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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    Where to go for Indy Reviews?

    PCN's website is fantastic. You get reviews for IWA-MS, ROH, IWS, CZW...awesome stuff. Shot of Southern Comfort review is almost done!
  2. JoeDirt

    Where to go for Indy Reviews?

    I posted a review of IWA-MS You Gotta See this from 5/7/04 on here. And I just got my copy of A Shot of Southern Comfort today and I'm writing a review of that as we speak as well.
  3. Let's see if this works. If not, go to www.indyinsider.com and rick click on the picture and save as. http://www.indyinsider.com/free_forum_medi...%20Vol.%201.wmv
  4. JoeDirt

    *Smackdown Spoilers* for Aug. 19

    I haven't watched SD in a while...so why would Suzuki attack RVD?
  5. JoeDirt

    *Smackdown Spoilers* for Aug. 19

    Sounds decent. Main event should be good and the non-title tag match should be too. Heidenreich next week? JOYOUS OF ALL JOYS~!
  6. JoeDirt

    Question about Royal Rumble 2005

    Yeah, that's pretty weird.
  7. After reading the Wrestlefest 97 thread and reading about Dory Funk vs. Rob Van Dam, it got me thinking? What's the biggest styles clash of a match you've ever seen? I'm not talking about a squash or anything, but an actual match with some length to it. And did the match end up being any good?
  8. JoeDirt

    Official Taboo Tuesday Poster

    "Who do you want to win? Vote now at WWE.com!"
  9. Christ, just got done watching my brand spanking new Generation Next DVD. What a show! Here's some quick thoughts: Generation Next vs. Special K: Great start to the show and debut for GN. This is a really fun match that is really a showcase for GN and all they can do. Plenty of fun, good choice for opener. **3/4 Alex Shelley vs. Hydro: Solid seven minute match, really just a tease for what they could do later with more time, which we will hopefully see on 8/28. **1/4 Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Jacobs: Decent match, but they didn't mesh all that well with each other, I thought. In fact, I don't know if I've seen Jacobs in a match I really liked that wasn't with Alex Shelley. Fine match, just nothing memorable. **1/4 Punk/Cabana vs. Whitmer/Maff: Good solid tag team title match, better than I thought it would be. Punk and Cabana are fantastic as a tag team, and Maff is always fun to watch. Briscoes vs. OCK: Squasharoonie for the Briscoes. Fine for what it was. * Briscoes, Rave and Walters vs. Generation Next: HOLY ****! I loved this match so much, I think it's my favorite match I've seen thus far this year. I remember hearing the hype about the BLAD six man match and being slightly disappointed after seeing it...no such case here. Just non stop action for forty minutes, hard hitting, completely realistic, and fun as hell. I loved every minute of this, and never got bored like can sometimes happen in long tag team matches. I don't see how anyone can dislike this match. My only question is why at the end of most ROH tag matches are the tag rules simply forgotten? I know it helps create an exciting finish with lots of moves and nearfalls, but still...rules are rules! Still, a FANTASTIC match, one of my favorite of the year so far. Maybe I'm overrating it but I just watched it and I was psyched after seeing it. ****3/4 The Punk/Steamboat stuff was cool. Samoa Joe vs. Homicide: Great brawl, great intensity. Not much ring work or anything here, but it wasn't supposed to be...it was supposed to be two guys trying to kill each other, and they accomplished that here. As has been noted before, the finish was slightly anticlimactic. Great for what it was, though...a crazy brawl. Gabe's overselling of Homicide's tirade at the end was pretty funny too. ***1/2 I loved this show! On to World Title Classic next...hopefully my DVD is one that works!
  10. JoeDirt

    IWS August Bloodstream

    Just downloaded it, about to watch it. What is it exactly? How many people on average go to watch IWS shows? EDIT: Just started watching...the El Generico/Beef Wellington promo is GOLD!
  11. JoeDirt

    Best feuds/angles in ECW

    Still my favorite ECW angle. I've seen Wrestlepalooza 97 where Taz chokes out Douglas in 3 minutes. Are we talking that, or in 98-99? How did it go?
  12. JoeDirt

    IWAMS: Would You Recommend?

    It's funny how we have IWA-MS fans here, ROH fans, CZW fans too...but nobody is a 3PW fan. Where are all the 3PW fans at? *Looks around*
  13. JoeDirt

    Quick ROH Generation Next review

    Yeah, I can see that. But I just loved it from start to finish and didn't see any major flaws in it. Probably my favorite match I've seen yet this year. But obviously star ratings are subjective.
  14. JoeDirt

    CZW 8/14 results

    Announced for 9/11 also is Dutt and Amazing Red vs. Rave and M-Dogg 20.
  15. JoeDirt

    CZW 8/14 results

    Results so far, as stolen from the CZWfans board: -Justice Pain d. Derek Fraizer -Bobby Quance won the 4-way. Roderick Strong wasn't there, and was replaced by Nate Webb of IWA-MS fame -Adam Flash d. Ian Knoxx If I can't post further results maybe someone else could?
  16. JoeDirt

    The Slow WWE style

    I just can't stand the lack of EMOTION in the WWE at times. The only time their was any emotion or character development or anything tonight that felt like anything real was when Orton won the title and Benoit came back to shake his hand, yelling "be a man!" THAT was done well. But everything else is just emotionless. The WWE just isn't doing a good job, at least in my mind, of sucking people in and getting them to care about the bulk of their characters.
  17. JoeDirt

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "He's got his jock in the wrong place, Macmahon!" - Mr. Perfect at Royal Rumble 1996 as Aldo Montoya enters.
  18. Los Rojos Locos won the tag scramble thing Joey Ryan defeated Quicksilver Puma defeated Josh Prohibition Babi Slymm & Brad Bradley defeated Apollo Khan & Brandon Thomaselli Frankie Kazarian defeated Colt Cabana CM Punk defeated Donovan Morgan Samoa Joe defeated Super Dragon via countout More info as it comes!
  19. JoeDirt

    IWA Schedule Changes

    I don't really see the point of this. I'd much rather have Delirious as champ than Jacobs, who hasn't really impressed me in any non-Shelley matches.
  20. JoeDirt

    The Slow WWE style

    I like a bit of everything. That's why I love IWA Mid South and Ring of Honor, you see a variety of styles, hard hitting action, etc. You get mat wrestling clinics, high flying spotfests, strong style matches, etc.
  21. JoeDirt

    The Slow WWE style

    I like the style some of the time, but I just wish matches were allowed to have some variety, like the cruiserweight matches, etc. It would help people get over who have a different style than the one the WWE likes.
  22. JoeDirt

    Quick PWG results for 8/14

    Were people pissed about the countout finish? Seems like a lot of PWG main events lately have ended in DQ or countout.
  23. JoeDirt

    IWAMS: Would You Recommend?

    1. Yes. All of them. 2. Don't know about 3PW, but from what I hear CZW Best of the Best 4 is completely worth it. And if you like sick deathmatch stuff then TOD3 would be right up your alley.
  24. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'd do Orton/Benoit at Unforgiven. Then Orton/Edge (since Edge beat Orton for the IC title and should turn heel anyways) in October/November. Someone else at the Rumble, and then Trips at Wrestlemania. Although that might mean HHH might win the Royal Rumble...oh well, I'm looking too far ahead.
  25. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    At Unforgiven I'd do Orton vs. Benoit 2/3 falls. Benoit has to get a rematch, right? And if the long term build is for Orton/HHH at Wrestlemania, they can't feud quite yet. But the angle should be surprisingly interesting. RAW looks better than Smackdown to me at this point, except for the Diva bullshit.