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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. Hey, they have to cash in while Smackdown's hot, right?
  2. You're not alone. I have a friend who is/was a total mark. We were talking about WCW the other day and he says, "Did you ever see when Nash beat Goldberg for Goldberg's first loss?" He then told me that was probably the best match he had ever seen in wrestling, even though it was short. Just shows you how we think when we're marks. I've never become really emotional or anything in wrestling because I never watched until I was 17 and wasn't a mark for very long, so I didn't get to mark out live for HBK, Bret, Hogan, Savage, etc. I also had to go to weddings on the night of No Way Out 2004 and WMXX, so I didn't get to see Eddie and Benoit's title wins live - I'm sure I would have been going CRAZY had I seen it live, but I'll never know. I have to say for me it's pretty easily HHH vs. Cactus Jack at NWO 2000 that I watched live with some friends, and everyone was going NUTS for Foley. Also, seeing the Jeff Jarrett vs. Test match on RAW is Owen was really emotional because of what had happened and Jeff's win and huge pop from the crowd. Sadly, I'd have to say that I probably didn't care about the result of a WWF/E PPV main event from Backlash 2001 - very recently, with a few exceptions. (Austin/Angle, basically)
  3. JoeDirt

    New School Question Thread

    I downloaded a clip from Kazaa with the Backseat Boyz getting beaten up by Albert on a Sunday Night Heat from 2001, back when they did live stuff at the World. A-Train kicks Kashmere in the face and Baldo Bombs Acid through a table. I was wondering how this came about, and if they acknowledged Kashmere and Acid as the Backseats, or just as "fans" or what.
  4. JoeDirt

    Non-spoiler SD listings

    Here they are...not to disappoint ahead of time...but reports of the show don't look good. At least Velocity looks decent. Velocity: 1) Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Mark Jindrak 2) Orlando Jordan vs. Akio 3) Jamie Noble vs. Spike Dudley 4) Rico and Haas vs. Kidman and London Smackdown: 1) John Cena vs. Doug Basham 2) Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. An opponent 3) Nunzio and Stamboli vs. Undertaker 4) Torrie vs. Dawn Marie 5) Dudley Boyz vs. RVD and a partner to replace Guerrero (after what happened to his Mom at that house show) Edit: removed spoilerish commentary on Chavo#s opponent
  5. I was watching the "It's Time" PPV from December 1996 tonight. I loved the setup for the main event, with HBK slowly turning into a cocky SOB of a heel who hated Bret Hart. I know the original plan was to have HBK win the title back from Sid (at the Rumble as happened, I'm guessing) and then lose to Bret at WM. When did the decision come to turn HBK back babyface? I know the Rumble was in San Antonio, so did they decide to keep him face before the "I lost my smile" speech? It's just really clear by watching this show that they were setting HBK up for a heel run.
  6. JoeDirt

    PBP During Show

    Meltzer seemed to like the show, and said the Styles/Raven match and the X-Cup clusterfuck were both very good. I don't know if I'll order a replay or not yet.
  7. JoeDirt

    WWE New Style

    I have several tapes of RAW's from 1999, and it's really amazing how different things are from now and then. For instance, I watched Austin vs. Taker the night after KOTR 99 where Austin wins the title. Through the whole match, the only moves down other than punches, kicks, and clotheslines were two stunners, one vertical suplex, and a chokeslam. It's really kind of crazy how different things are now.
  8. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I have a bad feeling we'll see a "Chavo tries to get the title back but Jackie luckily hangs on to it each time" storyline... Just one more reason to hate Steph. What does the Cruiserweight division need? If you said "more big fake tits," you're smart enough to work for the WWE.
  9. JoeDirt

    TNA On FSN Starts June 4th At 3PM

    I'm almost positive it's an hour show, not two hours.
  10. JoeDirt

    TNA On FSN Starts June 4th At 3PM

    Fridays at 3:00, huh? Well, I'll definitely watch when I can...though I don't know how many people will. At least it's going to start during the summer, so kids won't be in school and can maybe catch on now before school starts back up again or something.
  11. JoeDirt

    I'm close to giving up on WWE forever...

    Hey, if you don't enjoy watching the shows anymore, then why do it? But you'll be back one day...Vince always knows the hardcore smarks will always come back because we just can't give it up.
  12. JoeDirt

    WWE news and notes

    (I'd put this in a "smaller news" thread, but I didn't see one. Sorry.) Jay Landry sent word that the following names have been trademarked by WWE: - For Real - The Problem Solver - Mr. Thursday Night Jay also sent word that the trademarks for all the McMahon names has been renewed, and that the company has also trademarked, believe it or not, "Kamala Films" as the name of a motion picture company. That one has to be some sort of joke. The word I am getting is that the WWE has already reevaluated the push of the new character Hirohito, who is to be billed as a relative of Japan’s Emperor Hirohito, the man who ruled the country during World War II. Initially, the character (who will be played by Kenzo Suzuki) was going to be brought in with a top push, but the word I am getting now is that they will bring him in on a less grand scale and see if he gets over before committing him to a top of the card angle for him. In addition to that, the company has heard from its connections in Japan that moving forward with an angle where Hirohito comes to the US and gets retribution for how his “ancestor” was treated in WW II would not be appreciated there as the company got serious heat when they did the Yokozuna character years ago. Since Japan’s become a lucrative market for the company, I believe that bit of information was also taken into consideration concerning the push of the character. The word I am getting is that Paul Heyman will be back on Smackdown at tonight's taping. So, for the second time in less than a year, Paul Heyman has seemingly started with a short-term program and gotten a more extensive run out of it. I guess the moral of this story is that WWE needs to stop finding reasons to not bring Heyman to TV and spend more time using his talents. As you would expect, management was very happy about last night’s Raw backstage after the show. They feeling was that they hit a home run and have the show running on high octane again. Management at the house shows continue to rave about the HHH vs. Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero vs. John Layfield and Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton matches. Source: PWInsider.com -So they just figured out NOW that Hirohito might be deemed offensive?
  13. JoeDirt

    Scott Steiner possibly done with WWE

    Yeah, I don't get why they don't do that...they don't have to give him a push, just use him to put people over instead of doing nothing.
  14. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Cappotelli was supposed to get the shot? Where'd you hear that? EDIT: Nevermind, saw the post on PWI.
  15. JoeDirt

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Oh my God... I don't know what else to say. Jackie winning the CW title? And they can't think of shit to do with Misterio?
  16. JoeDirt

    Does anyone else remember...

    That shit was awesome! 1-800-I-FEEL-OK
  17. "What's my deal? I'll tell you what my deal is bucko. I'm going to get Karate on your face! That's my deal! Is that a good enough deal for you? HUH? HUH?" "YOU SHUT THAT SMELLY MOUTH OF YOURS, BEFORE I SLAP YOU!"
  18. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Doesn't sound like it...at least not right away.
  19. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Wow...that sucks.
  20. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    That whole department needs a group hug.
  21. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    What a stupid bitch. "They made you...suck? But you didn't, did you?"
  22. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Fuckin' Shane!
  23. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Any here watch Nip Tuck? Is it any good?
  24. JoeDirt

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    This show rocks. This is going to sound dumb, but where does this show take place? I remember them going into Mexico one show...is it LA?
  25. JoeDirt

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Pretty boring show tonight...but the last few should be really good.