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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    Boo on Lawler for not piledriving the piss out of Conway.
  2. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

  3. Vyce

    Prison Break

    How has Prison Break been doing in the ratings? I thought it had been doing fairly well, given that it's running up against MNF. But taking it off for like 4 or 5 months worries me. Fox has a habit of cancelling good shows.
  4. Vyce

    Spoilers for RAW tonight

    If there is a God, and he favored me, RAW would consist of two hours of Vader absolutely mauling everyone to near-death. Complete with beautiful, lovely potatoe shots.
  5. Vyce

    WWE fires Brian Hebner

    Is it wrong that I don't care about this? I never liked any of the Hebners. Any of them.
  6. I don't see why they don't market these films directly to video. Believe it or not there IS a market for that sort of thing, and lord knows they won't make any money off it otherwise.
  7. Vyce

    When you shave

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, really. Let's not be so hasty, WP. I use a straight razor, since I absolutely hate electric. I've never found an electric that will give me a close enough shave, which has led me to using the electric far too long to get all of the hairs, which has given me razor burn. I switched to a straight a few years back, and it's worked out much better. And the Mach 3 really is a quality product.
  8. Vyce

    The Real Smackdown Spoilers

    I guess cause it'd be a Face / Heel vs. Heel / Heel pairing, whereas with Hardy it'd be F/F vs. H/H. Quite frankly, I'd rather see JBL / Hardy. REY is the one that makes the pairing lame. Ever since the WWE gave Misterio 549 wins over Eddy Guerrero earlier this year, I almost don't give a shit about him at all anymore.
  9. Vyce

    The Real Smackdown Spoilers

    Who was it here who predicted that in a couple months time after Summerslam Eddy would be a face again? Cause they hit it right on the money. Goddamn, Eddy pulls the vilest shit imaginable (trying to take a child away from his parents), and all they do is have him act halfway sincere for a few weeks and cut a brief promo saying, "Gee, I guess I went a little too far with Rey", and bam, it's like nothing happened. Unless they're still slow building a Batista / Eddy feud. Although hell, they could actually be moving towards Batista / Orton already by now. I find it amusing that they got "Smackdown sucks" cries, because Smackdown is the far superior of the WWE's two flagship shows.
  10. Vyce

    WWE signs former ECW star

    WWE Writer: What are you supposed to be? Roadkill: A crazy amish guy WWE Writer: I see. Well, shave the goatee off, get some crazy colorful pants, a tan and lose some of that weight. Roadkill: But...I'm amish...that's pretty much my character WWE Writer: Don't worry, we got this butter churner for you to bring to the ring. It'll get over huge. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your post makes me sad, since I see the probability of this (or something as equally foolish) actually happening to be very high.
  11. Vyce

    TNA Genesis PPV

    Wait, wait - he said traditional Survivor Series match. That may be enough for me right there. I'm a huge mark for that gimmick match.
  12. TNA attempted to headline with Jarrett v. Nash last night, and will give away a money match on free television in two weeks. With neither of the promotions able to generate ad revenue, will that stop them from giving away money matches? No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> TNA has to do it right now because they need the fans. WWE does not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Game, set, match. There's really no excuse for giving this match away on free TV. Even if we know ultimately it'll be a DQ ending, they could actually draw money from a match / feud between these two, and they're just giving it away.
  13. Vyce

    Eugene Breaks Character

    Maybe he won't, but this is the promotion that is supposedly considering firing, or at least supposedly has great heat on, Kid Kash, for not being in a suit and tie at five in the morning in a fucking airport terminal. So who the hell knows. The Eugene gimmick had a short half-life, which the WWE made considerably shorter by pushing him down everyone's throats. That wasn't so much HHH deliberately screwing with Dinsmore's career as it was him totally leeching off his heat.
  14. Vyce

    Spoilers For This Saturday's Impact

    Goddamn, I knew he was a short term champ, but Jesus, I was expecting a reign at least, I don't know, a week. Regardless, these tapings actually look good on paper. Although I'm not sure what is going to be on Impact and what's going to be on the primetime special. When is the special again?
  15. Vyce

    So....why was MikeSC banned this time?

    The funniest thing in this thread is Matt Young threatening physical violence on anyone.
  16. Vyce

    I'm leaving TSM next week

    I'm having a hard time remembering you. Wait, weren't you the guy who was talking about swing parties with DVDSpree? Yeah. That was you. Or some other guy.
  17. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/24/05

    That skit was indefensible. I'm not even talking about its potential offensive nature by making fun of JR; it just wasn't funny, on any level. Nothing redeemable about it. Stop acting like there was.
  18. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/24/05

    No really, what is the deal here? Is this hate from Vince? Is, as was rumored, is HHH partly to blame, because he supposedly has a grudge against JR from way back when?
  19. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/24/05

    For my own sanity, I'm sitting here trying to find out which porn star they've got playing the nurse. If one of you pervs knows, help me out.
  20. Vyce

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/24/05

    God, how I hate the McMahons.
  21. Vyce

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Exactly. "What will the casual marks say about Rhino as NWA Champ?" Well, they most definitely WON'T say, "Oh, there's Rhino, WWE-castoff. This promotion is bush league to have him as champ!" At WORST, the casual mark will say, "Wait, ex-ECW champ Rhino is the new NWA Champ???" And maybe that'll draw in a few casual marks. Or maybe it won't, regardless, it's ridiculous to think that a casual mark is going to look DOWN on TNA because they put the belt on Rhino. It's like putting the belt on Raven, no casual fan is going to remember that Raven (or Rhino for that matter) was a Heat jobber for the last year or two of his time with the WWE, hell, they probably won't even remember him being in the WWE. They'll remember him from ECW. I didn't order the PPV tonight, but reading some of these comments, I have to say, some of you must have had REALLY unrealistic expectations for this show. Maybe it was TNA's fault for hyping this as their 'Wrestlemania', but Jesus, some of you make it seem as if you were expecting the best PPV ever, and wound up with a total dud. I'm sure the truth is that is was an average to good show.
  22. Vyce

    So....why was MikeSC banned this time?

    That seems reasonable.
  23. Undead - 8/10 Fun zombie flick from Australia. If you liked Shaun of the Dead, you'll probably like this.
  24. Vyce

    Tyson Tomko

    I've said it many times before, and my position hasn't change: Tomko is one of the worst workers I've ever seen. And I've been watching wrestling for 13 years now. The only thing he's good for is standing around looking menacing. He sucks at everything else.
  25. Vyce

    Good Night and Good Luck

    It's more along the lines of, since Clooney is such a big liberal, is it really possible for him to make a politically-themed film that isn't written according to his own biases, the real facts be damned? I would wager that, much like the case with Moore, the answer is no.