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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    bret vs austin

    Both are *****, IMO, and some of my favorite matches ever. I guess I'd go with WM13 just a notch above, because of the great story it told, and the historical significance it has.
  2. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Why is Misterio's mask on the line in the match? Or is it, even?
  3. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

  4. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Yes Rikishi...put some ass on it.
  5. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Prediction time - will NWO get a higher or lower buyrate compared to Armageddon?
  6. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Oh yay. Shaniqua in the tag title match.
  7. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Oh God, they really ARE doing this angle for WM.
  8. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Scotty/Rikishi v. Bashams for the tag titles. Jason So--except for Brock/Eddy, this is pretty much a normal Smackdown card, then, eh? Yeah, I'm not too sad that I'm going to be out of town and won't be able to see it...except for that Noble/Nidia match. Now I'm PISSED.
  9. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Wow...Rhyno vs. Holly? The card really looks shitty except for the top few matches, huh?
  10. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    So I missed the first hour since I was watching Survivor - what's the updated NWO card look like? Brock vs. Eddy Rey vs. Chavo Angle vs. Cena vs. Show Nidia vs. Noble WGTT vs. APA Anything else?
  11. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    This is reminding me of "Fargo". Well...the wood chipper at least. I guess she isn't putting a guy in there.
  12. JoeDirt

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Hey, at least WGTT will win this Sunday. Oooh...a whodunnit.
  13. JoeDirt

    Hogan in WCW, pre-NWO

    What do you think is WCW's best overall show from Bash at the Beach 94, where Hogan debuted, to Great American Bash 96, the PPV before the debut of the nWo? I know they ran some stupid angles back then...but there have to be SOME good shows, right?
  14. JoeDirt

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    Again showing some long term planning, the general feeling right now in WWE is that the main event for WrestleMania XXI will be a "dream match" between Brock Lesnar and Triple H. WWE avoided that match this year because they did not want to rush it. Credit: PWTorch.com
  15. JoeDirt

    Stuff that was so bad

    Jesse laughing his ass off about the Shockmaster: http://www.wrestlecrap.com/induction%20fil...master/jesse.rm
  16. JoeDirt

    RF in legal trouble?

    Stole this from the rohwrestling.com forums... -------------- 'Anti-piracy' Video Distributor Accused of Soliciting Pirated Film Monday, February 9, 2004 A video distributor who assisted the FBI in aggressively pursuing video pirates has now been accused of soliciting bootlegged copies of the new Bernardo Bertolucci film entitled "The Dreamers." Rob Feinstein of the Pennsylvania-based RF Video, posted a message on his website, offering to pay "top dollar" for a copy of the controversial film, which was recently slapped with an NC-17 rating for its strong sexual content. The distributor assisted authorities late last year in sending a Virginia man to prison for bootlegging unauthorized copies of his material. Feinstein himself has sold pirated materials for over a decade.
  17. JoeDirt

    Mind Games 96

    This is what Scaia wrote about the Mind Games main event: "Michaels shifts his weight, and BOTH MEN FLY OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCERS' TABLE! Amazing bump(s). I am not sure why, but after both men went through the table, Vince actually left the announce position to check on Shawn and the ref. [FWIW, this was either just a little red herring for the 'cores, with Vince trying to sell that his champ was in big trouble and he wanted to make sure he was alright or it was something else that I only caught on to when reviewing the tape late last night. This is far fetched, but could it be right? Earlier in the show, Vince announced the "Buried Alive" match for the next In Your House, and made an out of place comment about how, in a match between Undertaker and Mankind the WWF Title would NOT be on the line. Was this just a misphrased "If Mankind should win tonight, his title will not be on the line," or was it an honest faux pas by McMahon? If we assume the latter, then by going over to talk with Michaels and the ref, could McMahon have been setting up an alternate finish where Michaels would *not* lose the title, as previous planned? Like I said, far fetched, but given what little evidence we've got, it is at least plausible.]"
  18. JoeDirt

    Mind Games 96

    After the match at Summerslam and the "two DQ's" thing they did, I always thought they were gonna do a 2/3 falls match with the two of them sometime...but obviously HBK didn't want that. Did HBK have heat with Vader?
  19. JoeDirt

    Mind Games 96

    Hold on - they were originally going to put the title on Foley, or he was going to win by DQ?
  20. JoeDirt

    Jobber question

    http://www.wrestlecrap.com/jotw.html After reading this about Mick Foley and his first few jobber matches, it got me wondering...one, was this normal treatment of jobbers back in the day? Or were Davey and Dynamite known as being super-stiff to work with? And that brings up the next question...who is your favorite jobber of all time?
  21. JoeDirt

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    Kevin Nash as Poochie The Main Eventer was, in my mind, not outstanding. Chris Benoit jobbing to Fit Finlay for the US title, while a good match, was not awesome. Even you admitted that only one young guy managed to get a push. I didn't love everything that happened in WWF and WCW at the time, but both shows had a more enjoyable feel to me then, than we have right now. I loved the shots they took back and forth, I loved seeing guys jump between the two groups, and everything else. To me, it was just a much better time to be a fan, even with some of the crap that we saw take place. Agreed. When somebody jumped ship it was a big deal. When they took shots back and forth at each other it was interesting. Competition brought out the best. We NEED another big time wrestling promotion with primetime TV. PLEASE!
  22. JoeDirt

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    You can get it online for 19.99 with free shipping and you'll get it in 2-3 days, too - bestbuy.com or circuitcity.com - check it out.
  23. Shawn said he wouldn't job to belt to Vader, only to his friend Sid. That still doesn't explain why Vader wasn't picked to win KOTR, since he was set to be the next big heel. Not complaining, of course, since the Austin decision was gold. Just curious.