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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I posted the Pillman gun angle earlier in the thread, but it's probably not still up. I'll see if I can get it again.
  2. JoeDirt

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Doug Williams vs. Spanky - fourway ironman match to crown the first ever ROH champion: http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2YT568B...VZ1FRGKFNRMUNE1 Nick Mondo vs. John Zandig from CZW Tournament of Death 2, featuring the craziest and dumbest bump I have ever seen in wrestling: http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=18ZU1QB...I43CFUAMTY0PQ2F
  3. JoeDirt

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    Here is a GREAT video highlighting the IWA-MS Ted Petty Invitational Tournament 2004... http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0UQRGT4...JG375718T8EU5DO
  4. JoeDirt

    Moments you never saw coming

    Lesnar/Big Show ring collapse.
  5. I've always loved this promo, so here it is in case any of you have never seen it. http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2IPYASW...IS1IW03HLYF1XKO
  6. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Here is Sabu vs. Flash Funk from RAW in 1997: http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1N22PDE...VZ2PFBM7GXGI22V
  7. I'm loving this. Since Sydal was a late tournament addition, I have to think Thomaselli is winning this thing. Should be a great show.
  8. I actually liked that segment. JBL was really really good there.
  9. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Hollywood Blondes vs. Arn/Roma: http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0A2JCD2...0T0U6FFLXNROVVQ
  10. JoeDirt

    Amazon selling exclusive "Best of the WWE 2003"

    It's just the 12 PPVs from that year.
  11. JoeDirt

    Updated CZW Only the Strong: Scarred for Life Card

    CZW Tag Title Match: Team Ca$h vs H8 Club - Title vs. Title: B-Boy vs. Frankie the Mobster - CZW Junior Heavyweight title match: Alex Shelley vs. Sexxxy Eddy vs. ???????????? - IWS Tag Team Title match: Flying Hurricanes vs. All Money Is Legal vs. Ghost Shadow & Spyral vs. Generico & Beef Wellington - Skayde vs Milanito Collection AT - Super Dragon/Excalibur vs. BLK OUT - Hero/Claudio vs. Dahmer/Hyde - Derek Frazier vs. Heretic - Kaos vs. Adam Flash (TLC match)
  12. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I can put Steiners/Luger/Sting back up. Just give me a minute as I'm uploading something else and I'll get to that one next.
  13. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Big files take a while, but for me (I have a really fast connection) the ones you want to do would probably be no longer than 20-30 minutes on Sendit.
  14. JoeDirt

    Hottest Male Wrestler

    My girlfriend likes the Rock and Edge.
  15. JoeDirt

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    WCW War Games at Fall Brawl 1996; nWo vs. Flair, Arn, Luger, and Sting: http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2P4WN53...J624RB71JCB7N10
  16. Yeah, JimLotFP (the guy who wrote this, a big IWA-MS fan) is old school to the bone.
  17. JoeDirt

    Ultimate X5 music video

    http://www.indyinsider.com/tr/UltimateX.wmv Right click, save as. Good stuff, man. EDIT: Actually was it Ultimate X6? Oh well.
  18. JoeDirt

    Updated CZW Only the Strong: Scarred for Life Card

    It might be smart if they announced matches for their world and ironman champions... I mean come on, it's their 6th Anniversary show. They should have something big going on.
  19. JoeDirt

    Maven's Finisher

    Except he went to the Steve Blackman school of charisma...the man isn't over in ROH at all and he's the pure champion. Well, maybe his heel turn will help. Maybe Maven can stick with a finisher now!
  20. JoeDirt

    Smackdown/Velocity Match Listings

    No. I'm assuming they'll do that in Japan.
  21. JoeDirt

    Maven's Finisher

    Actually Walters calls it the Lung Blower.
  22. The Royal Rumble is my favorite WWE PPV of the year...so here's a little game just for you. a) This is just to have fun with. If you don't want to play or think it's dumb, feel free to read something else. b) Answer each of the questions below and then after the Rumble tally up your score and post back here what it was. We'll then see who won. Don't be a douche and edit your answers after the Rumble, because if you do that to win a little thing like this where nothing's at stake, you truly suck. Here we go! Five point questions: 1) The winner of the 2005 Royal Rumble will be: 2) Who will be the "Ironman" of the 2005 Royal Rumble? 3) Who will last the shortest amount of time in the ring? 4) Who will get the most eliminations? (If there is a tie, you get your points as long as your guy was one of the guys who tied for most eliminations) 5) Who will be the last man eliminated? Three point questions...pick the man who will be in the Royal Rumble the LATEST (not who lasts the longest) out of the two choices below: 6) Rey Misterio or Eddie Guerrero 7) Edge or Shawn Michaels 8) Chris Jericho or Shelton Benjamin 9) Daniel Puder or Hardcore Holly 10) Chris Benoit or Muhammad Hassan 11) Paul London or Scotty 2 Hotty 12) Jonathan Coachman or the Hurricane 13) Booker T or Orlando Jordan 14) Kane or Gene Snitsky 15) Batista or John Cena One point questions: 16) Who will draw #'s `1-4? (One point for each correct person) 17) Who will be the last four men in the ring? (One point for each correct person) 18) Who will be the last RAW superstar eliminated? 19) Who will be the last Smackdown superstar eliminated? 20) Who will draw #'s 27-30 (One point for each correct person) 21) True or False: Coach will eliminate at least one person from the Rumble 22) True or False: We will see a surprise return sometime during the Rumble 23) True or False: Batista will eliminate Ric Flair 24) True or False: Somebody in the Rumble match will blade 25) True or False: HHH will interfere in the Rumble match in some way TIEBREAKER QUESTION: Give the exact time this year's Rumble match will last: Good luck!
  23. JoeDirt

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Thoughts on the show: This was a "bridge the gap" show. Nothing major happened, just little stuff they'll play off of later. Tag team title match finish was obviously botched. They were focusing on Jericho not being in the corner to tag out to Benoit, and I think later miscommunication was to cause them to lose, but they fucked up and everything went to shit. So they had to reshoot that backstage promo with Chris and Chris that seemed oddly homoerotic. Maven's new finisher is the Lung Blower. John Walters uses it in ROH. Josh Abercrombie also uses it in IWA-MS, and I'm sure several other indy guys use it. I like the move, and it's really cool when done as a springboard from the second rope. Hmmm...anyone here think HHH was the guy who had that JBL tape play? That would be SHOCKING~!~!~! Weird stuff with Orton. And weird they're giving Edge a title shot in Japan. Gotta love Regal/Tajiri winning the tag team titles in Japan (I'm sure they will) and Benoit/Jericho in a submission match. Cool, cool stuff. Main event was crap. I expected Taker to come through the ring.
  24. JoeDirt

    WWE News and Notes from the 1/31 Observer

    The weird thing about them thinking about bringing up Chad Wicks is that his Obsessed With Wrestling profile says he's 5-9, 205...bringing up a cruiserweight? WHAAA?
  25. JoeDirt

    WWE News and Notes from the 1/31 Observer

    YOU ARE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!