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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    2006 Fall TV...

    Monk's a good show, if a bit formulaic. BTW, anyone have any sort of list or website of what each network's new schedule is? I know absolutely nothing about who's showing what at which time.
  2. Vyce

    Jarrett to appear on Fox news

    He shouldn't have done it. There's about a 0% chance that pro wrestling is presented in anything other than a negative light by FOX.
  3. Two teddy bears stole my truck. Can you believe that shit?
  4. Vyce

    Hell's Kitchen Season 2

    Keith was a really good chef. But, he looked and acted like a douche. So he had to go.
  5. Vyce

    Hell's Kitchen Season 2

    I wanted Virginia to win. Why? Because she made my dick hard. That's enough.
  6. Vyce

    Lacuna Coil

    I've been getting a friend of mine into Lacuna Coil. He likes what he's heard so far. I'm slowly trying to get more into gothic hard rock / metal, but it's a slow transition, since he spends most of his time downloading music from video games.
  7. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    No. It's not. That was the whole point of my first post in this thread, the original Japanese version was boring and just bad, so I was wondering if they had changed the plot to make it more entertaining.
  8. Vyce

    dear nhb:

    Same reason I can't stand the Whedon marks here, because they take their shit way too seriously. Normally I wouldn't have much of a problem with MMA or Whedon shows, but the markdom of both on this board gets taken to such extremes sometimes that I wind up hating it. Equate it to Hemme and his love of Brookers. Only worse. Rudo was the biggest perpetrator of this. Also, you know how all wrestling fans are closet gays / bisexuals? Liking MMA doesn't absolve you of that just because it's real. It just means you're into rougher sex with men than usual.
  9. Vyce

    dear nhb:

    I don't know......heterosexual women? You boys are getting a little too annoyingly gay with your MMA faggotry. Edit: We butted heads on that one, 'Mark.
  10. Vyce

    Me Vs. WP

    No it isn't. I trust Thumbtack and if I can I'm definitely going to meet up with him in Lethbridge. Can't wait. The only satisfactory resolution to that story ends with Thumbtack in the frigid woods of Canada with a shovel, digging a shallow grave.
  11. Vyce

    Ultimate Avengers 2

    "Hey Chicken! Why you hangin' out with them fries?" "Hey, hey - maybe he wants to BE a fry!" "Maybe I DO!" "Y-yeah. Maybe you do." "Maybe I DO." God, it's so stupid, yet I can't not repeat it every time it comes on.
  12. Vyce

    Box Office Report...

    Did you see Pulse? Was it as terribly boring as the original Japanese film? From the previews, it seemed as if they changed the story a bit for the American remake; I was hoping that meant the film would wind up better than the original. Because the original had a lot of promise but just wound up pretty boring. Good visuals, though. I guess they replicated a couple scenes - the woman jumping to her death and the plane crash? Those were the two best things about the original.
  13. Vyce

    Me Vs. WP

    You'd better be. Because you'd be the bottom.
  14. Vyce

    Me Vs. WP

    I need a pic of him that's a little closer than 25 yards away, like the one in his sig, before I agree to any cornholing.
  15. Vyce

    ECW news from the Observer

    Oh god, Godson is here. Did they ban you at DVDVR, or did you just get bored there?
  16. Vyce

    African-Americans: Mike Jones Wants You!

    "Oh what can it mean?"
  17. Naw, man, you can't be eatin' that shit. Government-man be puttin' shit in that to make a nigga sterile. You gotta buy your yardbird somewhere else. C'mon, I can't have been the only one heard that.
  18. I think we have diversified the area... and for the better. This place was already in the slums, and were going to build it up into a fine community. *looks around* What the.....how'd you build the liquor stores and KFC's so goddamn fast?!?!
  19. Vyce

    Immminent terror attack foiled

    Jesus Christ, it's ignorant nits like you that make me want to pull my hair out. Watch the news, read the fucking papers. It's not as if the U.S. government was SURPRISED yesterday by the British; the Brits have been in contact with us over this, and President Bush himself had known about this operation for at least several days now. It's okay, though, keep letting your own irrational hatred of Bush blind you to those pesky little things called facts. Feel free to continue insulting Israel while you're at it; thankfully, they've never given a shit about opinions from those such as you, which is perhaps why they've managed to survive as long as they have. BTW, want to know how the British were able to sniff out this plot and stop it? Through the use of call intercepts, bank record surveillance, and data-mining, all of those things that the liberals tell us are BAD and we CAN'T use; the stuff that the New York Times likes to leak all over the place. Well, what do you fucking know, those tactics actually work to STOP terrorism? Sadly, if I did nothing but listen to the U.S. media, I'd have never known.
  20. He'll cast that annoying bitch of a wife of his in this, you just watch.
  21. Leave it to the blacks to ruin NHB. It was only a matter of time once those people move into the neighborhood. On topic, I don't look forward to seeing how Will Smith butchers Matheson's classic story.
  22. Vyce

    Im going to need some advice..

    I thought I was the only one who did that, and it worked for them.
  23. Vyce


    Well buddy, I wouldn't have to pay for them. And no, I myself wouldn't give out any naked pictures because that's just not right. We should tone it down here some btw. We don't want to creep Leena out. I know what it's like to be the centre of attention here and it can break you down physcologically after awhile. You don't know Leena. Trust me, the last thing she's going to be is creeped out by our antics. She's got a stronger constitution than that.
  24. Vyce


    You just wait. I'll get naked pics of her one of these days. But I won't share them. Well. Unless WP pays me well.