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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Smallville Season 5 Thread

    Should I be watching this show? Because I haven't watched this show in, literally, years, and the only reason I'm considering watching it is because somehow James Marsters is in it.
  2. Vyce

    Interesting line from the torch

    This is the ONLY reason why he'd be given more attention than Eddy by the media. I'm sorry, Kurt Angle marks, as much as you or I may love the guy, if he dropped dead tomorrow (god forbid), to the pro wrestling world his death would not be as big as Eddy. It'd be big news for his past achievements OUTSIDE of pro wrestling. Angle's respected by many, but he's not as universally respected and adored as Eddy. I doubt Angle will or would die. Maybe cripple himself if he keeps pushing himself too hard, though.
  3. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Christ, the audio for this game is awful. The announcing team dialog is moderately better than last year but it's still shitty and unnecessary. The in-game songs are even WORSE than last year, which is incredible, as there were maybe one or two mediocre songs last year, the rest being utter tripe. This year's even worse. Outside of maybe that one Megadeth song, this makes me want to kill a small kitten. Chave is right to suggest playing one's own music.
  4. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    You can turn subtitles on in the locker room, just go to your desk and I think it's a pair of headphones that you select, they're on the top left anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All of the generic CAW voices sound kind of shitty. Except for the one black voice which sounds a little like Shelton. And other one, which is a deeper, huskier black voice. Mmm. Sexy.
  5. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Fuck, Season mode isn't fair. I spent the better part of the night making my CAW, giving him his own movelist, creating an entrance, but it's late in the evening so I decide, just one quick match, to start a new season. My first opponent? Triple H. I don't even know how I fucking won the match. My stamina got almost depleted and the bastard started chain reversing the hell out of me. Managed to pull off the upset though.
  6. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Which is why they gave you the option to turn it off. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True. It's not so bad in one on one matches, though it takes getting used to. In matches with multiple persons, though, it can get a little cumbersome trying to keep your stamina up and be able to hit your finisher on time when you're surrounded by several other characters who continually try and mess up your flow. BTW, it's not fun to be on the receiving end of one of the reversal chains.
  7. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I have to say, I've only spent 10 minutes or so fooling around with creating a CAW, and the graphics are the best I've ever seen. MUCH more attention to detail now.
  8. Vyce

    Favorite Mario Game

    Super Mario Bros. 2 is and always will be my favorite. Although that is possibly an odd choice, since it's arguably the least Mario-like Mario game ever made.
  9. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Maybe I'll do a review of this game in the next couple days, but for those who don't have the game yet and are interested in this feature: kudos to them for making the create-a-belt feature MUCH less expensive. I can finally put together a decent belt and not have it cost about 85 thousand dollars. I'm gonna create a CAW tonight to see how that is, then probably try out the create-an-entrance, which I have high hopes for. I pray it doesn't disappoint me.
  10. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I just picked up a copy a Gamestop. I'll say this about the stamina addition - IMO, it's going to be more annoying than anything else. Does it make it more realistic? A little. But honestly, this is basically going to be like Fire Pro Wrestling, in that you can only put together a few moves at a time, and then hold down a button to get your wind back. Now, goofing around on exhibition on normal setting, this isn't SUCH a burden, because you can pull a power move and send your opponent down on the mat and then hold select to refill the bar in the few seconds they're down. But I can see this being one big pain in the ass on the higher settings. If you're a lowly CAW with poor starting stats, trying to go up against someone like Hogan or Taker or HHH on the hard or legend settings? Better keep your momentum going, because I can forsee you getting murdered with reversals if your stamina gets too low. I have one major gripe, though - the irish whip. For me, this is MAJORLY fucking annoying. Before, all you had to do was grapple, and press O + directional button....the addition of the extra button here just is awkward as hell and it does not help in the least. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I shouldn't HAVE too. Also, if I can bitch about the roster again, we don't need three fucking Hogans and all of the Diva bitches are just a colossal waste of space. None of us really give a shit about the bra and panties or "fulfill your fantasy" matches, THQ.
  11. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Benoit's speech was rough, but I knew it would be. Still, though, damn. It's almost too much to see him like that. I feel so much sympathy for him. That was his bro! Fifteen years of being with your closest friend in the biz, you see him battle through his demons and win that fight, only to lose him suddenly. Benoit is a motherfucking man's man, seeing his break down really got to me.
  12. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    For those of us who don't do Unlimited, please let us know what he said.
  13. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Eh, it sort of serves to introduce Big Show. Damn, though, Big Show was crying on the way to the ring.
  14. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Man, that was some rough, raw emotion there.
  15. Vyce

    The Impact of Eddy's Death on the WWE

    In terms of Smackdown, the WWE needs to do a few things. If they're going to take the belt off Batista while he's injured, the better choice is Rey Jr. rather than Benoit. Despite the issues of Benoit's contract status, and as much as I'm a Benoit fan, Rey has been more closely associated with Eddie lately and in terms of a sympathy win, Rey with the belt is better than Benoit. Also factor in that Eddie is one of the maybe two guys on the roster who actually added viewers when they were on TV - Rey is the other one. Also, they need to try and do whatever they can to resign Benoit, if the contract is up in the air. If that means adding more money to the offered contract, do it. I don't care if Benoit only plans to wrestle for another couple years and then retire, right now, they REALLY need him. Finally......anyone know what the status is for the return of RVD to the active roster? If he was ready, or will be sometime soon, I'd quietly move him back to Smackdown. He's a familiar, and very popular, face that people can turn to now that Eddie is gone. No one is ever going to fill Eddie's spot, but RVD would be a huge asset to Smackdown. It would help fill the void.
  16. Vyce

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I want to thank you for this. I'm with you. Until we actually get confirmation that his death was because of RECENT substance abuse, I've no reason to believe that it wasn't due to his previous addictions or some other medical problem.
  17. Vyce

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    This is probably the worst thing any of us could wake up to this morning, wrestling-related at least.
  18. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    I'm a little curious to find them booking RAW to be the heels in this, given that the WWE views RAW as the A-list show.
  19. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    I think Batista was hurt before he even got into the ring. The bumps he took just made the injury worse.
  20. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    I know that I should hate the hosses killing the Smackdown cruisers, but I don't.
  21. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    I'm assuming they go the easy route and let him back on RAW because Edge was the distraction for Kane & Big Show to take out Batista, with the explanation that a) It was Edge's plan all along to have those two come and help him take out SD's champ, or b) kicking Edge off RAW itself was all a ruse by Bischoff, with Edge, Kane and Big Show in on it.
  22. Vyce

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    Did the Dicks just say they were rock hard?
  23. Vyce

    Batista out indefinitely

    Logical choice is Eddy. I'm absolutely terrified, though, that Vince will fall back on his old faithful: putting the belt back on Undertaker. I would hate that. So much. I'd rather see the title around Vince, honestly.
  24. Vyce

    Major changes going on in WWE

    You're lucky you're not a woman, Slapnuts, otherwise Frigid would have deleted this board over you.
  25. Vyce

    PWG guys in TNA?

    Of all the things to criticize TNA for, that's the most assinine. You know, you're right, I wish guys like Christopher Daniels or Samoa Joe were still toiling aimlessly around the indy scene, instead of getting national exposure with a company that seems to want to push them as genuine stars.