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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. Was there any reason in particular that Doink was turned face in 1993? Were they not happy with how he did as a heel, or just wanted to freshen the character up?
  2. I think you mean the 8 man tag at Wrestlemania 8. But I'm pretty sure Repo Man was in the 93 Rumble, and probably wrestled for a few months after that into 1993. Check Cawthon's page if you wanna know for sure.
  3. JoeDirt

    4 Horseman TPS

    Dammit, nobody knows!
  4. JoeDirt

    4 Horseman TPS

    I was watching an old tape of the first Clash of the Champions, when I saw an ad for the "4 Horseman Top Performance System" - there were two different types for order, from $19.95 plus $4 shipping. I was curious as to what this stuff was - vitamins or something? Just one of those weird things you see when watching an old show taped off of TV.
  5. Hey, it's wrestling, it's all subjective. I loved the match to death, but I agree with the original poster that it's probably ****1/4-****1/2, not quite up to the Bret/Austin ***** that is probably my favorite match ever. But it tells a great story, HBK totally carries Taker, and it was a lot of fun to watch live. Sure, the Kane thing at the end is lame, but at least they had an angle back then and knew where they were going with it, and it pushed somebody new.
  6. JoeDirt

    A few questions

    Oh, another question - what was Chris Chavis' (Tatanka) background before coming to the WWF, when did he arrive, and why did he get the monster undefeated push, since he's not the typical huge guy Vince likes to push?
  7. JoeDirt

    One and Only NWA:TNA Thread

    How good was it? And the rest of the show?
  8. JoeDirt

    One and Only NWA:TNA Thread

    Yeah, can you give a quick complete recap of what's happened so far?
  9. JoeDirt

    One and Only NWA:TNA Thread

    Seems like a lot of angles tonight...only 3 matches announced so far.
  10. JoeDirt

    What happend To?

    Dutt deserves to be a big star in TNA, or ROH. His time will come very soon...he's friggin' amazing. If TNA doesn't want to use him, they're idiots.
  11. JoeDirt

    TNA Preview

    This show should be...interesting. Hopefully TNA gets in a nice groove to start 2004.
  12. JoeDirt

    Mind Games IYH ending

    I'm sure it's just some cheap magic trick, but how the hell did they do it? That always impressed me when I watched it. Foley opened the casket a few minutes before and it was empty, and then a few minutes later, Taker pops out. Cool stuff.
  13. Okay, here we go. 1) Why didn't Undertaker wrestle at Summerslam 91? Was he injured? Was there just no room on the card? Seems strange, since he could just squash somebody, right? 2) Did Vince really apologize for KOTR 95 on a RAW after it? What did he say? 3) Why was Waylon Mercy (Dan Spivey) going to get a big push in 95 before he got injured? Because he was big? 4) Why was the Survivor Series 92 tag match booked as a DQ? 5) Was the original plan for WM8 to have Hogan vs. Flair, Savage vs. Jake, and Sid vs. Taker? When was this plan changed? 6) What was the deal on the RAW in 96 where they showed Warrior wrestling after he was gone from the company and voiced over some stuff during the match? 7) What's the biggest example of a "sure thing" title change that didn't happen? Luger vs. Yoko at SS 93? Another match, perhaps? 8) When did Sid leave the WWF in late 95/early 96, what did he do then, and how did they get him to come back in July of 96? 9) Who's neck did Marty Janetty break with the Rocker Dropper? 10) I read that Mr. Perfect was originally booked to win the 1990 RR. Was Hogan vs. Perfect the original WM6 plan, then, before Hogan decided he wanted to work with Warrior instead? Thanks!
  14. JoeDirt

    Some interesting questions

    Couldn't they still have done Hogan/Flair and have it end with Hogan winning by DQ, Flair and Perfect and some other heel beating Hogan down, and Warrior returning? Then they could have had Taker beat Sid and Savage beat Jake in a career match. Just surprised they didn't go that direction, but I can see why they'd want the babyface to win the world title at WM. Thanks for the answers so far, BTW.
  15. JoeDirt

    Shows you love that...

    I love Wrestlemania 9. The atmosphere at Caesar's Palace rocked. I love HBK/Tatanka despite the dumb finish. Steiners/Headshrinkers is good. Double Doinks! Perfect/Luger is good. Bret/Yoko isn't too bad either! I don't know why, but I like this show and everyone else calls it the worst WM ever. I also like Summerslam 95, despite the weak card. The awesome ladder match...Hakushi/123 Kid...a Bret/Yankem match far better than it had any right to be...and let's not forget Horowitz vs. Candido!!! What are some shows you love that everyone else hates?
  16. JoeDirt

    Ric Flair in WWF 1993...

    I don't see why they didn't have the Flair/Perfect loser leaves town match on Royal Rumble 93. It would have helped a lackluster card a lot, IMO. Let's say Perfect beats Flair, but Flair does an interview and says he still has his spot in the Rumble, and if he wins that he's guaranteed a shot at WM even if he doesn't have a job - then he'll take the WWF title back down south. They could have had Flair enter early and tease him winning before Perfect finally eliminates him late in the match. Just an idea.
  17. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    The run ins should come any second now...
  18. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Hey...think Jarrett might retain the title tonight?
  19. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Has Piper been on the show yet cutting some incoherent promo?
  20. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    It's hard to do anything interesting with Low-Ki since he's stated his #1 priority is working Japan Tours. Okay, fine...but the point still remains.
  21. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Yeah...when was the last time they did something interesting with Sabin...or Daniels...or Ki...or other great workers they have. Why should the fans care about them? The booking right now is so upper card focused that no one mid card level or below has much semblance of a character.
  22. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    What about Siaki and Ekmo?
  23. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    So now we get to see Ki job to Michael Shane? Yay...
  24. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Okay, read about the matches that happened...what was the opening sequence with 3LK/AMW/etc?
  25. JoeDirt

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    So what's happening on the show?