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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Another skit with "Vince" and "HHH" with Vince telling Chris Sabin he's fired for breaking the dress code.
  2. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Abyss takes a spinebuster into the tacks, so Monty wins. Abyss had some tacks in the back of his head.
  3. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    -A feature aired on "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Sonjay Dutt, Kid Kash, and the X Division. Sonjay Dutt said whenever he flies off the top rope, it's a homage to Superfly. 2 -- KID KASH & MICHAEL SHANE & KAZARIAN vs. SONNY SIAKI & SONJAY DUTT & HECTOR GARZA Kash and Sonjay, the two most exciting wrestlers in this tag match, opened up the match with some great exchanges. Pretty much non-stop action for the opening five minutes. Dutt took a sustained beating for several minutes. Dutt made a comebcak at 8:30 with a series of punches against Shane, but Shane tagged out to Kazarian and he continued to work over Dutt's left arm. Eventually Dutt hot-tagged out. The babyfaces hit a series of spots including a Garza moonsault (with a cool overhead camera shot) and Dutt being tossed by his partners onto heels at ringside. In the end, Garza hit his tornado corkscrew splash for the win. WINNERS: Dutt & Garza & Siaki at 10:55. STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Good action. Not enough time for anyone to stand out all that much, but Garza hit nice spots and Dutt played a good sympathetic babyface with nice athleticism and fire. The rest blended in. -A quick generic Savage promo aired. -Scott Hudson interviewed D'Amore and Petey Williams backstage.
  4. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Garza pins Kazarian.
  5. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Anyone here actually watching the show?
  6. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    TNA PPV REPORT DECEMBER 5, 2004 LIVE FROM ORLANDO, FLA. -The show opened with clips of Randy Savage talking about returning to wrestling. A.J. Styles talked about how Savage "paved the path" for wrestlers like him. -A skit aired of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Jeff Jarrett dressed up as Elvis driving in a fake car making "King of Wrestling" references. It was meant to be cheesy and it accomplished its intent. -A fake remake aired of Abyss approaching Vince McMahon and Triple H backstage with balloons. They showed the Vince imitator from behind as he cackled. The Hunter imitator, wielding a sledgehammer, backed down from the much larger Abyss after spouting some of his catch phrases. -Mike Tenay and Don West introduced the show and previewed the line-up. 1 -- B.G. JAMES & RON KILLINGS vs. ERIC YOUNG & BOBBY ROODE (a/k/a Team Canada, w/Scott D'Amore) James did his pre-match mic work and the crowd enthusiastically took part in reciting the well-known lines. Tenay said that Konnan was absent due to a separated shoulder. In reality, Konnan is wrestling in Mexico tonight. Killings sold for the heels during the body of the match. He hit a missile dropkick and hot-tagged James at 6:00. James punched away at both heels. At 7:30 four-way action broke out. Killings gave Roode a dropkick as James held him in the air. Before the cover, D'Amore crawled into the ring. That distracted Killiongs. James then set up the Pump-Handle Slam. Johnny Devine ran out and broke a hockey stick across James's back as the ref tended to D'Amore. Roode then made the pin. WINNERS: Team Canada at 8:28. STAR RATING: * -- With a PPV audience, they have to assume these are veteran, dedicated TNA fans, so they could have come up with a better finish than Team Canada's usual match finish with the D'Amore interference and hockey stick weapon. -Shane Douglas, with his cartoonishly absurd facial expressions, interviewed Dusty Rhodes. It's hard to steal the show during a Dusty interview, but Douglas's facial expressions were so ridiculous, I barely heard a word Dusty said. Dusty talked his usual gibberish hyping the event as big time.
  7. JoeDirt

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Apparently Team Canada won the tag titles back.
  8. JoeDirt

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I know they said it was from a jet ski accident or something, but I heard that was just a coverup.
  9. JoeDirt

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Some of these are pretty well known, but why not throw them in here: RVD and Kane were both booked to win the world title in 2002, but HHH vetoed both decisions and refused to job to them. (I'm 95% sure of this) Vince threw a fit after the In Your House #4 PPV, which had the fans booing after a horrible show. Vince especially went after Diesel, who had just wrestled British Bulldog in a title match with a DQ finish. The fans had also booed the tag team champions (The Smoking Gunns) on that show, as they were wrestling 123 Kid and Razor Ramon, and weren't really over at all. Hulk Hogan wanted Yokozuna to come to WCW so Hogan could get his win back from him, but Yoko decided to stay with the WWF. According to Foley's book, the original plan was for him to turn heel late in 1999 (they tagged together against the NAO at Armageddon 1999) and play up their Royal Rumble "I Quit" match where Rock never checked on him after the match and Rock being an uncaring asshole in general, but that never happened and Foley was put into the feud with HHH to get Trips over. Also from Foley's book, the WWF was going to have Austin vs. Foley at KOTR 98 and Kane vs. Undertaker again, but decided that they should do something different and decided to switch the matchups up. HHH was originally booked to win KOTR 1996, but after the MSG incident he was jobbed out in like 15 seconds to Jake Roberts in his first round match. Hulk Hogan's shiner at WM9 was because Randy Savage punched him. I'm not sure on this one, but wasn't the original Wrestlemania 8 plan to go with Hogan vs. Flair, Savage vs. Roberts, and Sid vs. Taker? Honkeytonk Man refused to job the IC title to Randy Savage. The original Wrestlemania 13 plan was for HBK to face Bret Hart, and Steve Austin to face British Bulldog. Not surprisingly, the Pillman/Goldust feud was going to lead to Marlena turning on Goldust, like so many of Russo's angles later on. Oh, I also read online that Dave Meltzer was on Vince's payroll as a "consultant" in the past. Don't know if that's true or not though.
  10. JoeDirt


    Main event time!!!!! IT DOESN'T GET ANY BIGGER THAN THIS!
  11. After reading tonight's Ring of Honor results, I realized that ROH effectively used four managers on tonight's show: Julius Smokes and Prince Nana, both great heel managers, and the classic Jim Cornette and Bobby Heenan confrontation on the show. Why has the use of managers declined so much? They can be such a huge part in getting characters over. They can be a lot of fun, doing things to help their clients cheat. They can give promos for guys who aren't the best talkers. With great managers in the past like Cornette, Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Gary Hart, Paul Ellering, etc...why has the use of managers declined so much? I've always thought Steven Richards would be a great heel manager when his in-ring time was done. I'm sure there are others out there who would do a great job as well and help get characters over. Heyman has really helped Heidenreich, for example. Wouldn't it be fun to see somebody on the opposite side of the ring, managing and cheating against Heyman?
  12. JoeDirt


    Maybe at this point JR makes a better color commentator?
  13. JoeDirt


  14. JoeDirt


    I'll finish this later.
  15. JoeDirt


    What's the deal with the pink boots? Nice eye rake to Vis.
  16. JoeDirt


    Or they could get rid of Viscera and call up Johnny Nitro and Joey Matthews from OVW.
  17. JoeDirt


    That match was awesome. So many lucha reversal spots, top rope moves, and trading holds on the mat.
  18. JoeDirt


    Who is the Heat ring announcer?
  19. JoeDirt


    John Cena has a shitty finisher, and the fans still cheer him. But yeah, I still agree. BIG VIS UP NEXT!
  20. JoeDirt


    If he was a second generation athlete, JR would be set.
  21. JoeDirt


    I haven't watched Heat in weeks...good to see that Grisham is gone, I hear he's horrible.
  22. JoeDirt

    NYRevolution, Royal Rumble posters inside

    Well done, Phenom...well done.
  23. JoeDirt

    First review of the Chyna/X-Pac sex tape

    I think this thread is heading its way towards "classic"...
  24. JoeDirt

    Random football rules question

    So would the clock stop and they'd still get to kick the field goal then, even after the penalty?
  25. JoeDirt

    The decline of managers in the WWE

    I liked Eddie's pre-No Way Out stuff from earlier this year. The best promos are ones with real emotion involved in them. It's not so much "acting" then.