over and done with, you'll look back at Ong-Bak and say, "That shit wasn't anywhere near as good as the stuff he did later on." Jaa has the potential to be huge, he could be the next Jet Li or Jackie Chan if he wants to. Also, best part of Ong-Bak, for me, was when Jaa took a dive in that one fight, and did an awesome Mr. Perfect oversell of the guy's offense.
  14. Well then, consider it gay. I didn't even know that they were making another He-Man movie, but I'm legitimately excited about it. He-Man was like, my favorite toy when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old. The original movie's pretty fun in a B-movie sort of way, too.
  15. Vyce


    I have concerns about this movie. Concerns that are not assuaged by the fact that both Clooney and Matt Damon are so heavily involved in it.
  16. Vyce

    Richard Pyror Dies at age 65

    Third in the sentiment that he was dead years ago.
  17. Is that what all of this is stemming from? Half of that thread (and it's dozens of pages long) is one big, long (and at times, bizarre) interaction between Leena and Zach Malibu. Before we were the "Conservative Board" and now I guess we're the "Leena Fanboy" board, and for the life of me, I'm not sure whether that's supposed to be an improvement or not.
  18. I don't get this. You make it seem as if we do nothing but spend all day writing love letters to her or some such nonsense. I honestly don't see where all of this fawning / flirting is occurring (unless it's in the sports folder, which I don't frequent often). Supposing that you're right, that she's an attention hog, you do know you're giving her exactly what she wants, right? Because some of the people here on this board seem to have fixations with her as well. If she makes you that crazy, just put her on ignore.
  19. Vyce

    Fuck Dudes!

    He DOES look like Santa.
  20. Man, that pic just makes me sad. Growing old is a bitch, huh?
  21. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown thread

    That would be Terry Ray Gordy. Yes - the son of the late, great Terry Gordy. Poor kid.
  22. Vyce

    RAW Spoilers from Afghanistan

    *reads spoilers provided by FearHavoc* Eh, so they're real. And though this show is yet another one of Vince's masturbatory "see? I'm really a NICE guy, and a good American!" publicity stunts, at least the troops seemed to have a good time.
  23. Vyce

    RAW Spoilers from Afghanistan

    I'm not a big fan of the guy, but stop and think about things for a bit. Like it or not, the Masterlock has gotten Masters over - at least to some degree. And yet they're pissing all over that gimmick, on a throwaway, nothing show, with zero build, just because they're absolutely DESPERATE to get Cena over as a face (though it's failing more and more each week). It's ridiculous. They're sacrificing a gimmick that HAS worked (to some extent) in order to save another gimmick that is failing, which would possibly be acceptable, if the sacrifice meant anything, but IT DOESN'T. It wouldn't mean anything if it happened in front of a U.S. audience, who would shit on Cena anyway, but it really doesn't matter here because the troops who compromise the audience for this show won't fucking care whether Cena breaks the Masterlock or not.
  24. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown thread

    If this was the 80s, the Boogeyman's schtick would get him tremendous heat, and he'd probably be making tens of thousands of dollars feuding around the country with someone like Hogan or Ultimate Warrior.
  25. Vyce

    Man Shot at Airport

    I'm 99% sure they meant to kill him, because that's what they're trained to do. Air marshals, cops, etc., anyone who's called upon to potentially use lethal force, they're pretty much taught that if they've made the decision to pull the trigger, you shoot to kill, not wound. And yeah, I've seen stories where some people are claiming that the guy didn't say he had a bomb. The media is the only one who's trying to make it seem like the air marshals are villains in this. You know what? It doesn't matter if he didn't claim he had a bomb (although I think it likely he DID claim that). If you're acting crazy, and you suddenly run right towards an armed law enforcement official, in a threatening manner, while at the same time frantically digging inside your backpack for SOMETHING, your ass is more than likely going to get shot, whether you claim to have an explosive or not. The media doesn't understand law enforcement officials, those people do NOT fuck around in those types of situations. They WILL drop your ass.