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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Double post. I blame Leena for the ending, seeing as she's the resident Orton mark, and I like to point fingers at people.
  2. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Kind of gripes your ass, doesn't it? That Eddy essentially gave his life for a business / company that can turn out so shitty.
  3. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    There's really no excuse for this sort of creatively bankrupt bullshit. Come the fuck on. Ignoring the number of death angles they've done with Taker over the years, they just did a death angle with Taker THREE MONTHS AGO. He's becoming the Kenny of the WWE.
  4. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Well, that was extraordinarily retarded. That makes, what? The second time Orton has killed Taker in about 3 months?
  5. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Whoa, WAIT. Are they booking Randy as the scared shitless, chickenshit heel agains the Undertaker AGAIN??? They've learned NOTHING since Mania. NOTHING. This is not the way to get Orton over.
  6. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    There actually aren't many people I'd like to see Randy Orton go over. But Taker is one of them.
  7. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Oh good, here's the Undertaker to bury even more people. This time on the opposite roster!
  8. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    Fie on this. Chavo, out of anyone, should be getting the Eddie tribute sympathy push.
  9. Vyce

    OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

    I forgot this was on. Too bad, I was curious to see the BS / Rey match.
  10. Vyce

    The Devile's Rejects

    I think Rob's next film (although he may just be writing / producing instead of directing) is an animated feature named "Superbeasto", which is based upon a comic book he wrote. It's somewhat lucha inspired too, for those who are into that sort of thing.
  11. Vyce

    Who would you like in TNA

    Honestly? I'd bring in La Parka (or I should clarify, L.A. Park, not the retarded AAA version). Not sure if he'd agree, given how much money he can make working Mexico, but I'd love to see him in TNA. Either as the fun, goofy "Chairman of the Board" babyface Parka or super ultra RUDO~! Parka, it's all good.
  12. HTQ. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Always. And if you disagree, you're stupid. Then he'll put you on ignore.
  13. I'm with Coach - who knew Cena could do the STF?
  14. Vyce

    Trimming the Fat

    CUT: A1 Apolo Cassidy Riley David Young Jerelle Clark Kevin Nash Sean Waltman Simon Diamond Borderline: Andy Douglas Chase Stevens Jackie Gayda Jerry Lynn Kip James Shark Boy Explanation for cut guys: All of them have either served their purpose (Nash, Waltman) or are just unnecessary. Or flat out suck. Get rid of them. Explanation for borderline: * I was never a big fan of the Naturals, and they may have run their course in TNA. * Gayda isn't much use to me, even though I'm not opposed to them bringing in women. Now, if they were to sign her husband.... * Didn't know Lynn was on the roster still. If he can't wrestle now, consider getting rid of him. * Kip James - pull the plug on the NAO reunion, get as much mileage out of that as you can (perhaps with a NAO / Team 3D feud), then fire him. * Shark Boy - I don't know, maybe he's okay for comedy gimmick purposes, but really, with only one hour of programming on Spike, him on TV only takes up the spot of someone more deserving. Get rid of at least the 'cut' guys above, and try and sign some of the more 'known' guys out there on the independent scene. Charlie Haas, Homicide, etc. I'd love to see some Chikara guys in the X-Division.
  15. Vyce

    Bob Barron gets served

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I actually agree with this.
  16. Vyce

    Your Height and Weight

    Damn, Leena's a hoss.
  17. Vyce

    Your Height and Weight

    Same here.
  18. Vyce

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Radio as an entirely non-bullshit medium is dead. Even Satellite Radio.
  19. Vyce

    Your favorite song of 2005

    If we're mentioning the Killers, I actually prefer "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine" off Hot Fuss, probably because it strikes me as the most New Wave.
  20. Vyce

    Your sexiest music videos?

    Oh yeah - that one outfit of hers, the one where she's in blue - that shit is crazy. Goddamn, the Europeans at least do that sort of thing right. If some pop singer here in the States wore an outfit like that, we'd have puritans calling for her blood.
  21. Vyce


    So. It's depressing, I'm assuming. Also, didn't the writer of the play die of AIDs?
  22. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    For the record, I had HEARD of Rent, but never knew what it was about, and since it's a musical that's not already based on something actually does interest me, such as a work of classical literature, such as "Les Miserables" or "Phantom of the Opera", I never cared to inquire as to what it was about. I'm not into theatre. We're the odd men out here, Citrus. After all, this is the place where people have claimed, quite seriously, that the musical episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is one of the greatest episodes of television ever produced. EVER.
  23. Vyce

    whats the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    Slapnuts/MJ Styles hasn't even posted in this thread, brother. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The riskiest thing I've done lately is assume I knew who the fuck StylesMark really was.
  24. Vyce

    The Game - Stop Snitchin' Stop Lyin'

    Man, rap feuds these days are just sad. I miss the good old days of the 90s, where rappers would just kill each other if they had a problem. What's this bullshit? Making DVDs criticizing one another? That's not gangsta. You want to settle this, settle it with a bullet.
  25. Vyce

    Your sexiest music videos?

    incorrect... it's a tossup between "Hollaback Gurl" and "My Humps" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I really like "Hollaback Girl", actually (no surprise). Hell, I think Stefani's "Luxurious" video is sexy as hell, cause I find HER sexy as hell. "My Humps" is a song that makes me want to bury a knife in someone's throat, though, I can't even fathom how someone thought that was a song worthy of recording, let alone releasing as a single. It's not even funny. Goddamn, BEPs are fucking overrated hacks. It's not fair to use to throw in Alizee, she's on another plane than the rest of the sluts we see in most of these videos. I'll second Darthtiki's mention of Garbage; I don't necessarily find their videos sexy, but Shirley Manson is sexy in my book, although she's very unconventionally attractive. To be honest, even though it's exactly what MideonMark was not looking for, Christina Aguilera's "Dirty" was the FIRST thing that came to mind as far as a sexy video. She was a dirty, dirty whore in that. I'd also like to add that video marks, IMO, the last time she was really hot; ever since then, I think she's gone downhill. Something went wrong.....either she gained some weight, or the hair is wrong, or the makeup, something, I can't put my finger on it.