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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. I know this has been answered before, but what was the exact date of the first ever Royal Rumble? (I believe it was a house show in St. Louis?)
  2. According to Meltz, MNM will win the tag titles tonight, and Melina will be pushed as the star of the team, with Nitro and Mercury sort of as background for her. Don't know why they don't wait until JD to do the title switch, but I guess they want to do Eddie vs. Rey again?
  3. JoeDirt

    Backlash Discussion

    I hadn't thought of Lawler vs. Flair, but with Lawler taking the pedigree last week I suppose it could happen. Doesn't really serve much of a purpose, though.
  4. JoeDirt

    "You screwed Matt!"

    Viscera was awesome in his segment with Trish, and she was great too. One of the highlights of the night.
  5. JoeDirt

    Jim Ross d. Triple H!!!!

    That was a lot of blood from JR.
  6. JoeDirt

    The Official Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Bashams turning face to feud with MNM I guess. Can't see them really getting over without some SERIOUS effort, though.
  7. JoeDirt

    The Official Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Heidenreich did his face turn. Maybe they can re-do that classic Matt Morgan vs. Big Bad John feud from last summer that Cornette was frightened to death to put on television. He was reading a poem when Steve Lombardi came out as the Brooklyn Brawler. However, the Brawler took off his Yankee wear and underneath it had a Red Sox uniform. Heidenreich apparently does not like the Red Sox, and beat him up. --Meltzer. Also they apparently claimed that Morgan was making his WWE debut...
  8. JoeDirt

    The Official Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    The best they could do with Morgan is a stuttering gimmick?
  9. JoeDirt

    The Official Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    More Smackdown spoilers: Mike Johnson is live at Madison Square Garden for tonight's Raw broadcast/Smackdown taping, and we will have updated results all night from the show. Smackdown Taping: The Big Show vs. Booker T. JBL and Kurt Angle were at ringside for commentary, since the winner of this match would move on to the three way with them next week to determine the number one contender to John Cena's WWE Title. Booker's wife, Sharmell, was at ringside for the match. Show and Booker battled to the floor, and Angle & JBL attacked them, ending the match in a double DQ. Angle & JBL believed they had eliminated both men from the match next week. General Manager Theodore R. Long came out and announced that next week would now be a Fatal Four Way with JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Booker T vs. Big Show to determine the number one contender. He also announced a tag team match with JBL & Angle vs. Booker & Show for later tonight. More results later tonight.
  10. JoeDirt

    Favorite Old Man Flair Moment . . .

    Flair elbow dropping the magazine that had Hogan rated higher than him in a list of all time greats.
  11. JoeDirt

    ROH/Boston promoter part ways after scandal + lies

    I love this quote from a recent article from DOI about the situation: Wow, that's some classy journalism right there, insinuating that the ROH staff created message board names to bash this guy on their board. Wow.
  12. Tonight on Heat: Val vs. Big Vis! Maven/Dean vs. CM PUNK~!~!~! and Seth Skyfire Regal/Tajiri vs. La Res for the tag straps
  13. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    No, they're wrestlers who think they are Hollywood big shots, so they come to the ring with a ridiculous entrance. It's SUPPOSED to be overdone, they are HEELS.
  14. JoeDirt

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/jake_roberts/profile.jsp Check it out.
  15. From Meltzer on the WC board:
  16. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    They got over so much with it in OVW they had to turn them babyface, right? I've only seen them in one match, but they're an entertaining group. Lamont, who used to manage the Cat, comes out with them in OVW, don't know if he'll be with them in WWE.
  17. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    According to Mike Johnson, the Heartbreakers will be at MSG tomorrow, so take that for what you will...
  18. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    Interesting booking... I guess it gives LaRes something to be angry about when they don't get another title shot? Or maybe they break up? Kinda funny though, with the ref getting on the mic. "Hey La Resistance! I just realized Tajiri wasn't the legal man!"
  19. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    They took the T-GIMMICK???
  20. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    Yeah, I noticed that. I read elsewhere it was Skyfire, but I think he was Masters' job boy on RAW.
  21. JoeDirt

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    Val has another solid match on Heat, this time with Big Vis. Apparently Punk is called Chad Collyer (another midwest indy guy) tonight, and his TAG TEAM is called "CM Punk".
  22. JoeDirt

    Storm/JBL/Holly dispute

    From PWTorch newsletter: Anyone else find this funny?
  23. IWA Mid-South Wrestling, in association with NWA Midwest, presents a double shot weekend of events during the last weekend of April in Valparaiso, IN and Herrin, IL. Friday, 4/29, IWA-MS returns to the National Guard Armory (1502 Linwood Avenue) with "Revenge Served Cold '05." Already signed for Valpo... ***IWA World Heavyweight Title Match*** [Champion] JIMMY JACOBS vs. JAMES GIBSON ***Tables & Ladders & Chairs Match*** BRANDON THOMASELLI & "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY vs. "The Iron Saints" VITO & SAL THOMASELLI ***Special Attraction*** "Outlaw" BILLY GUNN vs. BJ WHITMER Then the next night, Saturday, 4/30, IWA-MS returns to the Civic Center (101 S. 16th Street) in Herrin, IL. Already set for Herrin... ***IWA World Heavyweight Title Match*** [Champion] JIMMY JACOBS vs. BRANDON THOMASELLI ***Women's Steel Cage Grudge Match*** MsCHIF vs. MICKIE KNUCKLES Appearing both nights, available for autographs and pictures will be the one and only SABU. Look for more matches to be announced for both shows during the coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled to www.smartmarkvideo.com for new IWA-MS releases. They will be adding the 3/5 Vincennes, IN "An IWA Action/Comedy," 4/1 Herrin, IL "April Bloodshowers 2005," 4/2 Salem, IN "Payback, Pain & Agony II," 4/8 Midlothian, IL "Spring Heat 2005," and 4/9 Highland, IN "Simply The Best 6." Don't forget, the one year anniversary of NWA No Limits Wrestling will be celebrated on 4/22 and 4/23 with a double shot in Iowa, co-promoted by IWA-MS. Visit www.nlwrestling.com for more information on those events. Call the IWA-MS hotlines: 502-569-1701 in Louisville, 630-585-3958 in Chicago, and 317-579-3230 in
  24. John Tenta recently posted at the Wrestlecrap boards...it's quite a read: