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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. What surprises me is how eerily similar this was to my own mash notes to Milky.
  2. Vyce

    The Smart mark confessional

    It's only really sexy when girls do it, though.
  3. Vyce

    caption wildpegasus

    Thank you, wp's alternate gimmick.
  4. Vyce

    New Evanescence Song

    I enjoy it, but it's not wowing me or anything. Hopefully the upcoming album will be decent, as I did enjoy the first album. How much of the first album's quality was due to Moody, though? Please, no snickering, that's a serious question. No matter what your personal opinions on Evanescence's "quality" may be, you have to admit that whatever you thought of the first album, things could REALLY go south with this one if Moody was a significant factor in its success.
  5. Vyce


    Possible, but less likely than Slayer telling him shit.
  6. Vyce

    Man crushes.......

    I can certainly agree on half of that duo.
  7. Vyce


    I don't really have any heroes. Just certain people I might admire or respect.
  8. Vyce

    Campfire Tales

    Spookiest story I read recently was about Black Eyed Kids.
  9. Vyce


    I'd mouthfuck both those girls.
  10. Vyce

    WWE News and Notes - 8/28

    God forbid the announcers use an accurately descriptive noun like "belt."
  11. Vyce


    I was stating a fact. You are on AIM pretty much all the time, from what I've seen. Please, I've made like two posts in that music folder referencing you. I've probably said more things about you in Boardum. Who's giving you reports, Slayer?
  12. Vyce

    Recommend A Song

    That's a very fun song. It also features some backup vocals by Maja from The Sounds, which is a group that more of you should be listening to, instead of just random hip hop artists.
  13. Vyce


    He's almost always on AIM.
  14. Vyce

    Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!!

    Inc has made me furious. Goth chicks are supposed to be hot. Or at least, only post pics of hot goth chicks. Am I right or am I wrong, Meat? Whadda ya say?
  15. Vyce

    Fuck Gang Wars.

    You fuckers never started it, and look, I had already made a sig and everything for it.
  16. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    Best thing about Snakes on a Plane is the Cobra Starship music video of the theme song, because it stars Maja Ivarsson.
  17. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    Goddamn right it is. Oh well. Months before it opened plenty of people were saying it would just be a cult film, and it looks like now that's being proven correct.
  18. Vyce


    Lie number one was not having Vermeil crying like a little bitch in any of his scenes.
  19. Vyce

    Kurt Angle released!

    Things have really got to be bad with him now, then. He must really be just off the rails if they would go ahead and just release him. Maybe drugs are the underlying issue and it could be something like him not wanting to go to rehab, but I got to figure it's more than that. Mentally, he just seems to be falling apart. I kind of doubt that he'd go wrestle elsewhere, but with him, who knows - it keeps being said that he's been trying to throw himself more into his work in order to compensate for his family imploding. So it's a question as to whether he finally takes a hint and just takes several months off, to heal both his body and mind, and maybe kick whatever drug habit he has if he has one. If he doesn't want to do that, I can see him going to another company, but generally I feel that he'd be one of the guys loyal to the WWE no matter what......let me just say that as much as I like TNA and as much as I think a HEALTHY Angle could kick ass there, I hope to god they don't hire him if he comes knocking on their door. At this point, he's got to just be a ticking time bomb if he doesn't slow the fuck down. I hope he can get his shit together. Cause this is really just getting morbid. I just have that really sick feeling that we're going to wake up one morning pretty soon to find out he isn't with us anymore.
  20. Vyce

    Rando's Opinion of Gang Wars V2

    Yes, I can see how you would think that.
  21. Vyce

    Survivor: Cook Island

    The blacks will have a distinct advantange in this, since most of them still live in tribes anyway.
  22. Vyce

    Rando's Opinion of Gang Wars V2

    I remember 2 or 3 weeks back when Czech tried that Alien Jesus joke over at DVDVR, and he was completely ignored by everyone. That amused me more than Alien Jesus probably ever would.
  23. Just move Richards back to Smackdown.
  24. Vyce

    Guilty pleasure

    I love Imogen Heap. She really shouldn't be considered a guilty pleasure, because she's incredibly talented and puts out great albums, but still, her songs have been used as a soundtrack for "The OC". Which means that on some level, I should probably be ashamed, as a male, to love her so much. But I don't. I don't feel much shame about anything, really.
  25. Vyce

    Don Vito arrested for touching little girls...

    I'd just like to point out a couple facts: 1. TWELVE year old girls. 2. AFTER the autograph session. I'm going to love to see his excuse for this shit, because I'm not seeing how either "I thought they were 18" or "it was all just a joke at the event" would work here.