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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    New School Question Thread

    What's everyone's favorite Edge and Christian pose for those with the benefit of flash photography? Mine has to be at Judgment Day 2000 with Kurt Angle, when they pull out a banjo, goofy hats, and bad teeth.
  2. What was the reasoning behind Kane's 24 hour WWF title reign in 1998?
  3. I'm looking for tapes of episodes of RAW, Superstars, and anything else that was around back then from 1993-1995 or so, maybe 1996-1997, too. Does anyone have these, or know a good place to get them? Thanks!
  4. JoeDirt

    newecw.com =

    Same with eddyguerrero.com
  5. JoeDirt

    newecw.com =

    www.tatanka.com - Bionic Buffalo Corporation
  6. JoeDirt

    newecw.com =

    I dare anyone to check out the page for the former WWF tag team champions Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags...www.nastyboys.com...
  7. JoeDirt

    Great questions in wrestling

    Kayfabe wise, when someone is crotched up top, why do they cooperate with the guy going for the superplex instead of just shoving him off the top rope? Obviously they shove him off when it's booked that way, but to me the superplex always seems contrived because the recipient has to stand up and help the attacker get the move off.
  8. Did Godfather/Dlo vs. Bossman/Bull from WM2000 have any build to it?
  9. JoeDirt

    HHH the Vampire

    Hmmm...works for me. http://superherohype.com/gallery/Blade/Bla...lls/tripleh.jpg
  10. 12/95 - In Your House #5 - Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog, Owen Hart vs. Diesel, HHH vs. Henry Godwin - .30 12/96 - WWF It's Time - Bret Hart vs. Sid, Undertaker vs. Executioner, Owen and Bulldog vs. Fake Diesel and Fake Razor - .35 7/96 - WWF International Incident - HBK/Sid/Ahmed vs. Vader/Owen/Bulldog - .37 12/03 - WWE Armageddon 2003 - Goldberg vs. HHH vs. Kane, RVD vs. Randy Orton - .40 10/95 - WWF IYH #4 - Diesel vs. British Bulldog, Goldust vs. Marty Jannetty, Razor vs Dean Douglas - .40 12/97 - WWF Degeneration X - HBK vs. Shamrock, HHH vs. Slaughter, Austin vs. Rock - .44 9/97 - WWF Ground Zero - HBK vs. Undertaker, Bret Hart vs. Patriot - .45 10/96 - WWF Buried Alive - Undertaker vs. Mankind, Vader vs. Sid - .45 5/96 - WWF Beware of Dog - HBK vs. Bulldog, Undertaker vs. Goldust - .45 9/96 - WWF Mind Games - HBK vs. Mankind, Undertaker vs. Goldust - .48 --------------- I guess it's safe to say that December PPV's don't draw well? Sheesh! Any thoughts about the list? It should be noted that #11 on the list would be the Smackdown PPV Vengeance from this past July. I'm not sure exactly what No Way Out got, but it'd probably be pretty close to that as well. So what can we take from this list? Just PPV's that were poorly built to? Times that nobody cared about the WWF or WWE? Hey, things may be bad now...but they're not as bad as they were from 95-97...right?
  11. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    Love that move. Great to see Storm heelin' it up.
  12. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    I wish Storm was in a match at Backlash.
  13. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    To give Richards a good reason to attack Rico post match. Richards was pissed that he lost the match, so he took his revenge on Rico. Oh, and seeing that Christian clip also makes me hope they move poor Spike to the Cruiserweight division. Or he could have already been pissed that Rico kissed him, beat the shit out of him, hit the Stevie-T, pinned him, and THEN bash his knees post match. Makes Stevie look a bit more credible.
  14. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    www.newecw.com Hopefully Heat or Velocity is a whole new show in a few weeks... Or they'd use a different time slot. Who cares?
  15. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    I know it's just a Heat match, but I don't see the logic to having a guy win a match right before needing time off for his knees anyways.
  16. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    The other matches tonight are Storm vs. jobber and Jindrak/Cade vs. Hurricane/Rosey.
  17. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    UAB beats Kentucky! To Heat we go!
  18. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    Keep me updated, I'm watching the end of UK vs. UAB.
  19. JoeDirt

    One and Only Sunday Night Heat Thread

    Why? What did I miss?
  20. JoeDirt

    Upcoming PPV schedule

    This may be stupid, but is it guaranteed that those "extra" PPV's are going to be RAW and SD PPVs? Maybe they'll be for the new ECW fed Vince is tinkering with doing...
  21. JoeDirt

    WWE house show in Glasgow, Scotland

    Ouch. Maybe not...from 1wrestling... "I stumbled upon an interesting thing earlier today about the WWE.com homepage. This could be a preview of things to come and I don't know how it's been like this but it is quite a finding. Here's what you do: Type in www.newecw.com on your address bar and you'll be sent directly to WWE.com. I'm not sure why this is but it could be a preview of things to come, I guess. Maybe a new show? I don't know for sure but I think this is an interesting piece of news."
  22. When Yokozuna won the 1993 Royal Rumble, was it common knowledge he was going to, even though he hadn't been there very long? Or did it catch people by surprise?
  23. JoeDirt

    Most jobs to the same guy without a win

    Does Kane have a singles win over UT? Yes, he beat him on RAW before KOTR 98 to get the shot at Austin.
  24. JoeDirt

    Stupid Royal Rumble theory

    DAMMIT!!!!! God I suck at life.
  25. JoeDirt

    A few funny WCW pictures

    Let me just add these pictures to the thread: