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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Someone was banned.

    The thing is, though, I don't personally bring him up in conversations, and the only time he is really mentioned these days is in reference to some comment he's made about the Pit on this board. Really, he's pretty fucking obsessive about us. But looking at his past dealings with certain posters, I suppose obession is something that comes natural to him.
  2. I am SO buying "Masters of the Universe" at Best Buy for $5.
  3. Vyce

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    The popular rumor / wishful thinking is that he was mind-controlled by some other telepath, such as Despero or something. I personally just like the idea of Maxwell Lord being an evil shit who betrayed all of his friends. I too enjoyed the Joker interlude in IC 2, and I'm actually hoping that it leads to something. I don't think they'll do this, but it would be entertaining to me if Joker plays a part in ruining the Society's plans. Not that Joker saves the day or anything of that nature, but it would be fun if Joker somehow ruins part of Luthor's master plan just out of spite.
  4. Vyce

    Pictures I Like

    "The horror........the horror."
  5. Vyce

    On Black Lushus

    I want to believe Slayer is a person of color.
  6. Vyce

    Someone was banned.

    Has Frigid ever said he was 'over' the Pit? Because it seems as if he mentions us about every other post he makes, even when the subject of the thread has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other board.
  7. Vyce

    Why do they let old people on

    Nothing since he already provided the answers.
  8. Vyce

    Why do they let old people on

    Best part about TPIR is that Barker is quite blatantly intoxicated at times during those tapings. I remember watching one show where he couldn't even talk to one of the contestants without slurring the poor bastard's name.
  9. Vyce

    On Black Lushus

    If it's a burger joint you're looking for, I'm all about the Five Guys now.
  10. Same here, I was always a huge Sting mark. He was the main face in WCW in 1992, which is the year I started watching wrestling, so he's always been special to me. I'm torn on what should be on the DVD, though. Matches that should definitely be on there are the Flair / Sting one-hour time limit draw, the 92 WarGames match (one of my favorite WarGames ever), and for posterity, the final Sting / Flair match on the final Nitro.
  11. I stand by my policy that there's really no reason to buy any WWE PPV at this point. I'm not even just talking from a quality standpoint, the cost alone is a deterrent. Why spend 35 bucks on a PPV you don't know will be any good, when you can just wait a couple months and buy it at Best Buy or Wal-Mart for 15, 20 bucks after the fact if it does, in fact, turn out to be decent? That said, I think this year's show has potential. The elimination tag could be decent, if Rey and Shawn have their working boots on to carry their respective teams. It's really going to be about those two; they'll make or break the match. It'll be all about the drama of whether the opposing side can eliminate them. Angle & Cena I feel could be pretty decent too. Cena seems capable of putting in a fine, occasionally good, performance at PPVs. This should be alright if it's booked right. Isn't Patterson back with the company now? I may be crazy but I think there's a better than average chance they put the belt on Angle here. HHH v. Flair should also be pretty good if they make it another brutal bloodbath like at Taboo Tuesday.
  12. Vyce

    On Black Lushus

    Which one gets to have sex with you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's what we gotta fight over. Pistols at dawn.
  13. Vyce

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Shit, Lawler left. I never thought I'd type these words, but kicking Lawler out of the commentary booth is a bad decision here.
  14. Vyce

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Maybe I'm crazy, but I actually feel Candace Michelle has tried to improve as a worker.
  15. Vyce

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Super Porky on PPV would absolutely ensure a Survivor Series buy from me.
  16. Vyce

    *RAW Spoilers*

    Seems to me that it's the perfect excuse to do the old "Survivor Series screwjob" and have Daivari cost Cena the title, if they've decided to take the belt off Cena. Although I have my doubts, especially with Batista hurt and no other major faces on RAW (outside of maybe HBK, but I think they've done HBK v. Angle to death already this year).
  17. We're not that fortunate, I'm sure. Any Al Wilson movie will need DEAN~! Rasmussen as a script consultant.
  18. This didn't really work out so well. But, I appreciate the effort. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since when did you guys become so critical of a guy making a joke? You're not a casting agent and he isn't auditioning. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excuse me. I happen to appreciate Rando's humor. His Randoisms are fine with me, and he knows this. (You do know this, right Rando?) I'd like to see a feud between Cena and AJ Styles just to see who busts out more insults about the other's sexuality.
  19. This didn't really work out so well. But, I appreciate the effort.
  20. Vyce

    really stupid shit

    This thread reaches new lows in self-masturbatory posting.
  21. Vyce

    Harry Potter Movies

    This was a pretty great movie, easily the best of the four Potter flicks. I'm currently rereading Goblet of Fire right now, and am only halfway through it, but damn, you're right about everything they cut out. Especially at the beginning, everything felt almost TOO rushed.
  22. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Cost of game: $50 plus tax. Cost to unlock Bret Hart: $28,000 in-game dollars. Cost of having Bret beat the shit out of HHH, then toss his sorry ass over the top rope to win the Royal Rumble: Priceless.
  23. Vyce

    Harry Potter Movies

    How the hell did you see it already? Midnight showing? I plan on seeing it in about an hour.
  24. He'll sue you for that. He'll sue in England.
  25. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Seriously? I'll play through maybe one or two matches, just to get the feel. Then it's straight to the CAWs. Quiet you.