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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Some Smackdown thoughts

    There are enough matches of Birchill out there, from his time in England alone, to counter that argument. He is far from the worst worker on the roster, or even a bad worker period. He's really just another victim of the WWE-style.
  2. Vyce

    NIP TUCK Season 3 Episode 2

    Man, what with the anal rape last episode and the transvestite stuff in this one, this show is really getting kind of gay. Or ghey. I forget which is which sometimes.
  3. I disagree. Warrior is a loon, but some of his points are actually spot on. Why? Vince McMahon is a HUGE scumbag, and as much credit as he gets for making wrestling as big as it is (or once was), he also should rightfully get credit for doing many, many things which are overall destructive to the industry. As shitty as Warrior is, I'd rate Vince as at least as bad. Possibly worse, because he has a larger impact on the business as a whole.
  4. Vyce


    I'm beginning to question whether the Korean guy's officially shark food.
  5. Vyce

    *SPOILERS* First hour on Spike

    This does not augur well for them.
  6. Vyce

    Asian/Japanese Cinema...,

    Since Halloween is just a month away, if anyone wants to see some fun Japanese flicks with ZOMBIES~!, might I suggest Versus and Wild Zero. Yes. This is a genuinely disturbing Miike film. And if I can step back a moment, I'd recommend the original Kurosawa - Akira Kurosawa. He made some of the finest Japanese films ever. Some of the best films of any nation, actually.
  7. Vyce

    Some Smackdown thoughts

    Coward. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In fairness to Mike, if I was him, I wouldn't go anywhere near the CE either, lest one of you pussies cry like a 9-year old girl to the mods again for another bullshit banning. I disagree. Their only value left is to be job boys. Seeing as I think the WWE could actually make money with Burchill if they pushed him right, he should be allowed to squash them. Regardless, I think it's fair to say that they have given Funaki / Hotty WAY too much offense against the Burchill / Regal tag team.
  8. Frankly, certain portions of RAW are better off as just a test pattern.
  9. I'm sorry, this is the WWE. I'm afraid someone was supposed to inform you to check your logic at the door.
  10. Why even bother with a woman's division at this point. Just make all these bitches someone's valet. Give one of them to Masters, maybe that'll FINALLY draw some heat for him.
  11. Vyce

    Family Guy 9/25

    I'm convinced many of you are insane. American Dad is STILL a BAD show. I don't give a shit how much you piss and moan about Family Guy having overlong jokes or how YOU don't feel it's as good as it once was, it's still light years above American Dad. Hell, Simpsons, as tired as it is, is funnier than AD. I'm quite frankly shocked that many of the same people responsible for FG are responsible for AD, because there is a dramatic drop in quality from the one to the other.
  12. Vyce

    Family Guy 9/25

    See, I liked the caveman joke. It started funny, went too long, but then the fact that it went too long itself became funny. To me at least.
  13. Vyce

    Anybody get into DC's Elseworlds?

    I just recently read "JSA: The Liberty Files" TPB, which features an Elseworld's take on some of the JSA & Batman fighting during and after the Second World War. Good stuff.
  14. Vyce

    Asian/Japanese Cinema...,

    Audition is EXTREMELY overrated. It's not a bad film, but there are people who will say it's one of the most disturbing films ever made. This couldn't be further from the truth. It's a little bizarre at times, but isn't that messed up at all.
  15. Vyce

    House of the Dead

    I need to see this film to see how bad it is. Because I rented "The Dead Next Door" a couple weeks back, and it was easily the worst zombie film I've ever seen, and one of the worst films I've ever seen period. Granted, it was in Super 8 and made 20 years, but still, it'll be hard to overcome.
  16. Vyce

    Does anyone like Jae Lee's work

    I actually prefer Jae Lee to Jim Lee.
  17. To revisit something cabbageboy said: while I agree that there is something to seeing a guy come up from the farm leagues, and slowly build his way towards the top, I personally wouldn't resent a guy who gets a big push early on, so long as they're actually quite talented. That hasn't been the WWE MO, though. Masters, Carlito......no. They're too poor in the ring to justify their current level. To be honest, and there will be those who disagree with me, but I still don't think Orton's push last year was justified, other than for reasons that he was over. Because I still don't see where Orton is a solid worker. He seems better, in some regards, than Cena, but is that really saying a whole lot?
  18. Here's something I don't understand: people give Masters shit, and he is still a green if not actually bad worker, though apparently some people here are turning around and giving the guy props.....but no one seems to be giving shit to Carlito. Why? Cause you like his "charisma"? I want to like the guy, but I find him easily as atrociously bad in the ring as some people find Masters. I didn't care that they put 50+ year old Ric Flair over him Sunday for the title, or last night, because Flair at his advanced, broken down, shell-of-his-former-self age is a far, far better worker than Carlito. And that's scary. At this stage Carlito is an upper midcard heel, but I haven't seen anything out of him other than lackluster punches & kicks and restholds.
  19. Vyce

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Shit. If Edge loses, he gets moved to RAW.....and that removes yet another heel from the show. The days of HHH being the one and only true heel on RAW again are drawing nigh.
  20. Vyce

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    I agree that is a bit disconcerting. I'm probably in the minority here, but personally, I'm hoping we see less of Green Arrow this season. I know he's got lots of fanboys, but there was a little too much of him last time around. I'd dig seeing more of the JSA though. Isn't there supposed to be a Captain Marvel episode coming up?
  21. Vyce

    X-Men 3 Spoilers

    I gotta agree, this film just sounds way, way too busy. Look, I'm a comics geek. I read dozens of comics every month. DOZENS. And I love big comic fight scenes, featuring lots of characters. But that shit won't work on the big screen, and to try and stick it in is only going to fuck the plot tremendously. And believe it or not, that matters.
  22. Vyce

    So what happens now..?

    HHH will probably decide that he's helped build one star (Batista), which is enough, and make Cena look like a chump. I know a lot of smarks shit on Cena, and I'm not huge fan of the guy's workrate either, but he's arguably the most over guy on either roster and the only thing they really have to a new breakout star currently. I'd like to say that he remains strong throughout, but if they do pair him up against HHH......all bets are off.
  23. Vyce

    Family Guy and American Dad for 8/18

    Your username, sir, is thus quite appropriate.
  24. Vyce

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    Triple J is the Champion once again, and Dixie Carter is back on good terms with him judging by what I read from her exclusive interview yesterday. "Jeff can get a good match out of anyone who isn't good. Jeff's blonde hair is so cute. I can listen to Jeff speak on the mic for 20 minutes and fall in love." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I fucking hate Jeff Jarrett. Fuck TNA. I can't wait for... ... uh...FUCK! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> UFC? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ........ ...On second thought, I think I'll take my chances with the WWE or TNA.
  25. Vyce

    Family Guy and American Dad for 8/18

    Am I the only one who finds American Dad to be atrocious? I've heard some people, even here, say that it's better than FG, and I pretty much think anyone who feels that way is completely wrong. And more than a little insane.