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Everything posted by Vyce

  1. Vyce

    Metal Gear Solid 4 to feature much older Snake...

    I basically summed up the MGS series the other day on the other board:
  2. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    Someone tell that to the people of Zimbabwe.....
  3. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

    So, we have "godthedog" so far in the "doesn't get the bit" camp.
  4. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

    Indeed. I grew to admire her inspiring struggle against you liberals who were dead-set on forcing her out of a campaign she had every right to wage on. Your underhanded efforts are why a sizable number of Democrats like Marney are going to either sit out this election or vote for McCain. You poisoned the well against yourselves.
  5. Vyce

    Metal Gear Solid 4 to feature much older Snake...

    Yeah. MikeSC (who may not have a good reputation on this board but IS a devoted gamer) mentioned that the game barely fit on the Blu-Ray disc. I mean, what the fuck.
  6. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

    I'd totally rock a keffiyeh if I wasn't certain that all my unhip friends would call me a faggot if I did You would be a faggot. Why don't you just wear an ascot, queer?
  7. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    I got a good laugh out of that one when it was published last week, but this week's Onion has a news article that I took a good deal more amusement from.
  8. Vyce

    Fear Itself

    WHAT. Christ almighty.
  9. Vyce

    Nick Hogan

    I've never wanted to slap a bitch more than that mother of his. It's nauseating to hear her whine about how the other mother - you know, of the kid who's a fucking vegetable now - doesn't know what suffering is, because her son isn't in jail like Nick. Goddamn rich cunt. Her son is serving 8 months - and not even in big boy jail, really - for basically killing another human being, and she feels she has the right to complain? Cause let's be honest, the other kid is dead. It's basically just a dead body at this point, the parents just don't have the strength in them at the moment to let him go.
  10. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    I say we white folk adopt Obama as our own due to half of his lineage. Not so much because I like the guy or want him as President, I'd just find it humorous for us to take THAT away from black people too.
  11. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

  12. Vyce

    Final Crisis

    I liked Infinite Crisis, but WAS tremendously disappointed in how the storyline turned out, as they built it up to be one story and it turned out to be much different. All of the material leading up to the miniseries indicated that Infinite Crisis was basically going to be a damn-near GLOBAL war between the heroes and villains, with the villains finally getting sick of the heroes' shit (especially since the League went all fucking loopy for a while there by brainwashing villains) and banding together under a common cause. It was going to be this huge, massive battle royale. Then the miniseries began, and we found out, naw, it ain't about that shit, it's about Alex Luthor going crazy and trying to recreate the multiverse. It was good, just I didn't feel like the story we got was as interesting or compelling as the one we were sold on. But hey, Superboy - excuse me, SuperMAN Prime, is one of the best villains, IMO, of the last few years. The image of him ripping apart Teen Titans with his bare hands while screaming "You're RUINING me!!!!" was fantastic.
  13. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

    That's a bit inaccurate, her parents came over on a visa, they didn't hop a fence like the filthy Mexicans do.
  14. Vyce

    Pundits you love/hate

    You mean like God bless Hillary. Her underdog fight even made me grow to like her a bit. I'm going to miss her.
  15. Vyce

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    They reached that threshold with me for putting out pussy top 40 garbage yet having the audacity to call their tour the "BAD BOYS OF ROCK".
  16. I fucking laughed HARD at this. Although it was probably too inside for most people here to get. Oh yeah, and I love this chick too. She's attractive, but in that sort of way that she looks attainable even though she's a bigtime music star now.
  17. Vyce

    So, "Ring of Hell"...

    Jesus. If true, I suddenly have a shitload more sympathy for HHH. God, what carnival freakshow did he marry into.
  18. Vyce

    Campaign 2008

    God. Why is it so hard for people to recognize what the issue is re: Wright & Obama. It's not about whether Obama BELIEVES in Wright's bullshit. Most people would agree that he doesn't. It has everything to do with Obama's judgment and character, which actually are fair game to question, even criticize, because we as Americans could be giving him the whole fucking show come November, and we like to try and vett these people as best we can. It goes like this. You're wrong for insinuating, as Obama has sort of tried to do (in as half-assed a manner as possible, which is contributing to this overall debacle for him), that this is just some schmuck he maybe caught a sermon of every now and again. Barack went to Wright's church for 20 years. He got married by Wright. Pretty sure his kids were baptized by Wright's church. Before Wright got exposed, Barack wrote some glowing praise about the man, saying he was his spiritual mentor. Some of this material can be found in Barack's own memoirs. Obama even stated before that Wright was a political advisor, that he consulted with Wright on occasion before making political decisions. All of this adds up to a very long, lengthy, deep relationship with a man who has since been exposed as bigot and a militant. Again, it's not about Obama believing Wright's nonsense. It's just the pure common sense that ordinary Americans have, but apparently Barack didn't, in that if you are presented with such a fact pattern as this one, the question gets asked, well if this guy's such a wackjob, why the FUCK did you keep close this guy for 20 fucking years? Cause no one buys that Wright all of a sudden turned militan a few weeks ago. It's well documented that he's been this way for YEARS. Obama, basically, hasn't had any sort of good explanation / answer to that question (and, in fact, can't actually state the truth, ie. that used Wright all of those years for credibility and political capital, because that would fly in the face of his "I'm a different type of politician, even though I'm actually the EXACT same sort of politician you're used to" gimmick). Which is why this is killing him slowly.
  19. Vyce

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Regal / JEFF Hardy? There's a styles clash. It'll be Regal / Van Dam all over again. Now, a Regal / Matt Hardy series would rule.
  20. Vyce

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Jesus, when did Mick Foley turn into the lead singer of the country group Alabama? He's going to play you some mountain music, like grandma & grandpa used to play.
  21. Vyce

    General Marvel Discussion Thread

    I seem to recall, though, that Wolverine inspected the corpse and its "smell", according to Logan, was so exactly the same as Cap that there was no doubt it was him. So, given the recent events going on, let's just say that Dead Cap was really just a Skrull. I thought they're supposed to be undetectable now or whatever. I'm still holding out hope that the utter drivel that was Civil War will ultimately be revealed as Skrulls fucking things up. It'd go a long way to explaining why 90% of the Marvel heroes (in that storyline) were acting like douchey cunts.
  22. Vyce

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: The Thread

    New or used? I was thinking of picking up a PSP in the next couple months.
  23. Vyce


    Yeah, that's me. Unless it's a TV series on DVD, all my DVD purchases are pretty much Blu-Ray these days.
  24. Vyce

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    With all due respect, this is the problem with the Current Events folder here, and the reason that a lot people would rather post in the CE folder at The Pit. Why do people need to go running to the mods with complaints every time their damn feelings get hurt by something they read on the internet? At least 2 of the 4 pages of this thread contain actual discussions/arguing, but that's not okay with some people because words that they don't like were used...so better report it! I'm not even accusing anybody in particular, I'm just saying that being so ridiculously thin-skinned that you need to whine like a little girl every time somebody says something you don't agree with is beyond lame. If you don't agree with it, then make a compelling argument against it. If you get flamed, flame them back, and do it better. Having to look at every thread and second guess every word you're going to write because you don't want to offend anybody, or because you're worried about getting "warned" or banned? That's just stupid. On top of that, it's pretty easy to tell who the rookie mods/admins are, coming in here and waving their e-dicks around for everybody to see and be real impressed with. "I got a complaint, so I'm issuing a WARNING!" "I got a complaint, so I'm MOVING this thread!" "Let this be your FINAL WARNING or I shall use the full extent of my mod powers to show you how powerful I really am! Tremble in fear at my awesome powers, puny mortals!" You can say what you want about The Pit, but at least there, you can SAY WHAT YOU WANT ABOUT THE PIT. In all the time I've been there, we've banned all of about 4 people, and that was for blatant trolling...not for hurting people's feelings. I heard that some of the mods or posters here wanted to see more activity or discussion in the TSM CE folder, so I ventured back to check it out...but what the hell is the point if people are going to spaz over every little thing? Grow some thick skin...honestly...words really can't hurt you. I was one of the people who reported Marney's post. I don't think I went "crying to the mods" though, I just hit the report button and wrote "I'm offended" in a half joking manner, because she was giving Annie Grief for being a tranny and last I checked throwing personal insults at people is only acceptable in The shit socket. Argue your points all you want, you think it's wrong to be transexual? Go ahead and argue that... but when you take shots at somebody for what they are it's different. I didn't care that much, I just felt in the mood to repot something at the time, and well, I don't have any plants in my apartment. If we want an "anything goes" mentality all across the board, where you can take shots and flame, thats fine let's change the rules... But I don't see why it's needed in any current events arguements. Hey, 909, remember that conversation we had a couple weeks back? Consider all of this my "I told you so."
  25. Vyce

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    "Many colors in the homo rainbow....."