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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Box Office Report for Sept. 17th-18th

    I actually am surprised it did so poorly. I would have thought it would have made it to at least the number 2 spot, if not win the week, finishing at whatever place it was with at least 10 million. As it is, it barely did any better than Cry_Wolf. Kudos to March of the Penguins and Red Eye for both hanging around in the top 10. That would be "Venom", aka "Backwater", aka "The Slayer", which may be opening next week. It's about a group of teens (who else?) who must try to survive an encounter with an undead swamp monster who used to be a tow-truck driver who was killed and then resurrected by some voodoo witch to, I suppose, stalk and kill sexy teens. Already in my Netflix account.
  2. Vyce

    So what happens now..?

    By Wrestlemania? My money is on him winning the title back by, at the latest, Survivor Series. He'll then keep the title until at LEAST Wrestlemania, where he likely faces Cena, who's been chasing the belt. Whether he wins or not is anyone's guess.
  3. Vyce

    The Greatest Cancelled TV Shows of this decade

    Farscape. And Farscape. Was "Cupid" with Jeremy Piven in 2000 or later? If so, that. And Farscape.
  4. Awesome. Is that an Atlantis mask?
  5. Vyce

    NWA Championship News

    Exactly! And let's face it, where the JJ marks wanna admit it or not, being "the new ECW" is infinitely cooler than being "WCW 2000." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, not really. Let's face it, whether the ECW marks wanna admit it or not, even dying WCW, WCW 2000, was a better promotion than ECW ever was. Seriously. Ripper makes some good points about Hardy being a bigger star than Jarrett, but I don't think it's sane to consider putting the belt on him, or even booking him as the top face of the promotion. I don't view the guy as trustworthy in the least. Not that he's two-faced or anything, but he's the type of guy I could totally see no-showing, a la Waltman, and there's always the possibility that one day we'll wake up to the news that someone found him decomposing in a hotel room somewhere, pumped full of god knows whatever narcotics he takes just to silence the demons in his head.
  6. Vyce

    Direction on Spike, New Talent Signed, etc.

    I just pray that, somehow, their recent firing will have lit a fire under the Dudleys, and they'll have found something to make their act not the same, stale routine they've been doing for the past five years (or more). Maybe working in All Japan will do it. Maybe getting head-dropped a few times by Kojima or somebody there will knock the passion back into them again.
  7. Vyce

    NWA Championship News

    Unlike a lot of people in the IWC, I don't hate Jarrett. I've always thought he was a capable worker in the ring.....not really someone I'd base my promotion around, either as a top face or heel, but he's alright. This is just pure insanity, though. The phrase "Jeff Jarrett, FOUR TIME NWA world champion" should have never entered into the English language. This worries me too, because really, exactly how much is Spike going to be involved with the direction of the company? I can understand if the network wants to have some input should TNA want to do a controversial angle or something like that, but Spike dictating who is champion or not? It makes me nervous. I don't want a six-month (or LONGER) title reign by Jarret just because he "tests well with audiences". Jarrett isn't John fucking Cena, he isn't insanely over with women or the younger crowd. Not really, at least not for me. I'll take TNA over the WWE any day of the week, even WITH Jarrett on top. Sorry, but as obnoxious as Jarrett can be, I'll take him in the main event over Chris Masters every single time.
  8. Vyce

    Hey, Milky.

    That's what I like about you, niskie. The bestiality is okay, but goddamnit, the animal mating pics, THAT's GOING TOO FAR.
  9. Vyce

    WWE news and notes

    This will end badly. Mark my words. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't really need a crystal ball for that one. Does this mean we can look forward to Shelton Benjamin impersonating a crack addict? Or Orlando Jordan impersonating Rick James?
  10. Vyce

    CM Punk buried by HHH, Hayes, and HBK

    I'm torn over who to laugh at: HHH for remarking that Punk can't work, or Punk for believing that in the WWE he'd be considered anything other than a joke.
  11. Vyce

    Smackdown spoilers

    I know it was a dark match, but did I read that right when it said that Scotty 2 Hotty dominated his match with Burchill? I'm not going to make a somewhat outlandish claim and say that Burchill could be the next Lesnar or anything, but I have to say, I think they could make money off the guy by pushing him right. And putting him into a feud with a fucking has-been / never-was like S2H isn't going to do jack shit for him.
  12. Vyce

    Muhammad Hassan?

    Fuck that - give him Dusty's old "American Dream" theme music. Words can't describe how hard I'd mark for that.
  13. Vyce

    X-Men Legends II

    Those are his natural abilities. I forget the title, but some years back Marvel did publish a four-issue miniseries detailing Apocalypse's origin. He was born thousands of years ago in Egypt as "En Sabah Nur", and was, basically, the first mutant born on Earth. He was considered cursed because of his appearance (his greyish skin color and the markings on his face are apparently from birth), but was raised by a tribe of nomads who followed a "only the strong survive" philosophy, which sort of shaped his later Darwinian mindset. If memory serves me, once he was grown into adulthood, he rose up and used his abilities to overthrow the Pharaoh of Egypt, who I believe was, at that time, the time-traveller Kang.
  14. Vyce

    Marvel = WWE

    The Punisher wasn't bad, so much as it was incredibly disappointing. You make a film about a man who is, arguably, Marvel's most violent comic character, and the film was, frankly, quite tame. I know they did it to reach out to a larger market, and I wasn't exactly expecting Tarantino-esque Kill Bill style fight scenes, but still, for such a ridiculously dark and violent character as the Punisher, he sure didn't do a whole lot of punishing.
  15. Vyce

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Not the best Stevie design, but honestly, I'm just happy that the guy in in the game. What? I'm a Stevie mark.
  16. Vyce

    X-Men Legends II

    Apocalypse is a mutant with virtually complete control over the matter of his body. Which basically means he can shapeshift and is functionally immortal. BTW, I have to agree with Ripper about Iceman. I got this game for Christmas many months ago, and beat it within a couple weeks of play, and Iceman was always a mainstay on my team. Once you level up his strength and his ice shield to their maximum capacity, he's virtually unstoppable. Best "tank" character in the game, by far. I would also argue that none of the characters flat-out suck - once levelled up, they all do some damage (I spent a LOT of time in the Danger Room building up EVERYONE, to the point where the final levels were just a breeze through, given how strong my teams were). It's just that some of the characters in the game, when levelled up completely - Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman - are just gods.
  17. I enjoy UWF-i. Probably because it's more like professional wrestling than MMA, which probably explains why I can watch UWF-i for more than 30 seconds without being bored into a coma. Vince should hire some of the old UWF-i workers to compete. I'm dying to see a HHH / Yoji Anjoh match.
  18. Vyce

    Hurricane Katrina

    Don't be fucking disingenous. No one would have thought that - no one who was even remotely paying attention to his argument or the context in which the ebonics parody was made. I think it far more likely that Czech's just poked huge, gaping holes in Kanye's bullshit and in the rather sad excuses of those who have been trying to defend him, and the best any of you can come up with to counter those arguments is "uh....well, you know I could construe you as a racist..." To quote the late Ol' Dirty Bastard: nigga please.
  19. Vyce

    Hurricane Katrina

    Here, lemme help: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's all you got, huh. OMG, he used mock ebonics to parody Kanye West - who, though considered "well-spoken" by some, has engaged in ebonics when, I suppose, he felt it was appropriate. Oh God, Czech, you ignorant racist bastard. Again: didn't know that criticizing one big, loud-mouthed fucktard, who happens to be black, means that one is a racist. Okay, so: non-blacks can't criticize blacks, even if the criticism is well-deserved, because if they do, they're racist. I did NOT know that. I'm going to have to write that one down for future reference.
  20. Vyce

    Hurricane Katrina

    Oh my god, a voice of reason. You're like a lantern in the wilderness, my friend. It makes me want to weep. The local government did drop the ball, big time, which is why I don't really comprehend questions like, "Gee, why are they giving the NO mayor such a hard time?" Because he fucked up. And now he's blaming everyone else, ignoring his own failings. Such is human nature, and yes, there is plenty of blame to pass around, I just find it incredible that people don't get where the criticism of Nagin is coming from. I've been reading a lot of left-wing blogs these past few days, and I think I've come to a couple of conclusions: many liberals feel this is all Bush's fault, somehow, and many of those same liberals are happy that this disaster occurred because LA & MI are red states. Which, logically, leads me to the odd conclusion that many liberals are happy that this tragedy occurred, but only so far as they can then turn around and blame the deaths on Bush. Yeah......I don't get it either. BTW, Czech, I never knew you were racist. I mean, I don't have any proof of you being racist....never heard or seen you do anything racist. But you've criticized Kanye West, and apparently, that's all one needs to do to be considered racist these days.
  21. Vyce

    Hurricane Katrina

    You used that joke two weeks ago and it wasn't that funny then. Once again, just by going through this thread, you can tell who's alligned with which political party. Liberals seem to understand where he's coming from. Conservatives just want the big, bad, black rapper guy to shut up. I don't care what you say, there shouldn't be people still stuck there almost a week later. Some of you guys just can't wait to get in line and take shots at rappers. They're all interchangable, though, right? "What's Kanye West getting all mad about? He probably raps about killing 'niggas' and riding on 24s, while doing fat-ass bitches. He must just be mad because he didn't get to shoot them himself." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, no, see, you really, REALLY shouldn't be defending the guy, other than to take Y2Jerk's position of "The first amendment gaurantees you the right to say stupid things". When Kanye says on national TV that George Bush hates blacks and that assistance was deliberately withheld in order to kill blacks, he comes across as nothing but a stupid fucking moron, and it makes other rappers look bad by association. I don't even know if what Czech is saying is true, whether Kanye believes the white man created AIDS or that the government released crack into the ghetto, etc., but right now? If you told me that he said he believed in those things, I would believe you. 100%. Because he's proven himself to me to be the kind of fucking idiot who'd believe that shit.
  22. Alright, now you're going to have to explain this one to me. TNA is currently based out of Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. Their current champions are Raven, Christopher Daniels and The Naturals. Their fanbase consists of Universal Studio tourists and the smart crowd. Why are they still labelled as being hillbillies? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Say.....exactly who was it that just hired Dusty Rhodes to their creative team?
  23. Vyce

    Michael Cole

    Ugh, is that a pic of Todd and Jessica Simpson?
  24. Vyce

    Dusty Rhodes signs with WWE

    While I agree that Rhodes is a pretty terrible booker, I think in the current WWE climate, he may actually be an improvement. Which is scary. As for Goldust maybe coming back, I'm all for it. You've read the DVD thread. And it's true - Dustin Rhodes is better than HHH. Yes. Yes, he is.
  25. Vyce

    Dusty Rhodes signs with WWE

    Not soon enough. I don't know why Vince doesn't do War Games. Yeah, I mean, I DO know why, cause he didn't come up with the idea, but c'mon, it's money in the bank. I haven't paid for a live WWE PPV in YEARS, but I'd pay the 35 bucks for any one that features War Games as its main event.