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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

  2. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

    He LOOKJS LIEK AN AILIEN. Pattym, sigbn 0n AIM if you want. OAOATS HOFF
  3. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

  4. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

    1. Cal 2. simlez
  5. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

    I'd have to fgo witn Ton ad well, adn FM. Patyt is a GREAST writer, his style ios im,il;a to some but he's very creative and as UI have said before, wel-spoeken. Hionestly, I don;t thjink you NEED to be f\different as long as you'r good, see NYU KVC Adam Casll et al.
  6. Hoff

    Feedback for the 2/24/hd

    I Was woreis it wuld be rtoo sweet BUT,. what I;m doing is tying tro show Hoff's human siode. I don't want wim to be this big monested danks. YEAH~! so bear with/ More fedback ltrt
  7. Hoff

    Booking for the 3/3 HD~!

  8. Hoff

    Zero Hour

    OAOAST World Title Drek Stone © vs. Hoff HOFF FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008 Anderson Cup Black T vs. The Global Party Xchange I know because I have tha insider knowledge, but if I DIDN'T know I'd have guessed the same way anyway. Axel vs. The Mad Cappa Again, tha insider knowledge. The Puerto Rican vs. Panther Hmm. I'll say PR with some considerable interference, setting up a return match. OAOAST X Division Title Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens Again with tha insider knowledge! Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude This is what I'm most looking forward to. I dunno, my gut says it's the Dude in a BIG upset, but my head says Calvin doesn't put him over quite yet. I'll go with Cal, Thrillogy represent, y0. HI-YAH Tag Titles The Love Doctors © vs. Hell's Hitmen Again...tha insider knowledge. 6 Person Tag Saints & Jim Cornette vs. New New Midnight Express and Holly-Wood NNMX, after some crazy things happen.
  9. Hoff

    Booking for the 3/3 HD~!

    Ames, IA; the Iowa State Campus. Fo' Shizzle. Hopefully my friend Mark will be there.
  10. Patty's turn with the kids, his choice of locale. Send stuff to him unless he says otherwise. Last show before Zero Hour, so let's make it good! Edit: The show is in Long Island, NY. Super Edit: The main event has been called, so don't even ask.
  11. Hoff

    Booking for the 2/24 episode!

    Yeah! Who does he think he is, Ho--....oh shit.
  12. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    I know something about how much THAT name bothers you, contrary to the front being put up at current. ...Bobby.
  13. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    Get back to your schoolwork, Bobby.
  14. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    I'm nothing if not precise.
  15. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    Burnsville, MN, a suburb of Minneapolis. South on I-35 from the Cities, about twenty minutes away from downtown. A residential area.
  16. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    Not ALL of America is gang violence. Sadly we didn't make the news this time. Last month there was a stabbing and subsequent shooting (by the cops, no less), and that was all over the news. This place is frightening.
  17. Hoff

    Donde esta Banky

    I used my evil Republican powers to get the Frog Ending, but the Secret Ending remains out of my grasp. Perhaps a call to GameShark or Rush Limbaugh...
  18. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    Two guys TOTALLY got arrested. OWNED~
  19. Hoff

    Your Astrological Sign

  20. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    It would appear I can see my monitor from the floor. Bitchin'. This is pretty cool as long as I don't die. There's sirens now, and someone just shouted "put your hands up." There was just a shooting here last month, and a stabbing. Oddly, this is supposed to be a low-crime neighborhood. Huh,
  21. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    So hey...so, here's what's up: Mr. Adam here just started "uni" this week, so he's busy up the ass. I, myself, have been busy with another writing project I'm passionately working on. I'd also assume people haven't gotten their speeches in, since I know this group. So, if no one has any complaints, I say we move the Angle Awards show to Saturday night. Okay, I just heard gunshots outside of my window. So...I'm gonna duck now to avoid dying. But yeah, I think Saturday would work better.
  22. Hoff

    Booking for the 2/24 episode!

    BOBBY?!?!? Excellent. I have been armed with a new weapon. Phenom, if you can't find an opponent just write some DoC shit causing chaos backstage. It's all good. I'm sure you'll find someone to work with you @ Mania.
  23. Hoff

    February PPV Thread

    I took a screencap of the end and used it for my desktop. I am in love with this logo.
  24. Dr. Pepper gives your thirst the Future Shock. Very good show this week, the matches were all funtimes to read and it had a lot of energy. Details to come.
  25. Hoff

    The Angle Awards 2004

    I'm gonna be late as well, sad to say. Should be done by late Sunday night, into the AM hours. Sorry kids.