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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt


    But why for EVERY match? Won't this completely fuck up how every match goes down? You don't want to debut on TV with your guys looking like shit because of the ring being different than anything they've ever wrestled in before.
  2. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I'll pay $3 to pool and watch the webcast. And that's about all I'll pay.
  3. JoeDirt


    What the hell does this mean? They're going to use a 6-sided ring in all matches?
  4. JoeDirt

    OAO...yadda yadda yadda...5/12

    Meltzer has a full report up at wrestlingobserver.com - seems like an "eh" show for the most part.
  5. What indy guys out there could you see in the WWE? Obviously a lot of the top indy guys don't fit the "WWE style". Homicide or Samoa Joe, for example, really wouldn't fit into the WWE's style. But there are others Vince is crazy not to sign. For example: The Backseat Boyz: I can really see Acid and Kashmere getting over as a Hardy Boyz-type tag team in the WWE. Sure, they're not big, but Vince could use some great, charismatic tag teams to give the tag division a boost. Why not these guys? Colt Cabana: He's not too small, he can work, and he's charismatic as hell. It's just hard not to like the guy. He'd be perfect in the WWE. Hotstuff Hernandez: Yeah, he's not the greatest, but he's okay for a big man, and we all know Vince loves his "hosses", right? Surprised he's not in the WWE, to be honest. Others: Alex Shelley? The Briscoes? Anyone else come to mind for you guys?
  6. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    It's like they actively TRY to put on a boring show. Next up: Bringing back the Bodydonnas to compete in the tag team division once more!
  7. JoeDirt

    OAO...yadda yadda yadda...5/12

    Hey, send me $10 a week and I'll do it! Tonight's show could possibly be pretty damn good...guess we'll wait and see if what is good on paper translates to something good in reality.
  8. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    Do you honestly think things are this cut and dry? Don't get me wrong, I don't plan on voting for Bush in November either...but it's not like with Kerry as president the world is suddenly going to become this bright, happy, perfect place.
  9. JoeDirt

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    Hey, only 4 matches are officially announced for the show, and probably only 2 more to be added... I think they WILL go 30 minutes.
  10. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Wow...could JD possibly get a lower buyrate than IYH 4 or 5? We might be looking at a new record here.
  11. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    Thank you.
  12. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    For those of you who saw the video...did it look like he suffered? I know his father said he hoped the beheading was quick and painless...but I just can't imagine that was the case. It's really interesting watching the news coverage of this whole incident today. You really start to see which news stations have which political agendas...is any news network known for being the most politically unbiased?
  13. JoeDirt

    Non-Spoiler SD match listings

    And as an added note, only one more match was officially added to the card, bringing the total to four.
  14. JoeDirt

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    Damn that Bradshaw calling me a gay nerd! I'm going to order Judgment Day and boo that no good rotten meanie!!!!!!!
  15. JoeDirt

    More --- from an f'tard

    I like Sherman's Lagoon better.
  16. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    Forgive my ignorance, but why do these people hate Jews? Why does Osama Bin Laden have the belief that "the Jews are taking over America"?
  17. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    What Nick Berg's Murder Tells By Andrew Sullivan AndrewSullivan.com | May 12, 2004 Below are excerpts from Andrew Sullivan.com on the Berg beheading - Editors Wednesday, May 12, 2004 HOW DUMB IS AL QAEDA? This is the really striking thing about the Zarqawi execution of Nick Berg. Al Qaeda never learns. Listening to the hooded coward shriek on that video and reading what he says can only remind us that these people are a) vile, b) as alien to true Islam as the KKK was to the Gospels, c) pathetic and d) dumb. They think they terrify us by this? The gang-murder of an unarmed, innocent civilian? And they think that it will add to the shame of Abu Ghraib, demoralize Americans still further, and prompt a withdrawal? In fact, of course, the Berg beheading does a grim but salutary service. In the midst of our own deserved self-criticism, we are suddenly reminded of the larger stakes, the wider war, why we are in Iraq in the first place. We do not in any way excuse Abu Ghraib, while seeing that any sort of moral equivalence between our flawed democracy and Islamism's pathological hatred is obscene. In a purely strategic sense, stiffening American resolve and inflaming American outrage at this juncture is exactly what a smart al Qaeda would avoid. But there is no such thing as a smart al Qaeda. evil can somtimes be stupid, and often is. Hitler, we recall, invaded the Soviet Union. For our part, we must not take the deeper bait, which is to associate these fanatics with Arabs or Islam as a whole. This is not a war against Islam. It is a war to save Islam. And a democratic Iraq - not run by mullahs - is indispensable to that end. Tuesday, May 11, 2004 AN INSANE SPIN: How are the media this stupid? AOL headlines: "Abuse Scandal's Deadly Fallout" referring to the hideous beheading of Nick Berg. Or this idiocy: "American Beheaded for Abuse." Do these people have no memories? This is al Qaeda. They beheaded Daniel Pearl long before the war in Iraq. They murdered thousands in New York City long before Saddam was removed from power. And they are as stupid as they are evil. Iraqis now have contrasting images. Do they want to be run by people who cut innocent people's throats at will or by people who have removed a dictator and are investigating unethical abuse of prison inmates? Zarqawi has now done something for our morale as well as his. He has reminded us of the real enemy; and he has reminded the Iraqis. One simple question: will CNN now show these video stills? I know it must be torment for the family. But if we are in a propaganda war, as we are, we need to be as ruthless in publicizing the murders committed by our enemy as we are in exposing the abuses committed by our own.
  18. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    I don't have a problem with the media calling the torture of our prisoners wrong...sure, they may have blood on their hands, but we as Americans should be above that low, inhumane treatment, right? To simply turn your head and ignore it would be just as big an offense as the liberals using the scandal as a means to get Kerry elected, which also offends me.
  19. I'd have a lot more respect for her if she just owned up for everything and apologized, etc...but instead we get the old game of pass the blame.
  20. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    Here's what I don't understand...and forgive me if I don't know enough about this situation. This was a horrific act by a few barbaric criminals. How can we "win the war" by upping our military force in Iraq? This isn't an enemy we can fight with soldiers and tanks, is it? Isn't this a whole other battle we are waging? Yes, as the NY Post says, we need to "come out swinging" - but how exactly do we do that? (And as angry as I am, "nuke the whole region" isn't a reasonable solution, sorry)
  21. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    Do the people who did this realize that this murder does nothing more than spur the war on even more? That it does absolutely nothing for their cause? Are they absolute idiots, or do they not even care about the "cause"? Is it all just an excuse to murder a Jewish American? I still haven't watched the video...I can't bring myself to do so. I saw the Daniel Pearl video, and this one sounds worse.
  22. JoeDirt

    USA POW Beheaded

    This whole thing just makes me sad. It makes me sad that monsters like that exist in our world. It makes me sad that religion is so often used as a reasoning for murder or torture. It makes me sad that everyone is on such a different level of communication that none of this will ever change, and that people will be senselessly slaughtered again and again and again in the name of one cause or another.
  23. JoeDirt

    New School Question Thread

    1) What was the story behind the 4-corners title match (Rock/Benoit/Kane/Taker) at Unforgiven 2000? (If any) 2) Which WWF shows from 1999-2001 were released on DVD?
  24. JoeDirt

    What about Sable?

    Hey, I'm with you. It's so hot when chick's fake boobs leak silicone. HOT I TELL YA!
  25. Going through Cawthon's site, I saw a tag team named Double Trouble who faced High Energy and I believe the Nasty Boys on the tag team circuit in 1992. Anyone know who they were?