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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Dupree needs to do the Frenchy Dance into a Jericho-esque arrogant cover.
  2. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    I like Kidman.
  3. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    I just thought they looked a little tentative/sloppy, that's all. It wasn't awful by any means.
  4. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Question during the ad-break from one of my more intelligent friends: "Dude, would you fuck that Britney Spears chick or what?"
  5. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    No way in hell he loses that move...it's way too over.
  6. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Ugly match, weird finish.
  7. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Does anyone else think there's something goofy about the way Haas moves in the ring? Same thing with Cena.
  8. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    what was the reaction...i wasn't paying attention. Just an EVIL CACKLE~! Guess you've gotta see it. Is this Smackdown, or Superstars? Next time they need to have "ROB VAN DAM" written behind RVD when he does his promos, like the old days.
  9. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Yeah, they were pretty poorly written.
  10. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    I just marked out again for Sakoda's reaction when Benjamin was drafted to RAW.
  11. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Just clips of a Smackdown tour to Scotland.
  12. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Wow, Cena in a kilt.
  13. JoeDirt

    Favorite video package?

    Hell yeah...good call.
  14. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Booker as a heel is great. They just should have gone about it in a way that doesn't make Smackdown look minor league. And like you said, he was part of a trade that was THREE GUYS for HHH. Have him be pissed about THAT.
  15. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    I don't think it's good to pain SD as the worse show than RAW, though.
  16. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Hell yeah, Booker needed an edge to him. This is nice.
  17. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    And WHY won't Eddie/Booker be the main event at Judgment Day?
  18. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    "The Dudleys will be wrestling later tonight, and I'm sure it will be very brutal".
  19. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    So Tazz and Cole haven't heard about the trades? HA.
  20. JoeDirt

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    Recap of HHH being sent to SD and Heyman quitting.
  21. JoeDirt

    The South Park/Chapelle Show Thread

    And yet, the message is good and Cartman is too out of shape to even win anything. LOL.
  22. JoeDirt

    Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

    Holy Christ, I just took a look at his GLASSES! Look at those things! The guy BELONGS in wrestling. Hell, he could have been a huge heel back in the late 80's!
  23. JoeDirt


    There's pictures of him on the TNA site for those who didn't see the show. His name is now "Dallas".
  24. No kidding. Tazz is a pretty good announcer, but nobody can touch Heenan or Ventura in their prime.
  25. JoeDirt

    Favorite video package?

    That's funny you mention the Summerslam one, just because right when I got the DVD I was watching it and my girlfriend (who doesn't watch much wrestling) looked up from her book and said "Geez, can they can any more melodramatic?" And then I was like "It's wrestling, bitch! Whaddya expect!" Okay, I didn't really said that...I just nodded and went back to watching. As far as my favorites? The cheesy/sports entertainment side of me always loved the ones before the Taker/HBK casket match and the Taker/Kane match at WM14. I also LOVE the won they did for Bret/Austin at WM13.