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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. Elbow drop by HBK on HHH. Benoit still down from the Pedigree. HBK tuning up the band to bigtime boos...
  2. Pedigree on Benoit. HBK breaks up the pin.
  3. Canadians say "asshole" funny. Shawn takes a bump through a table, and HHH is beating up Benoit.
  4. What were they chanting at HHH?
  5. Looks like this show's going to end early, unless this match goes another half hour.
  6. They haven't really given the fans a reason to cheer Edge yet, either. Just that he came back and now he's facing Kane. There ya go.
  7. Edge wins a really blah match after hitting Kane with his cast and spearing him. There's a lot of time left for the main event.
  8. I think the crowd is worn out after Orton/Foley. No one seems to care about this match.
  9. I think Hurricane hit his finisher on Conway for the win.
  10. Line of the night so far in my book.
  11. Weird, as Lawler predicted the faces would win and JR was making fun of their superhero outfits a bit. If it's the start of getting them out of this stupid gimmick, I'm all for it.
  12. Meltzer: "Mick Foley vs. Randy Orton is next. They are really pushing this will be a bloodbath match filled with weapons the likes of which WWE really doesn't do. This was the best brawl WWE has put on in many years. They both were bloodied by barbed wire baseball bat shots. If they were grooming Orton for the top, and they are, like with HHH, this is a match we'll remember as a turning point. Orton took a bump into thumb tacks and had thumb tacks in his back and arms the rest of the match. The idea was to make people think Orton has main event toughness. Tons of great near falls. Finish of the match saw Orton get out of the socko claw with a low blow. A second socko claw was broken by an RKO. The finish was an RKO on a barbed wire bat and Orton got the pin. Story was HHH said at the end that Orton went from being a legend killer to a legend."
  13. Piss break tag team match up next.
  14. And they did it all without some silly, over the top, life threatening bump.
  15. Socko reversed to the RKO, Foley kicks out. RKO on the barbed wire bat for 3.
  16. Orton is trying to make this match a great one, I'll give him that. He's not pussying out of any bumps. Orton kicks out from the elbow drop at 2. The crowd wanted that to be it.
  17. Foley with an elbow drop off the stage! Whoa!
  18. Orton off the stage through a table! At least Orton is bumping.
  19. Orton into the tacks! Foley covers him for 2.
  20. Here come the tacks...
  21. Bischoff stops Foley from using fire...so he busts out the barbed wire board.
  22. You think Orton is wearing a shirt so he can take some barbed wire shots?
  23. December => April - four months is the longest reign in 7 years? Rock was IC champ from December 97 => August 98. Which would be 6 years ago.