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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    Final Tough Enough spoiler

    That's their way of saying a boxing match.
  2. JoeDirt

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Now having Savage pin Jarrett at TP looks REALLY smart...
  3. JoeDirt

    RAW does 3.9

    Here are all of the RAW TV ratings so far for 2004: (They've ranged from 3.0 - 4.5) January 5, 2004 3.5 January 12, 2004 3.6 January 19, 2004 3.6 January 26, 2004 4.0 February 2, 2004 3.7 February 9, 2004 3.8 February 16, 2004 3.8 February 23, 2004 3.9 March 1, 2004 3.8 March 8, 2004 3.8 March 15, 2004 3.9 March 22, 2004 4.5 March 29, 2004 4.3 April 5, 2004 3.8 April 12, 2004 3.8 April 19, 2004 3.8 April 26, 2004 4.0 May 3, 2004 3.9 May 10, 2004 3.4 May 17, 2004 4.0 May 24, 2004 3.5 May 31, 2004 3.2 June 7, 2004 3.4 June 14, 2004 3.6 June 21, 2004 4.2 June 28, 2004 3.7 July 5, 2004 3.6 July 12, 2004 3.7 July 19, 2004 3.7 July 26, 2004 3.6 August 2, 2004 3.8 August 9, 2004 3.9 August 16, 2004 3.4 August 23, 2004 3.6 August 30, 2004 3.5 September 6, 2004 3.7 September 13, 2004 3.6 September 20, 2004 3.7 September 27, 2004 3.5 October 4, 2004 3.4 October 11, 2004 3.4 October 18, 2004 3.0 October 25, 2004 3.7 November 1, 2004 3.6 November 8, 2004 3.6 November 15, 2004 3.9 November 22, 2004 3.9 November 29, 2004 3.9 December 6, 2004 3.9 CREDIT: www.steveswrestling.com
  4. JoeDirt

    This is not your typical WWE year end poll

    Worst title change of the year: Jacqueline beating Chavo for the CW title on Smackdown. And the stupid thing is they were originally going to put Matt Cappotelli in this spot, but he was hurt so they used Jackie instead. But if Cappotelli was ready to come in and feud for the CW title, surely they would bring him in as soon as he got healthy? Nope, he's still in OVW. Jackie dropped the title and was quickly released. Shows how random and stupid their booking is much of the time.
  5. And every week his fails, miserably. The guy is a total douche and a lot of the fans see that. The ones who don't will slowly turn on him, once they get past the "OMG HE'S AWESOME BECUZ THE WWE SAYS SO" thing.
  6. JoeDirt

    What's the worst WCW Nitro Ever?

    October 5, 1998: 1) Saturn d. Lizmark Jr. 2) Cat d. Kaz Hayashi 3) Juventud Guerrera d. Jerry Flynn -Hype for Hogan vs. Warrior at Havoc. Schiavone says it will go down as one of the greatest matches in wrestling history. -Hogan/Warrior video package 4) Wrath d. Villano V -Another Hogan/Warrior video package -Mike Tenay with the "word on the street" -Sting/Bret Hart Brawl 5) Damian nc. Hector Garza, as Eddie Guerrero starts the LWO. 6) Kidman d. Psychosis -Scott Steiner on "why I make Steiners great" 7) Rick Steiner d. Brian Adams -Wolfpac go into a bar looking for Scott Hall -Hogan interview, talks about Warrior 8) DDP d. Kanyon via DQ 9) Disciple d. Lenny Lane. After the match, Disciple says "Hollywood, I'm all done carrying your bags. I'm through. I'm my own man now. Now and forever." -Hogan is backstage and he sees Warrior in his mirror, even though nobody else can. -Hall and Nash brawl in a bar, and Hall gets a swirlie. -Bischoff wrestles 10-year old Reid Flair a bit in the ring. 10) Bret Hart nc. Sting as the match never happens, they just brawl in the back.
  7. Was the plan to put Goldberg over Hogan for the title a last minute one? How did the Flock die out? Why didn't WCW job out Jericho on television before he left for the WWF? Did WCW ever consider signing RVD? When did Rick Rude stop appearing in WCW? Was Bret Hart really injured in early 1999 when he jobbed the U.S title to Piper? Why did WCW not have Wargames at Fall Brawl in 1999, and not have World War III in 1999?
  8. JoeDirt

    Things that were supposed to happen but didn't

    Yeah they decided they'd rather to HBK/Taker at the Royal Rumble over HBK/Owen. As far as the Wrestlemania 10 stuff, maybe the columnist just wanted to cover up looking bad, so she said that Vince must have changed the booking because of her. I just don't see a heel turn in the main event or anything like that. It would have been interesting to see where they went with the Luger/Perfect feud after WM10. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'm sure Bret must have been booked to win the title earlier than the day of the show. Bret lost to Crush on the Road to Wrestlemania 10 show, and that seems like something they would only book if Bret was going to come out of WM with the title anyways. The match was taped on February 23. Not definitive proof or anything, but interesting.
  9. Sounds good...I hope Franky gets a nice run as champion, and Chikara is always fun to see.
  10. What's a show you have a much different view of now (whether it's better or worse) than when the actual event happened? And why? For example, at the time when I was much much more of a mark, I loved Wrestlemania 15. Looking back, it's easy to see how much of a piece of crap that show was. Rock/Austin was decent, but nothing compared to future matches, as Rock was still a lot of punch and kick. HHH/Kane ending in a DQ? A three minute tag title match? Bossman/Taker in a horrible Hell in a Cell match? A HORRIBLE women's title match? How the hell did I like this show at the time?
  11. Check this out: http://www.ddtdigest.com/updates/1998021p.htm
  12. I was watching some old episodes of Thunder...Rick Marshall would start off on color commentary, and then halfway through Mike Tenay would sub in. What was up with that? Also, how did the whole Rick Steiner/Scott Steiner/Buff Bagwell feud go? How many times did Bagwell fake an injury and turn on Rick, and how did he always "fool" Rick?
  13. http://www.livejournal.com/users/xsweatpeax/31836.html Check out the video of Ricky Reyes drunk off his ass in Chicago.
  14. The tag title match at WM15 was Owen/Jarrett vs. D'Lo/Test. And don't even get me started on Butterbean... I'm actually the opposite with RVD/Lynn from HH99. I LOVED it as first and like it a lot less now. That was the first ECW show I ever saw, as one of my friends loved ECW and invited me over for a PPV. I loved it, but looking back it wasn't that great of a show.
  15. "I express myself in different ways." -Batista. I laughed my ass of at that one.
  16. This topic is blatantly stolen from the DVDVR board, where Mike Rome posted about why Samoa Joe is the wrestler of the year. http://board.deathvalleydriver.com/index.php?showtopic=24164 Who do you think is the wrestler of the year, and why?
  17. JoeDirt

    Random football rules question

    Okay, so what happens if you're a quarterback and you throw a pass, but you're past the line of scrimmage when you throw it? It's an illegal forward pass, right, which is just a penalty? And what about this situation, which I heard happened in a D2 game the other day. There's like 20 seconds to go in the half, and it's 3rd and goal and like the 8, no time outs left for the team on offense. The quarterback goes for a pass, can't find anyone, and runs towards the endzone. He realizes he's not going to make it, so he throws the ball out of the back of the endzone (somewhat towards a receiver), throwing it from like the 3 or 4 yard line. His thinking is that he wants to stop the clock and at least get a field goal. What happens in that situation? Would they just take a penalty and still be able to kick a field goal?
  18. JoeDirt

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    Savage in the main event...ughhh For those of you who haven't seen, here's what Savage looks like these days:
  19. JoeDirt

    Random football rules question

    Team down by three, going for the lead/win, QB realizes as play happens that he's not going to make it, wants to at least be able to tie the game.
  20. JoeDirt

    So.... Who gets the famed Rock program at WM?

    Meltzer has said he doesn't really think Rock will have a match at Mania this year. He said it is possible that we'll see Foley and/or Austin, however. Hell, we could see Hogan, who knows. Things change quickly in this business.
  21. JoeDirt

    WWE to sue TNA

    WWE won't sue. That will just give more attention to a rapidly dying TNA.
  22. JoeDirt

    This is not your typical WWE year end poll

    Move of the Year: Foley's dive off the stage onto Orton at Backlash. Can't really think of a lot of high spots in the WWE this year. Best Dressed: Batista at Mania. Not even close. WWE Homoeroticism Award: Heidenrape. Promo of the Year: The good Foley ones have already been mentioned...I actually liked the Orton/Flair promo before Taboo Tuesday, the only good mic work Randy has ever done, really. Bump of the year: London landing on his neck this past week on Velocity. Oh, and Spike's head hitting the edge of that table...or was that last year? Best sign: Batista mentioned this one on the WWE website..."I saw Batista at Walmart" So random it's awesome. And my new ones: The Steve Blackman school of charisma award: Tyson Tomko The "what the fuck were they thinking" award: WWE managment for planning to put Kenzo Suzuki in a main event feud with Chris Benoit on RAW as Hirohito without EVER HAVING SEEN HIM FUCKING WRESTLE! The Repo Man cheesy gimmick award: Mordecai Most annoying thing of the year: Orton's pose. Runner up should apparently be Todd Grisham doing Heat, though I've never heard him.
  23. JoeDirt

    WWE News And Notes From 12/6 Observer

    Reeves posted at Rajah again: "Ok I came to the forum here for support from a board I have been reading news and rumors on for over 6 years or so. Fucking Puder uses the mixed martial arts boards and miz has God knows how many fucking fans just from his shows alone.For those of you complaining shut the fuck up and realize the contest is based on fan votes, so we do have to try and market ourselves a little, due to Miz being in it and Puder doing his thing. This was the only fucking board I came on and I am sick of hearing you guys say I am posting everywhere for votes. I love how some call me bland, did you not see what they made us fucking do, we all were put in tough positions and had to still show respect to the wrestlers and still try to get over, not fucking easy so try it some time. Also I had bronchitis the whole time thus the low voice on the mic and my ribs were cracked week one, but I kept that to myself until they finally broke. I am talking with WWE on wednesday about my future with them and after that I will have to stop posting again, but I wanted you all to know I am a true wrestling fan first and only came to this board looking for a little support from fellow fans. Thanks for those who helped and best of luck to all of you!"
  24. Cool stuff. WCW had some nice ideas if Vince hadn't bought the company.
  25. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Link? I didn't see it in the usual spot. He was watching the show as he did Wrestling Observer Live tonight.