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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    "Let's go Angle" chants. These people love the heels.
  2. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Luther Reigns is PIMPED OUT! Hopefully this is awesome.
  3. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Dudleys d. Rey/London/Kidman Kane d. Hardy Cena d. Booker Edge d. Jericho and Batista
  4. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Great video package for Eddie and Kurt.
  5. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I actually like Edge. I think he needs to be a heel DESPERATELY, though.
  6. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Edge vs. Jericho vs. Batista: The crowd just totally shits on Edge here, chanting "We want Christian" and booing him like crazy. Lots of nearfalls, with Jericho getting the Walls on Edge, and Jericho getting a roll up on Edge for 2. Edge wins it with the spear on Jericho at 9:00. This match showed what a difference a hot crowd makes. I think it's clear they have to turn Edge heel now. **1/2
  7. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    At least Edge reacted to the boos with a smirk, that was good.
  8. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Wow, these people HATE Edge!
  9. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Bischoff said Teddy would be gone by the next PPV, Survivor Series. Long said he would sign any RAW superstar who was sick of Bischoff.
  10. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Jericho is getting the biggest pop of these three. Still a dead crowd though.
  11. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Booker T vs. John Cena: Crowd is pretty dead. Cena hits the Throwback early on. Harlem sidekick by Booker, into a chinlock. Booker hits a spinebuster. He hits a flapjack on Cena and does the Spinaroonie but Cena hits the FU for the win at 5:45. Boring match. *
  12. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    The crowd is really dead. And this match isn't exactly setting the world on fire yet.
  13. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Cena has to win this, right? Have to have SOME faces win tonight...and Booker can always win matches 2 and 3 on Smackdown.
  14. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Yeah, Hardy took it really well. I like Matt a lot, I hope he gets a big push when he comes back.
  15. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Kane vs. Hardy: Matt uses a first rope side effect, a guillotine leg drop, and a tornado DDT early. Kane comes back with the usual. Hardy hits a cross body over the top to the floor and then a Twist of Fate on the floor. Matt used the ring bell and got 2. Kane countered another Twist of Fate to a big boot. Cool spot where Kane chokeslams Matt off the top rope for the win at 6:30. Matt worked really hard in this match, especially with the condition his knee is in. **-ish probably.
  16. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Nope, I was in the bathroom...what?
  17. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Pretty decent end to the match. Dudleys win it after a 3-D to Kidman at 8:00. Story of the match is how Spike is now the "boss" of the Dudleys. **1/2 Of course it was obvious the Dudleys would win after Michael Cole said "this was is gonna be over!" after Misterio hit the 619.
  18. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Crowd seems dead early on.
  19. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I thought it was okay, but I've liked a lot of others more. Nice that they covered the majority of the matches, though no mention of the six man. Six man tag is first, though!
  20. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Well I decided to get the webcast, we'll see how it is. Hopefully the show is decent.
  21. Not on the list, but Masato Tanaka and Mike Awesome click about as much as you possibly could.
  22. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    If Heidenreich interferes in the Taker/JBL match, what are the odds that he completely botches things? He'll probably run in and have to kick Taker, but botch it and fall on his ass. But who knows... Anyways, I haven't watched Smackdown in several months. How have they been building up Heidenreich? Is he going to have some old gimmick like so many other guys on SD recently?
  23. JoeDirt

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I might order the webcast, but $35 is pretty steep. With those bonus matches, do you get to download and keep them or just watch them for a week and that's it? And is it even possible to share webcasts anymore?
  24. JoeDirt

    Question about a Chris Jericho quote...

    Wait a second...the HHH/Hogan finish was changed DURING the match?