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Brett Favre

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Everything posted by Brett Favre

  1. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    So if someone lies to you a lot, and then says "hey buddy, trust me I'm telling you the truth NOW!" am I to assume you'd believe them? If so, that's where we differ. I don't believe Pettitte only did HGH 2 or 3 times, I don't believe that Marion Jones didn't know that she was taking something illegal when her coach told her to put it under her tongue and not tell anyone she took it, or that she didn't realize she could run faster after she took this secret pill than she could before it. I don't believe Bonds got to be the size of an NFL linebacker/DE on flaxseed oil. I don't believe Clemens suddenly picked up his lost velocity at the age of ~35 because he "worked real hard". I don't believe Pudge Rodriguez decided to lose about 30 pounds right at the time testing became public by accident. I don't believe Palmeiro and his tainted B-12 shot theory. I don't believe Giambi was sorry he did some stuff he can't tell you about, I DO however believe he was sorry that he got caught. THAT is the only thing I believe about any of these cheaters. I hope you see where I'm going with this. So lets say A-Rod came out last year and said he used it for 3 years, would you believe him then? It's your problem if you don't believe shit. And unless I'm forgetting someone, I'm pretty sure Rodriguez is the only one to admit his use of PEDs WHILE still playing in the MLB, and not dancing around it. Which is different than what Giambi and Pettitte did (unless Pettitte did say it, I don't remember it).
  2. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    Where did he say that he only did it once? In fact, he added years. No one knew he did it in 2001, and 2002 before the interview. If I'm in his position, I'd probably tell everyone just when I did it to at least give people some timeframe instead of having them "guess" that I've done it my whole career.
  3. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    If Jose Canseco wasn't broke, we probably wouldn't hear any of this.
  4. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    What do you want him to do? What would you do? Lets say you took steriods for a certain period of time. Don't answer "Uh, I wouldn't have taken them in the first place, duh." Lets say you did take them, and now you're in A-Rod's situation. How do you try to rebuild your legacy? He said something about how he was in a bed sometime in 2003 and had some spinal injury that made him re think about doing that stuff.
  5. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    And your point is... Like I said, no one comes out with the "truth" until you've been caught. He's no different from anyone else who's been caught.
  6. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    That's how a classy organization like the Yankees does business. Who the hell comes clean before getting caught? And I actually feel better for A-Rod about this.
  7. Brett Favre

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    The WWE should make this an angle.
  8. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah well in this case they played well in the 1st half, the Knicks took over in the 3rd after trailing by like 17 and blew a 4th quarter 13 point lead. What a fucking shit game.
  9. Brett Favre

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

  10. Brett Favre

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I thought mellow was talking about the group Hanson for a sec. And congrats Muggy.
  11. Brett Favre

    UFN: Stephens vs. Lauzon

    I'll tell you what. KOAB nostradamus'd the main event. Let me tell you.
  12. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    Larry Bird was uglier than Adam Morrison.
  13. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    Why are you guys hating on Adam Morrison? Is it the hair? Stache? Diabetes? Too white? Is that it?
  14. Brett Favre

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2009

    Since VitaX is around, he should make his pick. I don't think Matt Young will be back for a while, and it shouldn't stop other people from going if he messed up his pick. We're going at a snail's pace.
  15. Brett Favre

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Holy shit. He had an OBP of .638 at home? Daaaamn.
  16. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    If they get Vince, they'd win the title.
  17. Brett Favre

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2009

    The easiest way to search who is available is to go to the first page, press CTRL and F and type in the name.
  18. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    The Heat already declined that trade. Shannon Brown going to LA is pretty good too. I was a fan of his at Michigan State.
  19. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    People already boo the shit out of him.
  20. Brett Favre

    This week in the NBA

    I think he'll work well in the triangle.
  21. Brett Favre

    2009 NBA Basketball Games

    Hey assholes, accept my friend request so we can ball. Anyone else with the game, post your GTs. I lost two close games yesterday. First against the Magic, I was the Hawks. I had the ball, last possession, tied, and Maurice Evans misses a layup. I lose in OT by 4. Next game I'm down by 2 with the last shot, and Steve Nash misses a 3 against the Rockets. Fuck. Then I face the Lakers, so I pick the Cavs to even shit out. Things are going fine, this guy abusing Kobe and whatever, but I have the lead, then my connection gets lost and I get a loss for that shit too. So yeah, not a good day! Although I did get A+ teammate rating, playing as Iverson.
  22. Brett Favre

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2009

    Shit son, lets get this going. I think JHawk is about to be up soon.
  23. Brett Favre

    Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003

    First thing a friend says to me when I sign on AIM: Friend (12:41:28 PM): AROD Friend (12:41:31 PM): TESTED POSITIVE FOR ROIDS At least it was 6 years ago, and it seems like he hasn't done it since (or at least that steriod) because 2nd time offenders would get out.
  24. Brett Favre

    2009 Carribean Series

    Venezuela wins their 7th Caribbean Series title. That last inning had me sweating bullets. Like Todd Jones closing!
  25. Brett Favre

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2009

    ESPN Fantasy? More like ESPN Fantasuck.